Here are your replays and special offer from the masterclass

Create What REALLY
Matters to You

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Join the Inspired Creator Community:

I'm so excited to share that the doors are now OPEN for the Inspired Creator Community!

Not the "old" Inspired Creator Community ...this is a totally NEW Inspired Creator Community!

I have re-envisioned the curriculum and focused it on being an Inspired Creator, which means creating in an authentic, soul-aligned manner...creating what really matters to you.

That could be a business, a career as a singer, a book, a home, a partnership, the ability to travel the world, a foundation, or...whatever floats your boat, makes your heart sing...feeds your soul.

The Inspired Creator Community is a six-month container where you learn to create from a place of inspiration--being in spirit or spiritually guided. That's when you create the things that really matter to you on a deep level. And when your life is filled with things, activities, and experiences that you value and find meaningful, you will love your life. You will live a human life that feeds your spiritual nature...your soul.

And you learn to do this with other like-minded peeps who also want to create what matters to them. It's a safe, supportive environment in which you can develop your Inspired Creator skills.

Starting March 4, Inspired Creator Community members receive the following each month:

  • 2 content modules delivered LIVE, both of which include Q & A and Transformational Coaching on the content.
  • 1 Inspired Results Training—a pre-recorded spiritual or esoteric training related to the two modules covered that month.
  • 1 Transformational Coaching session based on that month's Inspired Results Training.
  • 1 Transformational Coaching session—round-robin-style, hot-seat coaching on member’s areas of concern.

The program will now offer members 10 totally new modules delivered over 5 months (2 per month). They are:

1. Develop a Vision for Creating What Matters
Discover your values and develop a vision for bringing what matters to you into reality.

2. Stop Miscreating
Explore how your identity and past creation methods have reaped your past and current results.

3. Step Into Your Authentic Identity
Learn to BE a Creator and remove old identities, mindsets, habits, and unintentional creations.

4. Create with Inspiration and Intention
Receive the mystical creation process that allows you to do what a Creator does—create intentionally.

5. Get Inspired
Learn to get and stay inspired—in-spirit or spiritually guided.

6. Rewire Your Brain
Transform your thoughts and beliefs so you create with ease.

7. Access Spiritual Guidance
Tap into methods for receiving intuition and spiritual guidance.

8. Take Inspired Action
Find the courage to take bold action on spiritual guidance.

9. Feed Your Soul
Consistently create value-driven, soul-aligned, on-purpose, and passion-driven things and experiences.

10. Access the Power of Giving and Receiving
Harness the mystical teaching of reciprocity to strengthen your creative ability.

What happens in the sixth and final month? We will create this together! This might become a catch-up time with additional coaching. Or, I will create content based on what members feel would be most helpful.

Stop waiting for the circumstances to be right to create what matters to you. Instead, create the circumstances that allow you to do so.

Stop being a victim of circumstance. Create no matter what. Stand in your power as the creator you are, and create.

Let's create what really matters together, shall we?

5 bonuses come with Inspired Creator Community membership:

BONUS #1—Access to 50 Inspired Results Trainings ($2,000+) *after 3 months
BONUS #2—A 30-minute Transformational Coaching session ($175)
BONUS #3—The Create Inspired Results Challenge ($147)
BONUS #4—Helpful Habit Creation Challenge ($97)
BONUS #5—Nonfiction Writers’ University membership for the duration of ICC membership only ($282 for six months)

The value of the bonuses = $2,600+ (without the NFWU)

What's the actual value of the program?

As a member, you receive four Transformational Coaching Sessions each month valued at $1400 per month (if you worked with me privately).

That's a value of $8,400 for six months.

Couple that with new spiritual trainings and bonuses, and the program becomes worth $10,000+.

Actually, transformation can't be qualified in numbers, can it? So, the program is invaluable.

Anyway, you won't pay that...

What's the investment to become an Inspired Creator?

You have 3 payment options:

  • 3 payments of $394 ($1182 total)
  • 6 payments of $197 ($1182 total)
  • 1 payment of $1,100 (save $82)

"As a physician, I’m used to performing at a high level. However COVID-19 presented new challenges for me as a working mom, and I wanted to level up. I found Nina through her detailed website, and right from the start, I appreciated her timely communication and professional demeanor.  She helped me navigate work obstacles, rediscover old hobbies, and create space for personal improvement.  If you are wondering if Nina will understand your particular situation, I can attest that she will find common ground to help you reach your fullest potential!"
Kathy Jorda, MD

"Nina helps me to uncover my blind spots and unconscious patterns and challenges me to live a life in alignment with my soul. She also encourages me to try new get out of my comfort zone. She leads me through the process by asking powerful questions and constantly reminds me who I want to BE and to visualize that so that the right actions follow naturally."
Susanne Richter, Certified High Performance Coach

"Nina is a wellspring of knowledge, evidenced in the abundant resources she makes available for her students. I am grateful for the space she has created where accountability and nurture are equally valued attributes. She challenges self-imposed limitations, provides alternate perspectives and emboldens me to discover and embrace my most authentic voice. ICC membership has been instrumental in me leading a more empowered, aligned, and inspired life."
Nikki Weldon

"Are you the “you” you want to be? A salient question for me, I had to say “no” before working with Nina. That’s changed; I am the person I want to be now. If your answer is “no,” check out the Inspired Creator Community."
Katherine Morris

"I enjoyed Nina's help to see how I could attain goals instead of just feeling frustrated by my circumstances. Her practices of inviting reports of success and affirming our accomplishments build confidence: "I've done this. I can do that next thing."
Elizabeth H.

Free Soul-Alignment Session

Do you:

  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


Sign up for a 15-minute session below.

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