You Can Produce a Winning Nonfiction Proposal or Business Plan
for Your Book Quickly and Easily!

Nina Amir, Nine-times bestselling author and author coach
Put Your Book Proposal Into the Format Agents and Acquisitions Editors Seek
Writing a book proposal can feel stressful. In one short document, which serves as the business plan for your book, not only do you have to get your great idea across to agents and editors, you also have to convince these publishing professionals your idea is marketable and that you make a good publishing partner.
If you plan to self-publish, you still need to create a business plan - and to convince yourself your idea is viable. Otherwise, you shouldn’t be investing your own money in bringing that product to market.
If you’ve read all the books on how to write a book proposal and you still feel at a loss for how to actually put the pieces together, save yourself some stress, time and money with this cut-and-add template. It will help you format your proposal to industry standards and know exactly what information to include in each proposal section.
Is It Just For Nonfiction?
Even though the Easy-Schmeasy Book Proposal Template says it is a “nonfiction” book proposal template, it works just as well for fiction writers. More and more often fiction writers are asked by agents to produce proposals that look like those submitted by their nonfiction counterparts. Why? Because the nonfiction book proposal contains elements that showcase the book’s marketability and the author’s ability to help market the book. When novelists use a nonfiction book proposal to write a proposal for a work of fiction, they demonstrate their business acumen, thus making them more attractive publishing partners. And indie novelists need comprehensive business plans, too.
What Is It?
If you have a copy of The Author Training Manual, you are one step ahead. Simply take the information you’ve compiled and start dropping it into the Easy-Schmeasy Book Proposal Template. Then polish and hone until you’ve got a winning proposal or a great business plan.
The Easy-Schmeasy Book Proposal Template is a Microsoft Word document that not only explains what to put where but, in most cases, offers you examples of how your document should look and read. You’ll find examples to follow and comments in the margins (provided using MS Word’s Track Changes function) to help you understand what to do in each section. To make the template you own, simply add your own content after you delete the cover and the explanations/suggestions.
What Else Can I Do?
If you still feel you need someone to check your finished work, hire a book proposal editor or consultant. But know you will be much farther along than if you’d simply attempted the task of writing a book proposal without this template.
How do I know this? I’ve seen many book proposals that don’t meet the standards required for submission. That’s why I created the template. Even after reading the best books on how to write a proposal, most aspiring authors still feel at a loss about how to actually produce a proposal that meets industry standards and can land them a contract. That’s why I end up reformatting their work and sending their documents back for rewrites and additional information.
Their proposal editing process ends up timely and costly. That doesn’t have to happen to you.
“When I sat down to work on two book proposals this year, it had been eight years since I wrote the one that sold my book Make a Scene; I was more than a little rusty and terrified. Thankfully Nina Amir’s superb template turned terror to success with clear, solid guidelines that require no guesswork. The result? Two book deals came of the proposals I wrote with her guidance.”
—Jordan E. Rosenfeld, author of the forthcoming books A Writer’s Guide to Persistence (Spring, 2015) and, with Martha Alderson, Deep Scenes (Fall, 2015), and author of Make a Scene and Forged in Grace.
Order your copy of the Easy-Schmeasy Book Proposal today.
Easy-Schmeasy Book Proposal
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Easy-Schmeasy Book Proposal
PLUS a 30-minute consultation with Nina
Receive 1 copy of a MS Word Doc ready for your use PLUS a 30-minute consult with Nina Amir to answer your questions about your proposal.
(This is a $20 savings of the price of 30-minute consult.)