How To Blog A Book Audio Course
3 MP3s (1.5 hours) - chock full of information about why you should blog a book and how to blog a book. Everything you need to get started blogging your book today!
Course Content
Part 1: Why you should consider blogging a book. Who should consider blogging a book. What subjects to blog a book about. 10 good reasons to blog your book.
Part 2: How you choose a topic for your blogged book. How you line up resources for your blogged book. How to map out content for your blogged book.
Part 3: How to create a business plan for your blogged book. How a business plan helps you achieve blogged book success - built-in readerships or platform. The proposal process and how to apply it to a blogged book. How to land a publishing deal or prepare for self-publication.
Bonus Gift!
Also receive a FREE GIFT: How to Write Blog Posts and What to Write About.
This additional MP3 teaches you: How often to post. The appropriate length of posts. What tone of voice to use. What items to include in posts. AND if offers you 20 blog posts ideas for fiction and nonfiction writers.
How to Blog a Book Audio Course (All 4 MP3s)
Cost: $24.99
Special Offer!
Purchase the How to Blog a Book Audio Course AND the 10 Ways to Blog a Book Fast eCourse and SAVE $$$$
Learn more about 10 Ways to Blog a Book Fast eCourse here.