How to Transform Yourself from Ordinary into Extraordinary

ordinary vs. extraordinary peopleAre you ordinary or extraordinary? Most of us want to feel and believe that we are extraordinary, but, if we are honest, we feel pretty ordinary. And we go about our lives acting ordinarily.

To be extraordinary, you’d have to do things in an extra-ordinary way. That requires that you leave your comfort zone. As long as you remain in it, you remain ordinary.

What is Ordinary?

What do I mean by being ordinary? Here are some examples:

Ordinary is not doing your best at work or giving 100%+ in all your endeavors.

It’s yelling at your kids even though you know that’s not being the type of parent you want and could be, but yelling is a habit you haven’t been willing to break.

Being ordinary could be fighting with your sister, walking away angry, and then not repairing the relationship; as a result, you go through life with a constrained sibling relationship.

Ordinary could be not telling your husband that you are angry at him all the time because you’ve fallen out of love and feel guilty that you want a divorce—but don’t dare to say so.

And ordinary can be sitting on the couch for two hours every night watching television but claiming you have no time to write that book you’ve been talking about for years.

What is Extraordinary?

Transforming yourself from ordinary into extraordinary involves doing the hard stuff…the stuff many of us avoid. We avoid it because it’s scary and uncomfortable. And it requires that we exert effort—extra effort.

Being extraordinary could mean going above and beyond at work—turning in a project early and with more elements than your boss expected.

It could mean apologizing to your children for yelling and explaining why you do so—and committing to speaking to them without anger going forward (and following through on the commitment).

Extraordinary would be telling your sister you are sorry for harboring anger—and taking responsibility for your part in the estranged relationship.

And extraordinary could be you telling your husband the truth—and apologizing for making him the brunt of your guilt.

Additionally, it could be coming home four nights per week and writing for an hour before you reward yourself with an hour of relaxing televisions watching.

It’s Normal to Be Ordinary

Remember: It’s normal to be ordinary. So, don’t beat yourself up for your ordinary thoughts, words, actions, or reactions.

You are a human being. We human beings tend to be pretty ordinary—unless we decide to become extraordinary and consciously work toward that end.

So, forgive yourself for the times you are ordinary. But if you want to be extraordinary, exert the extra effort necessary.

Choose Your Brand of Extraordinary

Indeed, it is possible to become extraordinary—maybe not all of the time but much of the time.

As a Certified High Performance Coach, I have my clients choose three words that describe who they would like to be. These words describe their future self in three areas:

  1. Ideal self
  2. Relationships
  3. Success

You can do the same. Choose three descriptive words in each category. For example:

  1. Ideal self: passionate, purposeful, joyous
  2. Relationships: present, inspiring, supportive
  3. Success: empowering, giving, focused

Then, you must intentionally “step into” that person daily. Each time you remind yourself to be that person you move closer to becoming that person.

That act, in and of itself, is extraordinary.

The highest performers in the world consciously work at becoming their best selves in every area of life. They’re working on themselves and doing what’s hard and uncomfortable rather than staying stuck in what’s comfortable and easy. They don’t want to be ordinary. So they “do” extraordinary daily by intentionally choosing who to be in every moment.

Be of Service

You also can become extraordinary by being of service to others.

Don’t make everything about you. Make it about other people. Do what you can to help, support, inspire, motivate, and uplift.

Even if you want to improve a relationship, have the conversation with the other person’s needs in mind…not just your own. Be giving; take responsibility, and forgive.

Or work at increasing your annual revenue not just for you or your family. Do it so you can contribute financially to worthy causes, those in need, or something that fits with your values.

Be the beacon of positivity…even when things seem most negative. Be a light onto all those you encounter…even when situations appear dark.

My challenge to you this week is simple but not easy: Be extraordinary.

As a result, you’ll have extraordinary relationships, careers, health, love, enthusiasm, and joy. You’ll live an extraordinary life.

Tell me in a comment below how you’re going be extraordinary today. Yes…today. Don’t wait until tomorrow; that’s ordinary.

Never miss one of my videos! Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Do you struggle with the fact that you have dreams of becoming extraordinary…but you just can’t break out of ordinary? Do you feel like nothing can or will ever change–and that means you can’t becomethe person you know you can be…the person you want to be and feel certain you were meant to be? It’s time to get out of your own way and get from where you are to where you want to go. Give me an hour of your time, and I’ll help you see how to step into your best self. Apply for a free Certified High Performance Coaching strategy session, and make 2018 your best year ever. To apply for a one-hour FREE Certified High Performance Coaching strategy session, fill out this application.

Photo courtesy of Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

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