Finding Your Way Back Home

Sometimes life takes us in unexpected directions. We find ourselves walking paths we didn’t plan. We find ourselves far from home–both physically and spiritually.

Over the last few years, I’ve been led away from my spiritual path by the business of my life. My organized religious life fell away as I focused on my children, my work, my husband’s schedule, and my home. I struggled to keep some semblance of a spiritual practice alive but failed most days.

When it came to my work, I was led astray of my desire to focus on writing and speaking about human potential, personal growth and practical spirituality (often from a Jewish perspective but pertinent to anyone). Instead, I focused on writing and speaking about writing and publishing — which did pay off; I have a traditionally published book coming out in April 2011. However, here I also found myself far from home — from my spiritual center. Previously, I’d been able to join my spiritual and professional path.

If, like me, you find yourself far from home, you have to find your way back or you will continue to feel disconnected from your Source — God and your soul. Two things happened to me recently to help me see the path back home.

First, I attended High Holy Day services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This allowed me to feel part of my spiritual community and to immerse myself in prayer — in spiritual an religious practice. This reminded me of how much I need this in my life. I came home… Sometimes we have to physically travel home to our religious or spiritual community.

Second, I received several “messages” to return to work on one of my spiritual books. I sold several copies of a short version of the book. My literary agent told me to revamp the book proposal and get it ready for January 2012. And, most recently, I stayed with a woman in New York who happened to have met the man who helped me research the book and who encouraged me to write it.

I suggest that if you feel far from home…removed from your soul and your God…on a path that doesn’t feel in synch with your inner contours…that you find a spiritual community. Then watch and listen for signs of how you can walk a path that allows you to feel a sense of soul purpose or, at least, connection to soul, each and every day in our work or daily activity.

If you can’t find the path, if you don’t know where home is, simply close your eyes and get quiet. Ask for a clear picture or a message. Then listen. Watch. Pay attention.

And remember: You are always home. Your soul is always connected to Source. Source constantly guides you. You are never on the wrong path. Every path leads to the same place. You will always arrive at your destination. Home. Simple allow yourself to see the way — take God’s hand.

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