Go from Aspiring to Published Author Fast
with Personalized Mentoring

Nina Amir, Nine-times bestselling author and author coach
According to The New York Times, 81% of the American population (about 254 million people) say they have a book inside their heads. Only 2% of those people (about 5.1 million) will ever manage to get their books out of their heads and published.
Don’t remain among the 81%.
Move into the ranks of the 2%.
If you’re feeling frustrated, unmotivated, blocked, in need of guidance, overwhelmed, or in any way deterred by the publishing process, you need an Author Coach!
Don’t let your dream of writing and publishing a book die because you don't know how to make it a reality. Don’t allow your words (or your ideas) get lost before you get them down on paper or published because you feel alone and uncertain about the process of becoming an author. Don't throw up your hands and quit because there is so much more to becoming an author than simply writing.
Instead, allow me, Nina Amir, to serve as your personal mentor. I'll help you gain clarity on your next best steps and how to take them. And I'll keep you motivated, on track, positive, inspired, passionate, and moving toward achieving your dream of becoming a published author!
Even with a great idea and writing ability, the path to becoming a published author can feel long, arduous and lonely. There is no reason for you to travel that path alone. It would be my honor to give you the support, education, and resources you need to make your dream of successful authorship a reality.
If you're wondering how an Author Coach can help you achieve your goal of successful authorship, read on . . .
An Author Coach will:
- Show you how to develop your idea.
- Provide strategies for developing a book's content and structure.
- Provide guidance on how to write and publish your book.
- Teach you the essentials of how to produce marketable books—ones that sell.
- Educate you on the publishing process and do so from all angles—that of an aspiring author as well as a literary agent or publisher’s acquisitions editor.
- Give you suggestions on how to build an author platform.
- Help you develop a strategy to publish your work (even in magazines and on your own blog).
- Answer your questions.
- Provide resources.
- Help you solve problems and overcome challenges.
- Offer coaching, motivation, and assistance when you feel blocked or discouraged.
- Serve as your accountability partner.
- Support you at every stage of the writing and publishing process.
- Help you reach your goal.
- Assist you in getting the results you desire.
- And more . . .
I Provide CUSTOMIZED Author Coaching
Each Author Coaching Session is customized to YOUR NEEDS. Together we create a curriculum that serves as your map to get from where you are to where you want to go as a writer and author. The program is focused on helping you accomplish your specific goals . . . not mine.
Author coaching can help you achieve any number of desired - and inspired - results. This program is catered to your needs and desires, so you determine what you create in our time together.
At the end of your Author Coaching sessions, you might have received one or more of the following results:
- A draft book proposal
- A business plan for your book
- A query letter
- A mind map of your book
- A table of contents for your book
- A writing plan for your book
- Ideas for a series of spin-off books or a series of books
- A platform-building strategy (or the start of a sound author platform)
- A strategy for how to build a business around your book
- A blog plan
- Information on how to write blog posts
- Direction on creating your website (or even a completed website)
- A blogged book
- Published blog posts or guest blog posts
- Insight into your best publication path
- New-found confidence and courage to realize your dream of becoming an author
- Knowledge of what social media sites will become your most effective platform and promotion tools
- A social media or promotion strategy
- A published eBook (or lead magnet)
- Increased confidence
- Clarity on your how to become an author
- Increased productivity
- A strategy for writing for publications
- A query letter for a magazine article
- The information and documents you need to land a literary agent
Author Coaching packages include four one-hour sessions per month to keep you moving towards your publishing goals. Sessions must be completed within a 4-week period (with some exceptions). All sessions are recorded; you receive a video and audio replay. You can hire me on a month-to-month basis. The package of four personalized coaching sessions per month.
Bloggers are Writers and Authors, too!
Bloggers are writers who publish their own work consistently on their websites. Often bloggers become authors. Additionally, authors need to become bloggers, since a blog provides one of the most important tools in their platform building and book marketing toolkit. Blogging also is a way to develop author expert status.
I am an award-winning blogger, and I have run as many as five blogs at one time and currently manage three active sites. I built my author platform on the foundation of these websites, and I am a sought after blogging and blog-to-book expert. I wrote THE book on the latter topic (How to Blog a Book).
If you struggle with the following blog-related challenges, Author Coaching can help you overcome them:
- You don’t know how to begin blogging.
- You don’t know what to blog about or how to tie your blog to your book ideas.
- You don’t know how to drive clients, customers, or readers to your blog.
- You don’t know how to promote your book with a blog.
- You don’t know how to repurpose your blog posts into a book or some other useful product or promotional tool.
- You don’t know how to drive traffic to your blog.
- You want to blog a book but are not sure how to start.
- You want to “book” your blog but feeling overwhelmed by the immensity of the job.
- You feel overwhelmed by the idea of blogging but know you must blog to succeed in your career or business.
- You want to use your blog to create expert status or branding.
Ready to Get Your Book or Blog Out of Your Head?
Writer and non-writers can write a book. You just might need a little help getting started. Speakers, coaches, entrepreneurs, CEOs, lawyers, psychics . . . whatever your profession or leaning, you can become a successful author as well.
I provide a proven strategy based on the steps necessary to create a business plan for your book. It's my dream for you to publish a book that is marketable. I want your book to sell. If it sells, it gets read. If it gets read, the book has the impact you desire. For that to happen, you need to start with a business plan.
Of course, I help you get your book out of your head and onto paper. I support you as you map out your content, organize it into a detailed table of contents, and then write your manuscript - even if you aren’t a writer. (Don’t worry; I have ways). And, I support, encourage and cheerlead as you take on the multitude of tasks necessary to become a successful author.
No one can make you sit down and write, but if you have the desire to actually start and complete a writing project, I can help you accomplish this goal through weekly phone consultations, check-ins, brainstorming sessions, consultations, feedback, accountability, and exercises. I also have numerous ideas for how to write a book fast using the little time you might have in your busy schedule.
You also benefit from my Certified High Performance Coaching experience. I am the only Certified High Performance Coach specifically working with writers. During your Author Coaching sessions, you'll gain the clarity and courage to move forward enthusiastically and purposefully so you fulfill your purpose as an author.
Hire an Author Coach Today!
Don't wait to hire an Author Coach. Do so early in the process to avoid many of the common problems writers encounter and that cost them time and money later on.
Choose a goal, and ask me how long it will take to achieve it. Together we will determine a deadline for your coaching (1 month, 2 months, 3 months, or longer). Or just start with four sessions and move forward from there.
If you still have questions about whether or not to hire me as your Author Coach. no worries. Let's have a quick 15-minute chat to see if this coaching program is the right one for you. I'll answer your questions and describe any other options that might provide a better fit for your specific situation. To schedule the appointment, click here.
Hire Nina Amir as your personal Author Coach
It's time to go from Aspiring to Published Author
4-hours/month Author Coaching Fee: $897 for 1 month (automatically renews until cancellation)
What People Have Said About Me
"Nina is the Writer Whisperer as she intuitively knows how to unveil a writer’s fears and formulate ways to address them. For example, I rewrote my book proposal a few times, completely changing it, even though the original proposal was good. She firmly questioned me about this and brought to light why I was constantly editing my proposal; I was terrified to send my words out into the world. The knowledge for me allowed me to finally finish my proposal.
Nina is an amazing coach for authors. She is direct, kind, encouraging, patient and smart. I think what I appreciated the most is that she always told me the truth about my writing, kindly and clearly, and then gave me clear instructions on what to do.
There are many unpublished authors in the world that could use Nina’s help to get their potentially best-selling book out of their computer and onto the shelves of bookstores.”
~Alixe Mayers
"As a first time author, I wasn’t sure where to start. Then I met Nina. She taught me how to blog my book and helped me create a book proposal that attracted an agent and a publisher. Along the way, her coaching provided valuable advice and motivation that pushed me to finish my book. I could not have been happier with the outcome, and I’m looking forward to her help with the next book.”
~Jim Ciardella, author of The Dealer (July 2022 Prometheus Books)
I needed accountability and guidance with my second book proposal. My publishers recommended Nina’s services. Whether you are a beginner, or a well seasoned writer, Nina will help you with accountability, structure and creating a book you never new was in you!
~Robyn Cruze, author of Making Peace with Your Plate and the forthcoming Raising a Beautiful Child in an Ugly World
I started coaching with Nina so I could finish writing and publish my book; I got so much more! Having written and published several of her own books, notably The Author’s Training Manual, Nina is an eminently qualified coach. She helped me to clarify my direction, research and write a book proposal, develop a platform, get organized and stay on my path. My forthcoming book, How to Say No Without Guilt, is in the works and I feel confident that it will soon be out in the world. I researched several coaches before I hired Nina; she was absolutely the right choice!
~Julie Hawkins, How to Say No Without Guilt, www.juliehawkins.com
Holding a book inside one’s mind and heart for decades begins to feel a burdensome load as it comes time to bring the pages forth. When I contacted Nina, I was afraid. I was scared to have the feedback of another on an intimate dream I had nourished alone for so long. As I travelled the path of trusting her with my burgeoning book, Nina managed to follow my dream, lead me forward through the challenging terrain of making my dream a reality, all while standing beside me along the way.
I feel understood by Nina in a very distinct and personal way. To me, this feeling clearly indicates her professional skill with bringing out the best material others have to offer. In moments of feeling at a loss to communicate my message, Nina is able to magically grasp the gist, surprising and supporting me in the process. Her input is invaluable and her knowledge of what it takes to make a book happen critical for anyone ready to get serious about a dream.
~Alison Brooks
Nina gave me some very valuable tips during our phone session. Her advice was the perfect launching pad for me to get to work on my book and really make it happen. Have a pen & paper handy and jot down her advice!
~ Lee Romano Sequeira MadnessMomandMe.com
Nina is like the behind the scene stage crew who helps you get the work done upfront for your book. She pushed me to get the words on paper.. She is the best!
Marquita Miller, author of Faithpreneur: God Is Not an Agent for Your Failure, But for Your Success
Nina has a beautiful way of being encouraging and supportive while professional and focused. She is easy and fun to work with and a great author resource. She helped me gain clarity and taught me to write more effectively by focusing. Once I stopped the endless research, I made much faster progress.
~ Debbie King, CEO and Founder Future Life Coach, LLC
Nina Amir provided me with many valuable, practical tips for formatting my posts and my website. She also convinced me of the benefits of blogging my book and gave me specific examples for moving forward. I was amazed at how much usable information was covered in such a short time! She left me feeling more focused and motivated by the end of the session.
~ Kathleen Pooler
I just finished my coaching session with NinaAmir. She is a wealth of knowledge, and I feel her advice will be life changing!
~ Sandy Appleyard on Twitter
Why Coach With Me?
I am a 16-time Amazon bestselling author of such tradItionally published books as How to Blog a Book, The Author Training Manual, and Creative Visualization for Writers as well as numerous self-published books, including the Write Nonfiction NOW! series of guides, Authorpreneur, Blogging Basics for Authors, and 10 Days and 10 Ways to Your Best Self. An international speaker and award-winning journalist and blogger, I am known as the Inspiration to Creation Coach because I help creative people like you get from the moment of inspiration...when the lightbulb turns on...to the actual creation of whatever you want to bring into the world without anything getting in the way or that result. I believe we are all born with a Divine creative spark within us. It's my purpose to help you combine your passion and purpose so you get (or stay) inspired and take inspired action to create what you desire. It's also my dream to help you make a positive and meaningful impact in the world with your written words.
I have a proven track record, too. Some of my clients have sold 300,000+ copies of their books, landed deals with major publishing houses and created thriving businesses around their books. I've been published in 40+ national and international publications. I'm a seasoned and award-winning blogger. And I am the founder of National Nonfiction Writing Month, National Book Blogging Month, and the Nonfiction Writers’ University. As a hybrid author, I have self-published 18 books and had as many as six books on the same Amazon Top 100 list (authorship) and nine books on Amazon Top 100 lists at the same time.
I am a true Author Coach with both traditional and self-publishing experience. I write books on the topic of publishing, blogging, and succeeding as an author. I've contracted with five literary agents, and I'm known as a book publishing and blogging expert, especially in the area of nonfiction. I often speak at writers' conferences and am featured on writing and publishing related podcasts.