5 Steps to Create What You Desire

Kabbalistic Conscious Creation method fo rmanifestationHave you ever wished you could create your desires? And have you tried using deliberate creation and the Law of Attraction, with no results?

You aren’t alone.

I know a lot of people that have not been able to create their desires despite all the information to be found on conscious creation.

That’s why I went looking for more information in a different place. I searched for the Law of Attraction—or anything resembling it—in the Jewish mystical tradition.

This led me to create a Kabbalistic Conscious Creations process that puts the Law of Attraction through a Jewish mystical lens. The process adds soul purpose, action, and giving into the equation. These steps are missing from typical Law of Attraction and deliberate creation technologies.

I think that’s why sometimes, even though we combine thought and feeling, we don’t manifest our desires.

The process I’ve created is not tied to Judaism. It’s meant to be used by anyone no matter your religious upbringing or spiritual beliefs.

The Kabbalistic Conscious Creation Process

Although the primary tool for my Kabbalistic Conscious Creation process is a meditation, I’ve created an exercise you can write out and use on a daily basis to achieve the same results.

Today, I’m going to share it with you and let you try it out.

Here’s the caveat: I want to hear about your results. Let me know if you like using the process, how it can be improved, and if you find it working for you. Tell me what you manifest!

Here are a two things to remember as you use the process.Kabbalistic Conscious Creation

  1. The process revolves around giving from your soul purpose.
  2. When you intend to create or manifest with a desire to share what you create, you will have an easier time getting the results you desire.

To begin, get clear about your soul purpose and what you can create to fulfill it. Or focus on how you can give or share your manifestation.

5 Steps to Manifestation

To complete the process,  answer the questions below.

1. Soul Connection

What is your soul purpose?

Example: To write and, through my writing, to inspire others to create.

State how what you want to create aligns with your purpose.

Example: I want to inspire people to create books and careers as authors and to emulate this for them by becoming an author myself.

How will you give or share what you create?

Example: I will share my ideas in the books themselves and through speaking, teaching and coaching and in blogs, articles, etc. I will help other writers and inspire them to give to the world through their words and wisdom

2. Thought

What do you want to create?

Example: I want to write a book called, ____, and find a publisher.

Specifically, how will you give or share this with others?

Example: I will give my knowledge to other writers in the pages of these two  books and through speeches and classes . I will give inspiration to other writers, encouraging them to put their passion and purpose on the page and produce something they can publish. I’ll eagerly and happily show them how to do it…how I did it…and support them in doing so with coaching.

3. Feeling
kabbalah.jpgWhat does it feel like to have created what you desire—and to share it with others?

Example: Getting the contract from a publisher feels like a dream come true…the culmination of my work and the beginning of me being able to fulfill my purpose in a larger way then I have thus far. And being able to hold up the published book in front  of an audience allows me to inspire them further, to tell them it really is possible, which feels like I’m achieving my purpose—it fulfills me and brings me joy. My success will inspire theirs…I  feel so fulfilled by helping aspiring authors, coaching them and inspiring them to do the same, to go out and create (write) and publish or get published. I am excited love speaking and teaching and coaching, knowing that I can share what I know and help people put their passion and purpose to good use…

4. Inspired Action

What do you feel you are inspired to do right now to help accomplish this goal or manifest this desire?

Example: Edit my manuscript.

What do you know you should do or must do to make your desire a reality?

Example: Contact organizations about speaking, and finish the book the proposals.

5. Receive

What will you get back in return for what you receive?

Example: A sense of satisfaction, accomplishment, and fulfillment. I’ll also receive monetary compensation for my work after I receive the publishing contract.

What do you feel grateful for in this process?

Example: I feel grateful for my agent, my creativity, my ability to write, for taking the time to build platform, and for my mentors.

Final Steps

Remember to actually share what you have created. Keep your intention to give, not just receive, at the forefront of your mind.

Finally, recite this affirmation:

I, _______, now connect myself to the Divine flow of abundance by acknowledging that I am always connected to Source and that by giving from my soul purpose I become a powerful receiver. It is my intention to create for the purpose of sharing my gifts with others and making a positive and meaningful difference in the world.

May it be the Divine Creator’s will that I do so now.

This or something better is now coming to me for the highest good of all concerned.

Give the Kabbalistic Conscious Creation Process a try! Let me know in a comment what you manifest by using it.


Copyright: jpgon / 123RF Stock Photo

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