I’m spending the summer again in New York City with my son. Here, amidst the constant noise and motion, I find it difficult to focus. More than that I see how I am torn in too many directions each day. Because of that, nothing gets accomplished.
Let me rephrase that last sentence. Things get accomplished…little things. The big things don’t get done.
I finish articles when given a deadline. I write blog posts. I handle client work. The big projects–the stuff of my dreams and the visions for my business and my life–these get tabled or started and not finished.
I could focus upon these things, but the small things would likely fall to the wayside. And the small things are not unimportant. They just take less focus, less time, to accomplish.
Somehow here in the city, this all become so much more obvious so me as I watch the people moving quickly in so many different directions–much like my thoughts and my actions. Do you ever feel that way?
I think sometimes we have to stop and focus our days or our hours. I’ve been told over and over again to schedule my time better–to give each task, each project, a day or a time so I can focus upon it. I know that would work. I’ve struggled against this, feeling that I prefer to be lead by my muse and my spirit from task to task.
Starting next week, I will try to schedule my time better so the large and the small task receive equal focus. Maybe this will also open up more time to allow spirit and my muse to guide me.
What about you? Are you struggling to focus, and what will you do about it?
Did it work?
The things I’ve stuck with have helped get me unstuck! It’s a process. You chunk away at it…or I do, and then it works.