How Do You Discover Your Soul's Purpose?

After my last post which asked a litany of questions related to fulfilling your soul’s purpose, a friend sent me a note on Facebook (I actually wish people would leave comment here instead…hint, hint!), asking, “And how do you see a person ‘learning’ what their soul purpose is?”

Great question! Here’s the answer, which involves asking some more questions.

You discover our soul’s purpose by answering these questions:

What gifts do you have?

What are you good at?

What do you feel drawn to do?

What types of things interest you?

How do you best help people?

In what situation do you feel most equipped to add value?

What things do you do that make your heart sing–that bring you joy, raise your energy or give you deep satisfaction.

To what activities are you drawn over and over again with no real explanation?

Do you see your life constantly leading you to certain activities, situations, occupations, careers, etc.?

If you look back at your personal history, can you find patterns that show you how God’s hand has been pushing you gently in a certain direction?

By answering these types of questions honestly, you will “learn” your soul’s purpose. In your answers you will discover the truth about what you are meant to do in this lifetime.

And, indeed, that truth will set you free…free to realize your full potential, to live the life you were meant to live and to live a life “on” purpose and “of” purpose. In the process, you will connect with your true self–your soul–and with God, for your soul is eternally connected to the Source of All.

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