A Time of Awe:Rosh Hashanah, a New Moon and Planets in Virgo

As Jews all around the world prepare for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, astrologers are watching as the new moon rises and six planets align in Virgo. What does this mean to us?

It means that not only are we entering into the most holy 10 days of the Jewish year, a time of introspection, soul searching, repentance, and intention setting for the coming year, but we are doing so at a time when the energy is right for doing so. The Jewish mystics would say this is always true at this time of the year. However, astrologically speaking, it seems to be truer than ever this year. And for those of us who believe our thoughts and intentions have a creative power, which the Kabbalists surely did, now-during the High Holy Days-we have a unique opportunity to create a new year filled with all that we desire-inscription in the Book of Life, prosperity, abundance, good health, peace, serenity, love, joy, happiness, friendship, balance, connection to Source.

According to the astrologers, we are in an extremely potent period, called the “Dark of the Moon,” or the Virgo New Moon. This provides a superb time for going inward-just what we will be doing. At this time seeds germinate in the darkness. Whatever we plant with our prayers and intentions is deeply supported by the strength of Saturn, which creates a strong root structure for healing we have completed during the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and whatever new intentions we have set or new goals and realities we want to manifest in the coming year.  Indeed, we are planting the seeds of these desires at this time and the energy of the period in which we find ourselves is fertilizing those seeds.

Additionally, as you go inward during holiday services or at home, think about whom you really are and who you want to be or become. Astrologers say this time is infused with energy that helps us become our most authentic selves. If you want to live your truth and purpose, now represents the time to put out the intention and take action. The energy of the stars will help you achieve the personal growth you desire and achieve your full human potential.

An acquaintance of mine sent me just the details of the new moon and planetary alignment. She wrote, “Say prayers, make wishes, and state your positive intentions to the Universe as it can become your reality for the next few years.” I then went and did just a little research to see what she was talking about, because I was struck by the fact that this was happening just as Rosh Hashanah and the Days of Awe were about to begin.

This year, indeed, they are Days of Awe in so many ways…and they can be for so many people (Jewish or not) if they use the energy to their advantage. Yes…look inside, evaluate who you have been, who you are, who you want to be, and what you want to create in your life. Then pray, set intentions and take action towards all that you want to create in your life henceforth.

May everyone who reads this blog be blessed with a healthy, happy, prosperous, abundant, peaceful, and transformative year!

L’shana Tova! (To a good new year!)

So be it, so it is. Ken yehe ratzon (May it be God’s will).

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