Asking for Signs and Receiving Them

Have you ever had a time in your life when something just felt like a struggle? You thought you were on the right path, but obstacles just kept rising up in front of you and causing you to question if you were doing the right thing?

I had a time like this just this past month, which has been one reason I haven’t been posting much. Then I asked for a sign…and I received one.

I’ve been in New York City chaperoning my son, Julian, for a summer dance intensive. Prior to this, however, he was at the School of American Ballet (SAB), also in New York, for a five week chaperoned ballet intensive. At the end of the intensive,  Julian was accepted into SAB  for the winter term but they had no room in the dorm AND there was a possibility that the Professional Performing Arts School (PPAS), the public school he would attend, had no room for him in the senior class.

Julian, of course, wanted to attend. This was a huge opportunity that most ballet dancers would love to have offered to them. It’s also expensive any way you look at it–dorm or no dorm. (No dorm means the need for an apartment.) It also meant changing schools his senior year–if there was a school for him to attend; with no school, he’d be looking at finishing his high school degree on line (not a great choice). And for me it meant the possibility of picking up and moving to NYC for a year to chaperone him, since he couldn’t be in the dorm–and Julian, my husband and me living in a one bedroom apartment. Blech.

I got a call from PPAS telling me there was, indeed, no room in the senior class for Julian.

I looked at some very dismal one-bedroom apartments in the $2000 or under range. Some were smaller than the loft we were staying in. Some were dingy and dirty. Some were a five-floor walk up (with computer, groceries, dance bag…).

When I was just about to give up and say, “This is just too difficult. It must not be meant to be,” I turned it over to Something Bigger Than Me. A Higher Power. I asked my angels, guides and God to show me that Julian was supposed to be in New York and attend SAB and PPAS. “If it’s meant to be, show me the way. Give me a sign. Make it easy,” I said.

That was on August 11th.

On August 12th, in the morning, I got a call from SAB’s registrar. “I’ve got good news for you,” she said. “Julian has a spot in the dorm if he wants it.” It seems they had decided to squeeze three boys into a two-person room.

“That’s great!” I replied. “Let me tell my husband and Julian!”

I did just that. And while Julian was talking to my husband, Ron, on his own cell phone , my cell phone rang. It was the parent liaison from PPAS. “I’ve got great news for you,” she said. “I just spoke with my principal and we have a spot for Julian in the senior class.”

“That’s wonderful,” I replied.  “Don’t give it away!”

A sign…clear and simple.

A miracle? I guess you could call it that.

It’s amazing what happens when you ask and then stay open to really receiving and seeing or hearing the signs.

Today we signed the papers, paid the money (Ouch.) and registered my son for a year in New York City. I’ll miss him, but I feel fairly certain this is the right move for him.

How often do you ask God, a Higher Power, your angels or guides, for a sign or for guidance? And have you received signs when you did?

2 thoughts on “Asking for Signs and Receiving Them”

  1. Today, I asked for a specific sign of seeing an otter (it was the first animal that popped into my brain) if the move I’m considering is right and I asked to see it today. About 8 hrs later, I was on Instagram and was going to finish scrolling when I came across a paper otter on the wall, in the background of a friend’s post.

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