Video Transcript:
This is my Thursday little rant, but it’s supposed to inspire you. It’s about doing without.
I’ve been thinking about this because I’m not very good at doing without. I’m kind of spoiled, and I like to have my stuff, to do the things I like, and have the things I like.
How about you? Do you feel that way? Like it’s hard to give something up. Is it? Is it hard to give it up and hard to do without something? You go on a trip and you wish you had those clothes, or those shoes, or you are told by the doctor that you can’t eat sugar? It’s tough. Right? It’s hard to give things up.
But in California, in the summer because of the drought situation, we have to give up water. We have to really watch our water usage and I see signs everywhere saying, “Don’t water your grass.” And people are fined for using too much water in their homes. Can you believe that? Somebody is watching their water gauge and if they use too much, they get fined. We have no rain from June till November. So we have to do without that.
What could you do without that would actually be better for you? Our drought situation is not good, but not using a lot of water is good for that situation. So what about you? What situations do you have in your own life where you could do without or need to do without? Do you need to go without your cup of coffee in the morning or that fifth of cup of coffee in the afternoon? Do you want a new shirt, but could you do without it? Do you need a new car, but you could do without it? There’s that $5 bill in your wallet and there’s a beggar on the street – do you need the $5 bill, or could you do without it? Do you have two glasses of wine every night? Could you do without that? Could you do without your cigarettes? Could you do without the three hours of television shows every night? Could you do without that? Do you find something else to do with that time? Could you give up a food that isn’t good for you? Could you give up sugar or white bread? Or could you give up that half an hour of sleep everyday so that you can meditate, or exercise, or read, or start that morning routine that you know you would really like to have, that you’ve wished you could have and you just haven’t been willing to give up that 30 minutes of sleep?
What could you give up today? What could you give up this year, this week, this month, this year? What could you give up and what would that do for your life? What would it do? Would it just make stuff hard? Or would it makes everyday hard and yucky because you didn’t have it? Or would it be okay? Maybe, would it be better? Think about that today and try it out. See if you can find something to give up that actually will improve your life, improve whatever situation you have and help you live more fully in the process.
I’m Nina Amir, I’m the Inspiration to Creation Coach. As I said, I help people combine their passion, and purpose, and get inspired, and take inspired action. If I can help you live your life more fully, become a high-performer, become an author or just live a more charged life, please go over to and check me out. You can contact me from there, you can find out everything I’m doing. I would be honored and privileged to serve you. Until next Thursday, go out there and achieve more inspired results.