How You View Yourself Affects Your Results in the World

Recently my mother had to put her dog to sleep. This week she was offered a new dog, but she turned down the opportunity. She said she wasn’t sure she wanted a new dog. “I’m too old,” she reasoned. “I may not be able to handle another dog.”

Her perception of being “too old” totally affects her results in the world. If she saw her self as young enough–and willing enough–to take on a new dog, then she would find that, indeed, she could handle a new dog. (In fact, it would give her a reason to get up each morning, give her joy and probably make her feel younger and increase her life span.)

How do your perceptions about yourself affect your results in the world? Do you feel you aren’t good enough to accomplish your goals? Do you not feel pretty enough to catch a guy? Do you feel your body isn’t as fit or flexible as it needs to be to do the things you want to do? Do you think you aren’t smart enough to learn something new or participate in conversations with those people you find most interesting?

To a huge extent, our thoughts control our results in life. Even some of the Jewish sages of old knew this. For instance, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov taught, “You are wherever your thoughts are. Make sure your thoughts are where you want to be.”

The moral: Don’t focus your thoughts on the things that hold you back or stop you from achieving the results you desire. Focus your thoughts instead on things that help you achieve your goals. Focus on the fact that you are still vibrant, strong and alive, smart and quick thinking, able to move freely, attractive and beautiful in heart, mind and body, clear headed and willing to learn, etc. These thoughts will help you get where you want to go in life no matter your age.

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