Finding Purpose in a New World on December 21, 2012

Mayan relicI spent my last evening in Germany having dinner with some of my husband’s colleagues. He’d been to Berlin on business. I’d tagged along to visit my son in Dresden.

The conversation turned briefly to the fact that three of us would be flying the next day—December 21, 2012. Someone joked, “I wonder if you’ll have a place to land, since the Mayan calendar ends tomorrow and everyone seems to think the word will end.”

“Yes, the world could just disappear while you’re up in the air,” said someone else.

“I choose to think I’ll either take off from or land on a planet that’s in some way new—not gone,” I said in all seriousness.

As I write this, I’m in an airplane flying high above the Earth. Has anything changed? Is there still an Earth below? I can’t tell you for sure, but I’d guess there is. Like my last post, which I also wrote while flying (but in the other direction), I can only say I feel a subtle change happening in my own consciousness.

Today, I’m acutely aware of my purpose—of the things I still need to do in the physical world to feel I’ve fulfilled my potential. I feel the need to refine my daily activities, to align with those things that help me do the job I “came” to do.

I’m aware also of how I’m conducting myself… and how others around me are as well. Who do I want to align myself with? How should I “be” in the world, what should I “do” and with whom?

Ideas come to me fast and furiously. Time passes more quickly than ever. I feel life moves at warp speed inside and outside myself.

Maybe all of these tiny feelings and experiences are just part of the new consciousness into which we are moving. According to Sergio Magana, author of Dawn of the Sixth Sun, The Path of the Quetzacoatl, his Mexica ancestors, who are close to the Mayans, teach that this is a time when we can train ourselves to access a level of knowledge now available to us—knowledge that lies beyond the physical world. This doesn’t sound that different to me from learning to move into the consciousness of miracles, for instance, that the Kabbalists discuss. Or even that far off from using any form of meditation that will allow you to access higher states of consciousness, spirit guides, your Inner Guidance, or the Still Small Voice.

It’s all about training ourselves anyway; life in general is a spiritual training ground where we learn to become conscious again. We remember who we are: spiritual beings having a human experience. When we become conscious of this, we get in touch with our higher purpose.

Maybe this will become easier for us in this new era. What do you think?

Photo courtesy of kconnors|

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