Video Transcript:
Have you every felt really stressed that you want to pull out your hair or you think it’s going out like this because you’re so stressed? It’s like the electricity is just coming off you. Right?
We all get that way sometimes. The key is to not get that way too often, to learn how to de-stress in every situation. It doesn’t matter whether you are stressed because you have a project coming up and there’s a deadline, or you’re a performer and you have a big performance coming up and you don’t feel like you’re ready and you have to rehearse, or whether your kids are stressing you out, or you’re late to go somewhere. It doesn’t really matter why you’re stressed, the key is to learn techniques that help you de-stress in the moment. So what can you do?
Number one, you can do some deep breathing. Just take a few deep breathes. Really. Let it go. You need to let go, actually of the thoughts that are causing your stress because really, you’re fine right now in the moment.
What’s causing you stress is your focus on the future and what might happen. It hasn’t happened yet. You might also be focusing on something that went wrong today and you’re reliving it over and over again instead of focusing on what you want to have happened tomorrow. Do some deep breathing and check your thoughts and focus on the positive. Do not focus on the negative. Do not focus on your fears. Focus on the positive. Deep breathing, focus on the positive, become aware of what you’re thinking and feeling and change it over to the positive.
Also, meditate. You may think, “I don’t have time to meditate. I’m just stressed. I have too much to do. I can’t meditate.” You can. Sometimes all it takes is two minutes. Two minutes, that’s it. All you have to do is spend two minutes. Do Brendon Burchard’s Release Meditation. You can find it on YouTube. Basically all you’re going to do is breathe in and breathe out and say “release.”
I also do a meditation I call the “shalom” meditation. Shalom is a Hebrew word that means connection.Most people think, it means peace, but it actually means connection like connected to something higher, to your inner source, and inner wisdom. I like that one because actually it has a creative element to it that the sound “ah” is the sound of creation. When the late Wayne Dyer taught this, “ah” is the sound of creation and “om” is the sound of completion. You want to be creating and completing all the time. You can actually do this as well and just do “shalom.” So you’re breathing in and saying “shalom” on the exhale and you could be visualizing at the same time what you want to create, which is peace, balance, positive things. You can try that, too.
The last thing I want to share with you is actually that you can basically just trust the process. When you get really stressed, it’s about wanting to control things and wanting them to be different, feeling like there’s too much coming at you. Just take a breath and trust. Trust that everything is working out for the best, for your highest good, it’s all good. Even if it doesn’t seem like that it’s all good, you will get where you’re going. Trust the process. Just have some faith and you can get there by the meditation and the deep breathing and checking your thoughts and all of that and visualizing what it is you want to create.
That’s it for today. I’m Nina Amir, the Inspiration to Creation Coach. I help people combine their purpose with their passion so they get inspired and take inspired action to create whatever they want in their life. If I can help you in any way to create what you want in your life, contact me at .