Create Inspired Results: Ripen

Video Transcript:

I’m standing on my driveway and behind me, there are ripening wild blackberries. Somebody actually suggested to me that I do a video about the fruit and how it is ripening. So I’m going to try to give you a closer look at it first. Can you see that?

Yummy, yummy, yummy. Really sweet and warm when you pick them right off the bush. Here is what I have to say about these blackberries.

Life is a process of ripening and personal development, personal growth, reaching our potential. It’s a process just like these berries behind me ripening.

First, the plant has to grow and once it’s mature enough, it blossoms. The blossoms are beautiful. They’re pretty little flowers and then after that, those blossoms turn into the unripe berry. That berry has to then go through another transformation. It has to ripen until it’s ripe enough to eat – whether I eat them, or the birds eat them, or the raccoons eat them – it doesn’t really matter. All of this is a transformation. There’s a transformation in the actual growing of the plant and then there’s transformation from bud to bloom, and from bloom to berry, and from green berry to ripe berry.

ripenLife is like that. Your life is like that. You have to see yourself as this plant that is getting ready to bear fruit. We can bear fruit at any age and at any time in our lives, but look at the things that you are working on. Whether it’s working on yourself, or it’s working on a project – it has to go through the same transformational process. It has to grow, you have to help it grow and then it has to begin to bud, and to bloom, and to bear fruit. Everything you do in life is like that. Again, as I said, whether it’s a project or whether it is you working on yourself.

What I’d like you to do is to think about the places in your life – whether it’s personal or professional where you feel like you’re waiting to bear fruit, that the fruit just hasn’t been ready to harvest yet or maybe the buds haven’t even shown up and make a list of those things. Those areas of your life where you would like to actually be able to harvest the fruit. Then for each one of those areas, you’re going to write down steps you can take to help that happen. If you were actually working with a plant, you might plant the plant in the ground. Take the action to actually begin to allow it to take root and to grow. Then, you might fertilize, you might prune, you might weed. All these things help you to eventually get to the point where you have fruit you can harvest.

It’s the same in your life. If you want to have a better relationship, then you need to fertilize that relationship, give it time, talk to it, nurture it and it will eventually bear fruit, it will turn into love, or a better relationship – whatever it is you’re trying to get out of that relationship. If it’s work, you have to begin the process of creating a project and then you have to give it your attention, and focus, and you have to go through certain steps for that project to come to completion and bear fruit. Same with your health. If you are trying to lose weight or be healthier, you have to make that decision and then you have to start out on a process – an exercise routine, a different eating routine, different sleeping routine, all of that, different supplementation routine. All of that will then bear the fruit that you’re looking for which is less weight, a lowered weight and a healthier body.

That’s it. I want you to make that list and I want you to number two, go ahead and figure out what you have to do to get from the initial stage to being able to harvest what you want, seeing things ripen and be ready to be harvested. And then number three, I want you to actually take action because if you don’t take action, nothing happens. Action is where the action is. You have to take action. Do what it takes. Figure out the steps and then take those steps. And you will – like these blackberries behind me – you will begin to see things ripening and you’ll enjoy the fruits of your labor.

I’m Nina Amir, I’m the Inspiration to Creation Coach. I am a Certified High Performance Coach as well as an Author Coach. What I really like to do is to spend my time helping people transform, helping them create in their lives. I help them find and combine their purpose with their passion so they get inspired to take inspired action and then to achieve inspired results in their life. That may be as a high performer, it could be as an author, a blogger, it could be that you’re a housewife and you just would like to level up in a bunch of different areas. It doesn’t really matter. I would be honored and excited to help you create that and to help you find your purpose and your passion and get inspired to take action.

Until I talk to you next time. This is Nina Amir, the Inspiration to Creation Coach. East some blackberries, they’re good for you and go out and Achieve More Inspired Results.

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