It's time to achieve your potential, fulfill your purpose,
and create a life you love.

Nina Amir, Certified High Performance coach and bestselling author and author coach/trainer
Have you been struggling to reach your goals and create the life — personally and professionally — you desire?
You can see it, feel it, smell it . . . but you just can't make the vision real.
Maybe you have already achieved a high level of success, but you know you can be more...do more...even have more, and you want to step into your greatness.
But you just can't figure out what action, habit or mindset will help you get to the next level.
Perhaps you've been abiding by "shoulds," doing what has been expected of you, and waiting for the chance to create your life on your terms.
Stop waiting and struggling to realize your dreams. Become the best version of yourself. Create the life you desire.
Break free of the habits and mindsets that hinder your progress, and find ways to move forward quickly, effectively and successfully. Discover the secrets of the most successful people all over the world and in every industry, profession, or career.
High Performance Coaching is a process that explores all the ways you can reach heightened and sustained levels of performance and potential in your life. When you increase the level of your performance, you feel more confident, joyous, and enthusiastic as well as more purposeful and fulfilled.
Through the coaching process, you discover new beliefs, habits, strategies, and tools that help you join the world’s most successful people. You get new results . . . the results for which you've been hoping for so long.
In fact, you'll get inspired results. As you go through the coaching process, you'll rediscover your purpose and passion. When that happens, you'll feel inspired . . . and take inspired action, which leads to inspired results.
Nina Amir - Certified High Performance Coach
I'm Nina Amir, one of 800 elite Certified High Performance Coaches in the world. I'm known as the Inspiration to Creation Coach. I help my clients step into the best version of themselves so they move quickly toward their goals and dreams. Primarily, I do this with a science-backed, results-oriented high-performance curriculum proven to help them achieve their potential, fulfill their purpose, and live an inspired life. My goal is to help my clients tap into their soul purpose, passion, and connection with their highest selves so they Achieve More Inspired Results on a consistent basis.
I'm considered a "senior coach," because I certified in 2015 as part of the third class of Certified High Performance Coaches. I have gone back to recertify every year since.
When you work with me as your Certified High Performance Coach (CHPC), we explore together:

- how clear you feel about your overall life and goals;
- whether or not you have the physical energy and mental stamina to perform your best;
- how confident and bold you show up in the world
- what distractions or poor habits cause you to fall off course (and what routines can keep you on track);
- what you can do to better influence, lead and inspire your peers and all those you serve.
- how you can make a bigger difference or contribution
- how you can reclaim your power to create your desires

Nina Amir with Brendon Burchard, New York Times bestselling author of High Performance Habits and world's most successful and highest-paid Certified High Performance Coach.
In addition to being a Certified High Performance Coach, I'm a Certified Law of Attraction Coach, Rebirther, Voice Dialogue Facilitator, and an ordained minister. I've been involved in personal development, metaphysics, and spiritual growth for 30+ years. I’m also a 19-time Amazon bestselling author of 20 titles, including Creative Visualization for Writers, How to Blog a Book, The Author Training Manual, Navigating the Narrow Bridge, 10 Days and 10 Ways to Return to Your Best Self, and the Write Nonfiction Now series of guides.
Is GROUP Certified High Performance Coaching
Right for You?
When you join my High Performance Group Coaching Program, I work with you and the other members of the program at the same time. My goal: Help all of you break through any barriers that stop you from reaching your highest potential and performance. Together we find ways for you to step into your best or highest self—the person you know you can and want to be. And the energy and support of the group help you do that in powerful ways.
As I ask a question of the group, one or two people have an opportunity to answer. As the session progresses, I continue to ask questions, and more members have an opportunity to get coached. The more often you volunteer to be coached, the more you will get out of the sessions.
Sessions are recorded and uploaded to the members' area. Only those people in your Certified High Performance Group Coaching session have access to the recordings. You can watch the recordings at your convenience.
As we work together, you'll find yourself moving forward toward your goals and dreams faster than you thought possible. You will rapidly progress from where you are to where you want to be. And you will become increasingly able to make the big leaps you desire in all areas of your life. Plus, you will feel inspired to take positive and meaningful action every day. This allows you to live fully personally and professionally.
The Certified High Performance Group Coaching has a spiritual flair because members are also interested in spiritual growth. In each session, I include questions based on the core program content but that allow members to consider their soul purpose, how they express their spiritual nature, and they ways in which they can feel more spiritually connected and guided. (I do not approach spirituality from a religious perspective but from a metaphysical one.)
If you’re ready for advanced strategies to better master yourself and, therefore, your life, this group coaching program is for you.
If you want to jump into a research-driven, results-oriented coaching curriculum that has helped CEOs, actors, musicians, Olympic athletes, and more...even Oprah and Usher, this program is for you.
If you want to move forward faster, achieve more in six months than you did in the last year, and see results quickly, this program is for you.
And if you are ready to invest in yourself...because you are worth it and it is your time, this program is for you.
(Prefer private coaching sessions? Click here to learn about my one-on-one Certified High Performance Coaching program.)
The Schedule and Other Details
The group coaching program runs continually or on an ongoing basis. There are a total of 48 unique sessions. Since the program delivers two sessions per month, it takes two years to get from session one to session 48 and start at the beginning again! However, you don't have to wait that long to get started.
Sessions are held bi-weekly on the first and third Tuesday of the month (with a few exceptions, such as holiday observances). Participants will be notified in advance of changes.
All sessions are held from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Pacific Time. (Check your timezone here.)
You can join the group coaching program at any time, entering into whichever set of sessions we are covering at that point. Replays of earlier sessions will be available for review. You can find a 6-month (12 sessions) schedule below.
6-Month Schedule - September 2020 - January 2021
September 1 & 15
October 6 & 20
November 3 & 17
December 1 & 15
January 5 & 19
February 2 & 16
Just as you can enter the Certified High Performance Group Coaching program at any point, you can also leave it at any point. However, I recommend completing a full set of 12 sessions (two per month for 6 months) to get the full benefit of the program. If you have paid for an entire year and decide to leave the program, we will refund the prorated amount, but we do not offer partial month refunds.
What to Expect from High Performance Coaching
Over the course of 12 months, High Performance Group Coaching explores ways in which you can reach heightened and sustained levels of performance and potential in your life.
The program is conducted over the course of 24 months with bi-weekly Zoom calls. You can join at any time, or you can do so at the start of a new set of sessions.
After each session, you receive a worksheet that helps you take the concepts you learned to a deeper level and provides frameworks and tools you can put to use immediately.
You also receive a recording of each session and a follow-up email that highlights the members' major insights.
Sessions are 90 minutes long and cover one module of the Certified High Performance Coaching curriculum. Each session builds on the previous ones, but it is possible to enter the curriculum at any point without a disadvantage. (You can listen to previous replays and complete worksheets if you like.)
Over the course of the first six months of Certified High Performance Coaching, you deep dive into 12 topics knows as the Core Sessions. (The group started these in September 2020.) During the second half of the year (March-August 2021) you will discover the 10 human drives framework. If you choose to remain in the group coaching program for two full years, your sessions also will delve into the topics of personal freedom (September 2021-February 2022) and leadership (March-August 2022).
You can review the basics of the curricum below in six-month increments, each containing 12 individual sessions or modules.
Month 1-6
Over the course of the first six months of Certified High Performance Coaching, you deep dive into 12 topics knows as the Core Sessions, which are meant to help you reach heightened and sustained levels of performance and potential in your life. The Core sessions cover:
1. Focal Points
2. Clarity
3. Energy
4. Courage
5. Productivity
6. Influence
7. Psychology Mastery
8. Physiology Mastery
9. Productivity Mastery
10. Persuasion Mastery
11. Purpose Mastery
12. Commitment to High Performance
Month 7-12
Subsequently, you will spend six months focused on energizing your life by tapping into the Human Drives framework. These sessions cover:
1. Human Drives Assessment
2. Control
3. Competence
4. Congruence
5. Caring
6. Connection
7. Change
8. Challenge
9. Creative Expression
10. Contribution
11. Consciousness
12. Celebration
Month 13-18
During the second year of Certified High Performance Group Coaching, you will take a deep dive into personal freedom--what this means to you and how you create more if it in your experience. The sessions cover:
1. Personal Freedom
2. Beyond Fear
3. Sustained Motivation
4. Presence and Power
5. Reclaim Your Agenda
6. Defiance
7. Advance with Abandon
8. Joy and Gratitude
9. Integrity
10. Love
11. Inspire Greatness
12. Slow Time
Month 18-24
The final six months of the second year of the Certified High Performance Group Coaching programs focus on leadership--how you can serve others and be the type of role model who can inspire others to greatness. These final sessions cover:
1. Reflecting on Leadership
2. Leadership Philosophy
3. Leading Others
4. Leadership Framework
5. Envision
6. Enlist
7. Embody
8. Empower
9. Evaluate
10. Encourage
11. Review
12. Scale
You can join the program at any point even if you have not yet completed previous sets of sessions.
Monthly Private Laser Coaching — your one-on-one time with me to work on any challenging areas of life or high performance. (Value $125 PER MONTH or $1,500 PER YEAR)
The Living Fully Challenge — a 12-month home-study course (delivered monthly) to help you live a full life. You’ve only got one life - invest in living it … to the fullest extent possible. (Value $120)
Navigating the Narrow Bridge eBook (PDF) —6.3 million American have some specific fear. If you feel immobilized by fear, this book offers tools for moving freely, confidently and joyously through life and towards your goals and desires. Discover 7 steps drawn from metaphysical and spiritual principles and the teachings of Rebbe Nachman to help you move from where you are to where you want to be despite your fear. Learn to live with faith, courage and the joy that comes from see the miracle of life itself. The goal of this short book is to help you move freely, confidently and joyously through life and towards your fullest potential. (Value $1)
Planting Seeds of Change…and Watching them Grow eBook (PDF)— Only one out of five people who make a resolution or set a goal will actually reach their goal or create the change they desire. It takes awareness, time and attention to refocus our energy, learn new habits and create a fertile environment where our dreams can be planted and nurtured so they grow and come into full bloom. Learn how to actively engage in the organic process of change. Usually change happens much like a seed growing into a plant — slowly, over time, with lots of care and attention. In an easy, four-step process, this booklet teaches you how to pull the weeds that can take over your dream garden and make it hard for the seeds you plant to flourish, how to provide fertile ground for you to plant the seed of change you desire and how to nurture the seedlings into ripe fruit you can experience fully — and enjoy! (Value $3)
Join Nina's Certified High Performance Group Coaching Today
To secure your spot in the next Certified High Performance Group Coaching session, click on the "Join Now" button below. Then complete this application.You MUST complete the application.
12-Month Program (24 Sessions)
Total Cost: $2,747
Payment may be made annually, which gives you the bonus of one free month.
Or you can pay monthly with automatic recurring payments of $249.
Praise from Past Participants
Nina is an amazing High Performance Coach. She listens exceptionally well and follows any thread deep down to the cause. She helped me tremendously to identify ongoing issues that kept me from moving forward with progress. For instance, she assisted me in seeing the areas I was stuck in (time management and congruence in my relationship with my wife) and then helped me come up with action steps and follow through with consistent action. I can truly say that having a coach like Nina is a must if you are unhappy with the pace of your projects or life aspirations and if you are wanting to make progress faster and easier.
Christian Trosch, CHPC
Nina is a rare bird. I have never been held to such high accountability with such a loving touch. It's clear that whomever spends time with Nina matters to her, and she uses and trusts in the high-performance process. Nina is an incredible listener and uses that skill to focus on details that have brought me to greater depths of clarity and more importantly, action.
In regard to action, Nina makes sure that any AHA! moment I have experienced is followed up with a suggestion for a task that helps me hold onto it. I really appreciate those tasks because they come from our discussion and underscore not just Nina's skill but that she cares about who I am and what I do. That's really what the coaching relationship is about; a person who has the experience and expertise to help you get where you need to go and that is invaluable. As is she.
Laura Figueroa-Scott, Owner, All Together Personal Coaching
Certified High Performance Coaching with Nina gave me skills and tools to grow my business and still feel like I had free time to play sports and go on vacations with my family. Because of my work in this program, I was equipped to handle COVID homeschooling plus a growing business with less stress than I could have ever imagined.
I have always thought of myself as a high-achiever. Throughout my life, I have been able to take on multiple goals at once and complete most of them. Yet, there were important things I wanted to do that could serve others as they seek and grow that kept falling by the wayside. When I started High Performance Coaching with Nina, I had a major AHA. Yes, I was achieving many things. But I was falling very short of "performing" at a high level, especially when it came to things that were challenging and required courage to move forward. I was busy but not focused and productive. Nina's wisdom and High Performance program was exactly the edge I needed to move forward in those areas that are closest to my heart and express who I truly am and how I want to serve others. During Nina's coaching program, I refocused my major life goals and learned how to consistently dedicate time to these in my daily life, including creating a business around coaching and writing. I cannot thank Nina enough!
Karen Stone, MSW, LLC
Yesterday, I had the great fortune to speak with Nina to explore the possibility of participating in her High Performance Coaching through a one hour free session. The promise is that, through this coaching model, she will "help you gain clarity, energy, courage, productivity, and influence in your career as a writer as well as in your life."
As has consistently been my experience with Nina, she under-promises and over-delivers.
The result was amazing. Nina was completely engaged and gave me very specific direction in each of the promised areas. It wasn't just a sales call, as has been my experience with other coaches in the past, but an actual High Performance Coaching session! I left with a list of action items to make significant changes and a set of exercises to assist me in better performance. And it was clear that this was just the tip of the iceberg.
So here's a warning: Don't take this opportunity if you just want to whine and complain about your lack of success and aren't willing to take the steps to turn your life around.
Do call Nina immediately if you want to move from where you are right now to a life that finally meets your expectations! If you are willing to take the actions necessary to find greater meaning and material success in your life, Nina will give you the tools and encouragement to do so in her 12 week High Performance coaching package.
Fill out Nina's form today (a meaningful exercise on its own) and schedule an initial call if you are ready to change your life. You won't be disappointed.
Susan B., Florida www.GettingOutfromGoingUnder.
Working with Nina Amir as my coach has helped me get to where I want to be. Each week I learned more about my strengths and weaknesses. The sessions were focused on me and forming a brand. It is much more than learning about productivity, physiology, Psychology, and Persuasion. It is about being all that you can be. Nina focused on me and pointed out possible, business mistakes that were adding work to my day.
Many CEO’s have coaches or mastermind groups, Nina Amir is one of mine.
Linda Handy, Founder of Your Life Thread
Linda Handy LLC
I have been working with Nina for a year now. In those 12 months, I graduated from the Royal Ballet School, performed at the Royal Opera House in London, traveled to Switzerland, Denmark, and the Czech Republic, and was offered a full-time classical ballet contract at the Polish National Ballet in Warsaw, Poland. I began that job in January 2018. I am also about to begin an Open University degree by distance learning.
This year has been incredibly busy, and Nina has helped me think about how to improve my routines, sleep, health, relationships, so I could feel and perform at my best and didn’t waste time and energy.
Since working with Nina, my confidence as a dancer has improved massively. She has helped me see that I could move with self-assurance from the middle or back of the class to the front and show teachers and ballet masters what I can do. Thinking about the big picture, and what is the purpose of my dancing, has encouraged me to set life goals that are bigger than just 'get a contract.'
Laurence Elliott, professional dancer, Polish National Ballet
High Performance Coaching with Nina has been so valuable to me, especially during a year of massive change with both my children now working and living abroad. I thought I was going to feel so sad after my kids had flown the nest, but working with Nina has helped me feel enthusiastic about coming back to dreams I thought I had let go. I feel more ‘in control’ of my life, and have much more energy, which is benefitting my relationships with family and friends and helping me be more productive with work and volunteering. I’m even getting out of bed an hour earlier and enjoying the early mornings like never before!
Deborah Elliott, Geneologist
Nina is an outstanding coach. She helped me refine a morning routine, gain clarity on my next move, have the courage to do something big... I would gladly pay $20,000 for a monthly 1:1 with her. She held me in a safe space through a mental breakdown when my therapists and psychiatrists had no time to see me. Her method is independent of any coaches I have seen online. Nina adds tremendous value and goes over and beyond any coaches I have experienced.
Priyanka Yadav
What Makes High Performance Coaching Different?
A few things make Certified High Performance Coaching different from other types of coaching.
- Most coaching programs have no curriculum and, therefore, little hope of value.
- Certified High Performance Coaching uses a proven, results-oriented, research-based curriculum; therefore, value is built into the program.
- Most other coaching programs offer unclear outcomes.
- Certified High Performance Coaching offers a clear outcome—high performance.
- Most other coaching programs are listening based.
- Certified High Performance Coaching is challenge based.
- Most other coaching programs are client driven.
- Certified High Performance Coaching is curriculum driven; each session includes training and education as well as coaching directed at achiving a specific goal.
Answers to Common Questions about
Certified High Performance Coaching
What is high performance? Certified High Performance Coaching is a form of personal development or growth that is super effective with just about anyone. It's focused on helping you become the best version of yourself and constantly find a new level of success in every area of life.
What does "high performance" mean? High Performance means developing the behaviors and mindsets that help you succeed beyond standard norms consistently over the long-term while maintaining positive well-being and relationships.
High performance is not about working harder or for more hours. It's not only for those in business or for Olympic athletes...although it helps them in the same ways it helps a new mom, a college student, a CFO, a dancer, or an engineer. In other words, it's for anyone.
What is Certified High Performance Coaching? Certified High Performance Coaching is a science-backed, results-oriented, proven coaching curriculum that focuses on empowering questions, development of supportive habits, creation of success-helpful mindset, and use of specific outcome-based tools to help clients reach their next level of success in all areas of their lives. The program includes 12 core sessions and then progresses on through another 24 sessions. (In late 2019 another 12 sessions will be added to the curriculum.)
Certified High Performance Coaching is nothing like “life coaching,” which is client-driven rather than outcome-driven. That’s one reason why clients report such high levels of satisfaction with Certified High Performance Coaching programs—they get results.
Are most people satisfied with the results they achieve with Certified High Performance Coaching? Yes. In fact, the High Performance Institute—the same organization that certified me as a CHPC—sought proof of such satisfaction and teamed with a third-party company to track 37,603 CHPC sessions in 173 countries delivered by CHPCs. Here's what they discovered: The average client satisfaction rating for Certified High Performance Coaching was 9.6 out of 10—the highest score ever recorded for any multi-month coaching program.
Is there data to prove that Certified High Performance Coaching provides specific results? Yes. Brendon Burchard, the High Performance Institute researchers and graduates from the Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) program at the University of Pennsylvania developed a scale, called the High Performance Indicator (HPI), to measure the factors that matter most in predicting individual high performance as defined as long-term success. Based on research and proven performance improvement methods, the HPI is the world's first validated assessment on high performance created and backed by a high performance coach (Burchard) with over a decade in the field.
The HPI, the largest and most comprehensive high performance study ever conducted, analyzed over 100 human performance variables in six key categories proven to relate to a person’s long-term success potential. The researchers found that: The HPI has proven to strongly correlate with external measures of success (sales performance, academic GPA performance, executive promotion odds, business unit financial success) AND important life outcomes like happiness, health, positive relationships, and confidence.
There's more to the science of Certified High Performance Coaching. A report was published on May 15 that offers much more information on the HPI. Remember, this assessment measures the habits that lead to long-term success across domains, and it's comprised of six subscales that separately measure clarity, energy, necessity, productivity, influence, and courage.
The two studies with a total of 174,054 participants, showed that the HPI was predictive of several important life outcomes:
- happiness
- confidence
- education level
- perceived excellence
- life satisfaction
- quality of interpersonal relationships
- work quality
- career impact
- income
Indeed, high performance is about leveling up EVERY area of your life. And Certified High Performance Coaching affects each life arena for just about any type of person.
I've seen this with my clients. They may be writers, for instance, that want to become more productive. After a few Certified High Performance Coaching sessions, however, they are exercising regularly, decluttering their homes, and spending more time with friends and on hobbies. And they begin writing consistently, which makes them more productive.
My clients who are professional dancers want more confidence. Yet, they end up meditating daily, using a planner to organize their days and reducing the time they spend looking at screens on their phones, computers, and tablets. And...they find themselves moving to the front during daily dance classes and boldly learning and auditioning for parts...and getting them.
The entrepreneurs and business people with whom I work tell me they want to increase their income or bring in more clients. But they end up creating more downtime, revamping their calendars and schedules, and pursuing long-forgotten passions. Plus...they implement new habits at work that make them more effective and plan how to persuade team members and potential clients, which helps them become better leaders land new accounts consistently.
Should You Wait to Step Into Your Best Self . . .
or Take Action Now?
You might be wondering if now is the right time for you to hire a Certified High Performance Coach. There is no better time nor will there ever be a better time.
If you are tired of where you are and ready . . . oh, so ready . . . to get to where you want to go, it's time to commit to your journey. It's your time to level up and live the life of your dreams. Don't wait any longer.
Now is the time to take your life and career to a new level. You know it's true; listen to your intution not to the excuses generated by your mind. (And don't listen to anyone else . . . it's time to live life on your terms.)
It's time to live a full and charged life . . . achieve your potential and purpose . . . become your best self. I know you want to; you know it, too.
It's time to experience better relationships, health, confidence, and productivity. It's time to have an impact in your life and the world. It's time to charge forward with presence and purpose toward your goals.
It's your time. Step up and own your dream.
Join Nina's Certified High Performance Group Coaching Today
To secure your spot in the next Certified High Performance Group Coaching session, click on the "Join Now" button below. Then complete this application.You MUST complete the application and receive approval prior to being allowed to join the program. If you are not approved, you will receive a refund immediately.
12-Month Program (24 Sessions)
Total Cost: $2,747
Payment may be made annually, which gives you the bonus of one free month.
Or you can pay monthly with automatic recurring payments of $249.