Have you ever attended an event, read a book, or heard a podcast that got your fired up to take action? That’s how I feel every year after I finish my High Performance Coaching certification program. I’m burning with the desire to make a difference in people’s lives by helping them gain more clarity, energy, courage, productivity, and influence.
I know you want to reach new levels of success in every area of your life, and I was thinking about how to share best the high-performance habits and tips I took away from this certification program. But I wanted to give you more than just my advice on how to level up personally and professionally.
So, while waiting to be admitted into one of our sessions, I asked several other coaches (and a surprise guest) for their high-performance tips. They offered some powerful advice that will help you achieve surprising results. Put them to use to get from where you are now to where you want to be in life, health, career, or relationships.
(And don’t forget to watch the video below. It’s lots of fun. After all, high performers always bring the joy!)
Get Consistent
Betsy Davidson (www.masteryourthrive.com):
My biggest tip is all about consistency in whatever area of your life it is that you need to be more consistent. Maybe that’s in your health and being more consistent with working out; in your relationships and being more consistent about showing up more loving, present, and vibrant with your loved ones; in your mindset and being more consistent about the positive word choices you use for yourself or in every area of your life. Consistency will help you serve yourself and those in your life at a much higher level.
Be a ContagionÂ
Kimberly Allain (www.allainsolutions.com):
I want you to recognize that you’re a contagion in this world. Whatever you feel, do, or think energy-wise is a contagion wherever you are. Be mindful. Be intentional about the energy you bring into a room, into a relationship, into everything you do, because what you do makes a difference. Infect and affect others consciously and with intention.
Be Specific When Planning Time
Mel Abraham (http://www.melabraham.com):
My tip would have to be planning. Be very, very specific in the task you want to get done in that moment or in that day.
Leave the Checklist Behind
Denise Palmisano (www.Denisepalmisano.com):
My tip is on productivity and effectiveness. Productivity is not just about checking things off your list. That’s not necessarily productive and might lead you in the wrong direction. Look at what you really are focused on and doing those things that matter. What are those consistent small things that you do every day that actually lead you to the result or the experience you’re looking for? It’s all about focus, intentionality, and being mindful about what you’re giving your time, energy, and attention to.
Implement One Small Step (Consistently)
Bianca Rathgeb (www. Biancarathgeb.com):
Find the smallest step you can to implement because habit-creation happens when you take something very simple and do it each day. For me, one change in my diet made me lose 8 kilograms. So find a little step, and do it consistently over time. Consistency is really one of the biggest topics in high performance, because it doesn’t matter if you do something once, but you’re dangerous if you do it 10,000 times.
Connect with Others
This post wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t leave you with at least one tip as well. So here is my suggestion taken from the recent High Performance Coaching certification event:
Join a community. If you are feeling separate, alone and like you don’t fit in, you’ll end up not taking action. You’ll get stuck in doubt and delay forward movement toward your goals.
If you find supportive friends and discover ways to feel connected to others, you’ll feel more confident about taking action. When you find yourself part of a community, your doubt will dissipate, and your confidence level will increase. That’s when you will start moving forward—taking action—confidently and achieving new levels of success in every area of your life.
Now…put these high-performance tips to use. Then, come back and tell me about your results in a comment below.
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