FREE Live 3-Day Masterclass Experience

Create What REALLY Matters to You

Discover how to FINALLY transform your current circumstances, so that you create an authentic, soul-aligned life you truly LOVE by becoming an Inspired Creator.

With Nina Amir, Inspiration to Creation Coach and Intuitive Transformational Catalyst.


FREE Live 3-Day Masterclass Experience

Create What REALLY Matters to You

Discover how to FINALLY transform your current circumstances, so that you create an authentic, soul-aligned life you truly LOVE by becoming an Inspired Creator.

With Nina Amir, Inspiration to Creation Coach and Intuitive Transformational Catalyst.

Ready to create a life you love?

If you feel unable to create what matters most to you—a life filled with passion, inspiration, purpose, contribution, love, abundance, and time to do all the things you enjoy and value, you NEED this 3-day masterclass experience. I promise…no fluff or three days of selling. Instead, you’ll receive valuable content you can use immediately to create a life that feeds your soul. And the masterclass is absolutely FREE!

This masterclass experience will shift your beliefs about who you are and what you can create by focusing on three essential areas:

Feb 20th

Day 1—Reclaiming your inherent power and true identity

You were born a creator. Learn to use that innate ability to create a life you love that is filled with the things most important and meaningful to you.

Feb 22nd

Day 2—Tapping into inspiration and spiritual guidance

You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Discover how to get “in-spirit”—inspired—so your human being receives clear guidance.

Feb 26th

Day 3—Taking inspired action and creating your soul-aligned life

Develop the ability to take bold action based on intuition. As a spiritually guided creator, you can create an authentic, soul-aligned life you love.

What would it be like to intentionally create a life you love—and everything that goes with that? It would be amazing, right?

What would change if you were living a life that feeds your soul? Everything would change, would it not?

It’s time to create that life…NOW…so you have no regrets later.


February 20, 22 and 26 at 2 pm Eastern Time/12 am Mountain Time/11 am Pacific Time via Zoom

Enter your name and email below to register for the masterclass:

My Promise makes registration a complete no-brainer:

I promise by the end of this game-changing 3-day masterclass experience, you'll walk away with new understanding and obvious next steps for becoming an Inspired Creator.

Here’s what others are saying about my work:

"Nina was absolutely key in helping me get through a period of languishing during my life. She helped me reconnect to a purpose and vitality that always seemed just out of grasp. What I love about Nina is that she balances giving technical tools with offering emotional support (with the occasional dose of tough love!). Through our time together, I gained the foundational skills for building a charged life and am so excited to put them in full action!"
Nancy Pan


"As a physician, I’m used to performing at a high level. However COVID-19 presented new challenges for me as a working mom, and I wanted to level up. I found Nina through her detailed website, and right from the start, I appreciated her timely communication and professional demeanor.  She helped me navigate work obstacles, rediscover old hobbies, and create space for personal improvement.  If you are wondering if Nina will understand your particular situation, I can attest that she will find common ground to help you reach your fullest potential!"
Kathy Jorda, MD

"Nina helps me to uncover my blind spots and unconscious patterns and challenges me to live a life in alignment with my soul. She also encourages me to try new get out of my comfort zone. She leads me through the process by asking powerful questions and constantly reminds me who I want to BE and to visualize that so that the right actions follow naturally."
Susanne Richter, Certified High Performance Coach

"Nina is a wellspring of knowledge, evidenced in the abundant resources she makes available for her students. I am grateful for the space she has created where accountability and nurture are equally valued attributes. She challenges self-imposed limitations, provides alternate perspectives and emboldens me to discover and embrace my most authentic voice. ICC membership has been instrumental in me leading a more empowered, aligned, and inspired life."
Nikki Weldon

"Are you the “you” you want to be? A salient question for me, I had to say “no” before working with Nina. That’s changed; I am the person I want to be now. If your answer is “no,” check out the Inspired Creator Community."
Katherine Morris

"I enjoyed Nina's help to see how I could attain goals instead of just feeling frustrated by my circumstances. Her practices of inviting reports of success and affirming our accomplishments build confidence: "I've done this. I can do that next thing."
Elizabeth H.

February 20, 22 and 26
2 pm Eastern Time/12 am Mountain Time/11 am Pacific Time via Zoom

Enter your name and email below to register for the masterclass:

Free 15-Minute Strategy Session

Do you:

  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


Sign up for a free 15-minute coaching session with me.

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