20 Reasons to Start Meditating Today

Meditation is easy, free, and provides many benefits.Someone somewhere has probably told you to meditate. Maybe you tried it and loved it, and now you practice every day! Or maybe you hated it or couldn’t figure out why the heck you should sit quietly and try not to think. It’s impossible, right?

There are many good reasons to meditate. And it’s easier than you think.

In fact, you can meditate in the time it takes to take one or two breaths…and even do it during a meeting or conversation, while exercising or doing laundry, or while writing or listening to music.

If you don’t believe me, watch this video.

Why Meditate?

If you are still wondering why you should start meditating…and do it soon…here are 20 reasons or benefits to consider:

  1. It helps you relax.
  2. It’s free “therapy.”
  3. It relieves stress and anxiety.
  4. It helps your brain function more effectively so you have clarity and focus.
  5. It allows you to feel your emotions.
  6. It helps you get beyond conscious thoughts and access messages from your Higher Self.
  7. It gives you a way to tap into your wisdom and intuition.
  8. It provides a method to get centered and balanced.
  9. It generates a sense of peacefulness.
  10. It boosts your health.
  11. It makes you feel happy.
  12. It improves mental clarity and focus.
  13. It puts your attention on the present moment rather than on the past or future; you experience the NOW.
  14. It allows you to listen to messages from Source.
  15. It fosters self-discovery.
  16. It expands your level of awareness.
  17. It increases your creative abilities.
  18. It increases your energy and vibrancy.
  19. It helps you feel more rested and takes the place of a nap.
  20. It helps you deal with the chaos of life.

How to Meditate

If you don’t know how to meditate, no problem. There are lots of easy methods.

In the video above, you learn how to focus simply on the breath. In, out. In, out. In, out. That’s it.

I like to use what I call the “Shalom Meditation.” I chant or say in my mind the Hebrew word “shalom,” which means peace—the type that comes from connection with Source. It’s also a word that contains what Dr. Wayne Dyer called “the sound of creation”—ah—and the sound of completion—0m. I use it and try to get to a feeling place of creating with each breath and being one with creation. You don’t have to be Jewish to try this meditation.

I also like Brendon Burchard’s “Release Meditation.” Just breath in and then say or think the word “release” as you exhale. As you do so, let go of any thoughts, feelings, stresses, or worries. Pretty simple, right? Here’s a video of him demonstrating it.

You can try Transcendental Meditation. This is a powerful meditation that uses a mantra.

Of course, you can use any word for your mantra. The idea is to give your mind a bone (like you would a dog) to chew on and stay busy as you allow your emotions and more significant thoughts to become apparent.

Yoga can be meditative as can Tai Chi.

You can do a walking meditation or find a labyrinth and meditate while following its circular path.

You can take up standing or sitting meditation.

The choice is yours…

It’s Not About Not Thinking!

Some people believe that meditation is about not thinking at all during your practice period. Not true.

In fact, it’s impossible not to think. But you can train your thoughts on one thing—like your breath.

People all over the world meditate. It’s not about one religion or spiritual practice either.

CEOs and employees at companies meditate, too. They all know the benefits of a meditation practice.

If you don’t already meditate, give it a try today. Reap the benefits.

If you do meditate, tell me why and what method works for you.

Copyright: Unsplash / Pixabay.com

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1 thought on “20 Reasons to Start Meditating Today”

  1. Meditation is really beneficial for any life situation. It makes your mind peaceful and reduces stress and anxiety. Lama Surya Das says that meditation changes your brain structure and reduces negative thoughts and gives us positive energy, happiness, creativity and true peace. I think by doing meditation we can easily manage hard situations.

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