
Join Me . . . and I Will Personally Show You how
to become a High-Performance Writer

Ready to embark on this journey with me?

No worries. My offer comes with a 7-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

Start any time...This is a home-study course with material "dripped" out to you over the course of about four and a half weeks.


Nina Amir, Certified High Performance coach and bestselling author and author coach/trainer

Dear Writer,

You’ve done it again… You signed up for a writing event, you've challenged yourself with a new writing project or you've given yourself (or someone gave you) a deadline, but you aren’t sure you’ll follow through.
Completing what you start, and achieving your writing goals, is important to you. Becoming an author is your dream. But you’ve tried before, and you failed. You quit, and you never finished your book.
This time, you’re committed… You think. You hope… But you aren’t sure if you’ll actually meet the challenge or accomplish your goal. You never have before.

But you really don’t want to fail…You so want to become an author and to share your message or story with the world.
I’ve been there. I know that feeling. My past failures haunted me and caused me to doubt myself.
I no longer struggle with doubt, lack of motivation or commitment to my writing goals. When it comes to my writing, I never fail to meet my goals or deadlines. And I've achieved my dream of becoming a traditionally published author, an Amazon bestselling author and a hybrid multiple-book author.
These days I churn out books. This year alone I will release three ebooks and a traditionally published book. Plus, I’ll turn in a new manuscript to a publisher and a fourth ebook to my agent.
On top of that, each week I produce five posts for my own blogs. By year's end, that will amount to a total of 260 posts, plus 20 or more guest posts and an occasionally article for publication as well.
You can do the same. You can produce that amount of written content or more consistently.
At the very least, you can finish your current writing project in a timely manner—and change your habits and mindset so you reproduce your high performance again in the future.
I’d like to teach you how to do just that during High-Performance Writer: Strategies to Help You Produce Content Quickly, Easily and Consistently. This home-study course will kickstart your writing and keep you motivated. However, it won't take much of your time away from your writing. You’ll  inspirational, motivational, and educational messages in your email box twice a week along with an additional video tip—a total of three emails per week. None of these will take you more than a few minutes to read or watch. They will help you stay on the path to finishing your project and help you learn the high-performance habits and mindset of successful authors, the same ones you need to complete your project, meet your deadline, or write a book in a month. The tips and tools you learn will ensure you become a high-performance writer, one who produces content at will and on schedule.
Imagine what that would be like—to decide to write a book (or even an article or essay), set a deadline, and meet it—every time. How would your life change if you could count on yourself to start and finish manuscripts regularly? Could you become an author…or a multiple-book author? Could you make a living as a writer? Could you become an expert and build a business around your book (or books)?
I hope you’ll join me for High-Performance Writer. I’d love to help you achieve your writing goals so you can make a positive and meaningful impact in the world with your words.
Nina Amir


Strategies to Help You Produce Content Quickly, Easily and Consistently

This 4-week+ course consists of a 1 pre-recorded teleseminar, 8 emailed lessons, and 4 video tips plus additional resources and a bonus tip.

Take this course to discover and put to use high-performance tools, habits and mindsets that will support you in achieving new levels of success in your writing, your career and your life. Specifically, take this course to help you meet a 30-day writing challenge.

The course is perfect for anyone writing a book in a month, struggling to meet writing deadlines or goals in general or wanting to increase his or her writing output on a regular basis.

Here's Exactly What You'll Get When You Register

When you register for this mini-course you will receive:

  • 2 weekly motivational and informative tips sent by email--8 TOTAL
  • 1 weekly video tip--3 TOTAL
  • 1 pre-recorded teleseminar
  • Resources
  • A BONUS tip

Discover how to:

  • Meet your writing deadlines and goals
  • Complete your projects
  • Develop high-performance habits
  • Create daily routines that help you write
  • Increase your motivation and follow through
  • Move through writers block and self-doubt
  • Build your energy so you can write longer
  • Create sustainable writing practices
  • Eliminate limiting beliefs, fears and negative thoughts that hold you back

Still Not Sure?

No Worries. My Course Comes With a

7 Day Money-Back Guarantee!

If you aren’t 100% satisfied with this course during the first 7 days, your money will be refunded.

Get your place for just $59

I look forward to personally guiding you to becoming a high-performance writer.

Nina Amir

I’m Nina Amir. I am an 11-time Amazon bestselling author of such books as How to Blog a Book, Authorpreneur, The Author Training Manual, and Creative Visualization for Writers. An international speaker and award-winning journalist and blogger, I am known as the Inspiration to Creation Coach because I help creative people combine their passion and purpose so they get inspired and take inspired action to create what they desire. I love helping writers make a positive and meaningful impact in the world with their words.

I provide author, book, blog-to-book, and Certified High Performance Coaching services to my clients, some of whom have sold 300,000+ copies of their books, landed deals with major publishing houses and created thriving businesses around their books. I am the founder of National Nonfiction Writing Month, National Book Blogging Month, and the Nonfiction Writers’ University. As a hybrid author, I have self-published 17 books and had as many as six books on the same Amazon Top 100 list (authorship) and nine books on Amazon Top 100 lists at the same time.

Still Not Sure?

No Worries. My Course Comes With a

7 Day Money-Back Guarantee!

If you aren’t 100% satisfied with this course during the first 7 days, your money will be refunded.

Get your place for just $59

I look forward to personally guiding you to becoming a high-performance writer.

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

Free Soul-Alignment Session

Do you:

  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


Sign up for a 15-minute session below.

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