Every Moment is a Celebratory Moment

It's important to celebrate the moments of your life.How often do you celebrate small thing, daily events, typical moments? I have to admit, I don’t do this often enough if at all.

Sometime I don’t even celebrate the big moments. When I got my book contract, I remember putting the celebration off. I had so much work to do to finish the book in such a short time, I thought I’d celebrate later…when the book was done and I’d earned my advance. That celebration never happened either. Then I thought I’d celebrate when the book arrived in my hands. Well, it showed up late. It had to be shipped to a hotel in a town where I’d be speaking and when I opened the box there was no one there to celebrate with me. Time passed…the celebration never happened.

And what about other celebrations? Somehow, I’ve managed to simply put them off. No time. No money. Not important. Birthdays? No big deal. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, even Chanukah and Christmas…no biggie.

Not right.

I really started thinking about this the other night in New York City after having dinner with my husband and my children. We were at the Olive Garden in Times Square and my son returned from the bathroom. He related a story to us. He’d over heard two young men from India talking while standing at the urinals, of all places.

The first young man turned to the other and said, “I’ve been thinking. Every moment is a celebratory moment if you let it be one.”

The second young man then replied, “You are having a very philosophical day.”

“No, I’m having a very factually day,” said the first.

My son, who was also at the urinals (I’m assuming), had he wherewithal to take note of this conversation and realize its significance. I loved it, but it took a while for it to really sink in. I asked him three times over the next week to repeat it.

Indeed, in every moment we can find something to celebrate, just as we can find some thing for which to be grateful. In fact, we can celebrate the things we are grateful for or that we appreciate.

I can think of so many things to celebrate…and that I could have celebrated over the last 10 days while I was with my family in New York.

  1. My son’s new job.
  2. My daughter’s internship.
  3. My book release.
  4. My son’s imminent high school graduation.
  5. Being all together in New York City for the last time.
  6. The fact that my daughter’s skin condition was just a fungus and nothing more serious.
  7. Being given a book by someone.
  8. The excitement a publishing house sales rep showed about one of my book ideas.

These are just a few things we could have celebrated…and should have. All those dinners out in the city could have been dedicated to these occasions, made more momentous or special in some way.

In this moment, I could celebrate traveling home safely with my husband or the fact that our son will soon be leaving the United States for Germany.  I could celebrate the fact that my son had the sensitivity to notice the uniqueness and importance of the conversation he overheard. How might I do this? With a kiss, a word, a gesture, a text, a phone call, a card, a gift…

Too bad my son and I didn’t both didn’t take that conversation to heart at the time and celebrate right then.

What could you celebrate in this moment?

Photo courtesy of Ambro

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2 thoughts on “Every Moment is a Celebratory Moment”

  1. Don’t have a website yet.Usint my daughter’s photo site. Want to comment that I enjoyed this blog. I was at the Apple Valley workshop and really loved it. Have not begun to blog, but am about ready. I am just finishing up on my first book, “I Lift My Eyes.” Should be on shelves by October.
    Glad you are staying in touch. You gave a super workshop.
    Ann – trying to go by “Miner” now, although I am legally Heimback. Was Miner for 40 years.

    1. Ann,
      Thanks for your comment and kind words about my workshop, and congratulations on your book…and for moving towards blogging. Keep me posted, and stop by again.

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