Your personal growth efforts alone won't create true transformation.

You can only experience lasting change when you
address all aspects of who you are.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience, and you are a creator.

You probably already realize this, but something is missing from most personal growth books, courses, and programs that claim to create transformation. Maybe you’ve invested in a few and felt frustrated when you didn’t change and neither did your circumstances. Or possibly you had a brief period when you and your life seemed different, but then everything went back to the way it was before.

You Haven’t Failed to Transform

Don’t feel bad about yourself or believe you “failed” because your efforts to change haven’t resulted in transformation. If something wasn’t missing from the personal growth tools you’ve tried, it’s highly likely you would have experienced lasting change.

And that’s what transformation is—lasting change. Change is the process required to achieve transformation.

So, if you agree that those other personal growth tools lacked something, I’ll tell you what they lacked: a spiritual growth component.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience. As a lifelong learner and seeker, you already know this to be true.

And you probably realize that transformation requires growing both spiritually and physically (or personally). Do that, and you step into your true identity as a powerful creator.

The Transformation Strategy You Need

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The spiritual and physical aspects of who you are function together, a bit like the yin and yang symbol. So, it makes sense that, if your efforts to change have focused only on personal growth or your physical nature—mind and body—you’ve felt challenged to develop and retain the new habits and mindsets you know you need to succeed in any life arena. And the same is true if you’ve only focused on spiritual growth or advancing your spiritual nature.

To create transformation, you need a strategy that addresses both your physical and spiritual aspects. That’s when quick and lasting change occurs, which is why I provide both in the Inspired Creator Community.

What is an Inspired Creator?

You might be wondering why I call this ongoing personal and spiriutal growth coaching program the Inspired Creator Community. Let me explain.

When you remove the blocks to achieving your spiritual and physical (personal) goals, you stand in your true power as a creator.

That's who you are. You were born a creator and constantly create, even if you don't realize you are doing so...or aren't creating what matters to you or what you desire.

Your soul contains a spark of Divinity. When you use your soul as your guidance system and allow it to inspire aligned action, you access that spark. If you take inspired action, you become a conscious and intentional creator.

You become an Inspired Creator.

But for that to happen, you have to get the human part to "play nicely" with the spiritual part of who you are. Your human self often stands in the way of creating what most matters to you, which is why personal growth is so important. It leads to spiritual growth and your ability to lead a soul-aligned and spiritually guided life.

Become an Inspired Creator.

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I’m known as the Inspiration to Creation Coach. As an intuitive transformational catalyst, I assist my clients in learning to live in balance with both their spiritual and physical selves. As a result, they break down the barriers that hold them back, access their soul’s guidance, and learn to use their inherent power to create what matters. They live authentic, inspired, soul-aligned lives and become Inspired Creators.

If you’ve ever recognized that your personal growth efforts aren’t working—despite your high hopes, enormous effort, and financial investments—chances are you can relate to my story. I, too, have been on this path for a long time, and many of the tools I tried turned out to be broken strategies. It wasn’t until I found a way to incorporate both personal and spiritual growth into my efforts that change began to happen.

I won’t tell you that I have it all figured out or that I’m 100 percent transformed. In fact, few human beings can say they have become fully self-actualized. But every day I do a better job of getting out of my own way and creating what really matters to me—a life that feeds my soul.

In the Inspired Creator Community, I share my journey…I pull back the curtain and hold nothing back. You get everything I know or am learning about creating what matters to you. You can use that information and those strategies as a jumping-off place to discover what works best for you.

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Nina Amir — The Inspiration to Creation Coach
Certified High Performance Coach
Intuitive Coach
Law of Attraction Coach
Transformational Catalyst

Your Soul as a GPS

How valuable would it be to remove the mental and emotional blocks you may have to accessing the spiritual part of yourself and allow it to inform your physical aspect? Imagine using your soul as an internal GPS. With it as your guide, you can make decisions, take actions, choose goals, and create your life in alignment with who you really are.

You could create the things that matter to you most. As a result, you would live an authentic, soul-aligned life.

Can you guess what happens when you do that on a regular basis? When you act on your spiritual GPS, you create a life that feeds your soul.

In other words, your physical life begins to mirror your spiritual life.

When that happens, you move quickly toward fulfilling your purpose, achieving your potential, and living without regrets. You step into that so-called “best self” and show up authentically as who you truly are.

That’s when achieving your goals or attracting your desires becomes much, much easier. Why? Because you begin expressing your true identity, which is a creator.

And that’s why you and I are here in this lifetime. To remember who we are, express that essence, fulfil our purpose, create what matters, and live in alignment with our souls.

An Effective Way to Achieve Transformation

The Inspired Creator Community is where seekers gather to create lives that feed their souls. It’s a bit like a group of close, like-minded friends who all want to grow personally and spiritually to experience transformation. As a result of that long-lasting change, they want to create a soul-directed life filled with the things that truly matter to them.

That’s why the Inspired Creator Community includes a comprehensive personal growth program combined with an esoteric spiritual growth coaching and educational program. Together, these two programs provide a unique and effective transformational coaching program.

There’s nothing else like the Inspired Creator Community out there. I know because I’ve looked. I’ve been part of an amazing transformational coaching program, but it didn’t offer both personal and spiritual growth at the same time. The spiritual growth was offered only as a higher level “advanced” program available after you'd invested in and completed the “basic” personal growth level. Plus, I share with members a proprietary curriculum based on my own experience, knowledge of specific mystical and esoteric traditions, and research.

I don’t want you to have to wait for the spiritual or personal growth programs you need for transformation. As an Inspired Creator Community member, you get everything I have to offer immediately. That means you can immediately begin creating the life you desire. There’s no waiting to gain the transformational tools that give you the ability to create what matters to you, feed your soul, and fully live a life you love.

What You Receive as an ICC Member

Recordings & Trainings

All Inspired Creator Community sessions and trainings are recorded. You can access these anytime in case you miss a session or want to listen to one again.

Coaching Sessions

Four monthly live coaching sessions with me (not some other coach) offering both personal and spiritual growth.

Spiritual Training

One or more spiritual training each month, providing information on a variety of metaphysical, mystical, and esoteric topics.

Propriety Training

Specific personal and spiritual growth trainings to teach you how to become an Inspired Creator and get Inspired Results (soul-guided creations).

Harness your power to
create what matters to you.

Learn to Live a Soul-Guided Life

How would you like to live a life that feeds your soul…where your thoughts, actions, decisions, and ways of being in the world align with your authentic self . . . your soul?

I don’t have to tell you that to live that way you must remove any human-created obstacles—negative thinking, unsupportive habits, old stories, fears, unresolved emotions, victim mentality, and the like. That’s when you can hear—and act upon—your soul’s guidance.

You possess a spiritual guidance system. Imagine what becomes possible if you listen to and act on it's messages.

You'll never know for sure unless you try, will you?

I can assure you that, when you begin tapping into and acting on your intuition and inspiration, you will create a soul-aligned life. And that type of life has a very different quality. It's definitely not about surving. It's about thriving.

Don’t Have Regrets about Your Life

But what happens if you keep living as you are now…without transformation…with your human side running the show and ignoring or rejecting your soul's guidance?

Again, you already know you will end up with regrets. In fact, the most common end-of-life regrets is not having had courage to live a life true to yourself rather than a life others expected of you. Following close after is regretting working too much, not expressing your feelings, staying in touch with friends, and being happier.

Have you ever considered what you might regret if you don’t live your life fully…don’t create what matters to you…don’t feed your soul?

You and I both know that you don’t want to die wishing you had shown up authentically, followed intuition and inspiration, and created a life you loved...and lived it fully.

Create A Life that Feeds Your Soul

When you hear those words—“live a life that feeds your soul”—maybe a little voice in your head whispers, “Ah, yes…that’s what I want…a life that balances my spiritual and physical nature and helps me navigate life successfully, joyfully, and congruently…a sense that all my actions are guided by my Higher Self…doing the things I value and love…using my gifts…creating what I desire and what matters to me.”

If you have that thought or a similar one and feel inspired…called…to do just that, you have two choices to make…

Time to Choose

Ignore that calling, which is your soul speaking to you…


Listen and act upon that calling.

Try to create long-lasting change by yourself using tools and strategies that provide only half of what you need for transformation…


Create transformation with the support of a coach, community, and program that provides both the spiritual and personal growth that can help you get the results you desire.

Listen to Your Soul

Don’t click on the link below too quickly. Instead, follow this process:

  • Get quiet.
  • Let your soul speak to you. (Listen carefully. Pay attention to signs and feelings.)
  • Follow its guidance.
  • Click on the link and join the Inspired Creator Community.

You have the opportunity right now to transform yourself into someone who can create the life YOU want and to do so powerfully, intentionally, fully, soulfully, authentically, purposefully, consciously, and meaningfully.

You can design that life as an expression of your highest self and soul's desire.


The Inspired Creator Community
is Different

Maybe you are reading this and thinking, “I’ve read so many books, bought so many courses, and tried so many coaching programs, only to be disappointed when nothing changed—not me, my life, or my ability to achieve my goals or realize my dreams. This sounds like more of the same.”

But the fact that you are still reading means you believe transformation is possible. The Still Small voice in your head is saying, “This is different.” (That's your soul speaking . . . your spiritual guidance system sending you a message.)

And the Inspired Creator Community is different . . . and effective.

But don’t take it from me; listen to Inspired Creator Community members, who say the program has helped them change in a variety of ways.

What members are saying about the Inspired Creator Community...

I enjoyed Nina's help to see how I could attain goals instead of just feeling frustrated by my circumstances. Her practices of inviting reports of success and affirming our accomplishments build confidence: "I've done this. I can do that next thing."

— Elizabeth H.

The ICC program provided structure and support that I found helpful in navigating the challenges of my life this past 6 months. I have been writing more consistently. I began - and have been consistently sticking with - an exercise program.

As a result of the content and coaching, I have been able to make real shifts in the way I see and hold my story. I am spending more time and energy creating in my work and in my life. I, therefore, feel less reactive and more at peace.

The Inspired Creator Community program has been a great way to show up for myself. I would recommend it to anybody who is ready to make themselves and their creativity a priority.

— Andrew Anderson, professor and writer

Nina Amir’s Inspired Creator Community stands out from its competitors. The program offers the rigorous performance coaching typically offered to corporate business leaders along with resources and information tailored to the needs of creative entrepreneurs and authors. Nina deepens this instruction by sharing the lessons of her own spiritual journey, and encouraging you to pursue yours.

The serious, committed creators Nina brought together expanded my thinking. Her coaching on being authentically visible led me to co-create a mind-body writing course with a friend of 40 years. I heartily recommend Nina Amir’s group programs and individual coaching.

— Barbara Ruth Saunders, Writer and Writing Coach

Nina is a clear structured skillful teacher who does an effective job in:

a) helping you identify obstacles - thoughts, behaviors, emotions, habits, mindsets - thwarting your full flowering.

b) providing solution-based videos, worksheets, group calls, individual laser coaching, and audio/video recordings.

Are you the ‘you' you want to be? A salient question for me, I had to say 'no' before working with Nina. That’s changed; I am the person I want to be now. If your answer is ‘no', check out the Inspired Creator Community.

— Katherine Morris

During the pandemic, I found myself with two options: binging Netflix or getting down to work and writing. I couldn’t seem to focus and motivate myself to write. Nina and her Inspired Creator Community program helped me understand why I wanted to write and gave me the tools and guidance to do it. I am more passionate about writing today than I ever have been.

— Christos Kaitatzis

I am so glad I joined Nina Amir's Inspired Creator Community (ICC). In just a few short weeks, it has helped me take action on goals that have languished for years. I now understand what I need to do and am actually moving forward. Very exciting!

The spiritual part of ICC has re-ignited my purpose and inspired me to take bold action to light the path for others who long to express their inspired worldview. This awareness has empowered me to move forward on a project (writing a book proposal) that previously scared the **** out of me.

The way ICC is put together serves me well, and Nina is an excellent guide and mentor. She lets us know that she is dealing with the same kind of issues in her own life.

— Jerry Levin, Sylvania, OH

What makes the Inspired Creator Community unique and powerful is the spiritual growth aspect coupled with personal growth. I really enjoyed having weekly coaching sessions and conversations that helped me see exactly where I was with my own growth process. Talking through things with Nina and the other members helped me see my true self more clearly. Not to mention that it was fun! I hardly ever get to have those types of conversations with others, so talking through the spiritual growth topics was super helpful and a great time to boot. I'd say the value is truly in those deeper conversations; there aren't a whole lot of places where those deep conversations are taking place. And I think the more we have them, the better the world can truly be. When I joined, I was looking for a space to go deeper and not only did I get that, but I got inspired to create more spaces like this as well! This program has been a truly energizing way to spend my time.

— Natisha Willis, Imposter Syndrome Release Coach,

I have worked with Nina Amir as a member of the Inspired Creator Community for over a year.  It's helpful because I now schedule time out of my life for myself. I also reflect upon myself, take a look at where I am and where I am going. All it takes is a little nudging and a little learning during coaching sessions, and I surprise myself with the actions I can take--anything from taking flying trapeze lessons at age 75 to running for a trustee position on a multi-billion dollar retirement fund. Try the Inspired Creator Community, and see for yourself.  It won't hurt. Well, it will only hurt if you don't try it and miss out on the opportunities the program helps you experience. 
—Ron Willinski

I love the program since it supports me on my journey to personal and spiritual growth and to more personal freedom and self-expression. Nina helps me to uncover my blind spots and unconscious patterns and challenges me to live a life in alignment with my soul. She also encourages me to try new get out of my comfort zone. She leads me through the process by asking powerful questions and constantly reminds me who I want to BE and to visualize that so that the right actions follow naturally.

I also appreciate the power of the community and learning from each other in the group calls. Specifically, it was very powerful to go deeper on the topic self-love, taking aligned actions, and keeping the promises I make to myself. I am getting better at this step by step, giving myself more grace and patience.

Today I am more relaxed when something is not going the way I want at work or in my private life. I look for the opportunity in it to grow and expand, focusing on the next right step that keeps me in integrity and in motion.

—Susanne Richter, Certified High Performance Coach
Nina is a wellspring of knowledge, evidenced in the abundant resources she makes available for her students. 
I am grateful for the space she has created where accountability and nurture are equally valued attributes. 
She challenges self-imposed limitations, provides alternate perspectives and emboldens me to discover and embrace my most authentic voice.
ICC membership has been instrumental in me leading a more empowered, aligned, and inspired life.
—Nikki Weldon

Imagine that one of these was your story, too.

Take a deep breath, and allow your mind to clear. Do you feel a stirring in your soul…that spiritual guidance system inspiring you to join the Inspired Creator Community? What if you followed that guidance…and this time you experienced transformation?

(Anything is 100 percent possible…100 percent of the time.)

What if you could finally BE the type of person who can DO the things that CREATE the life you desire?

(That’s possible, too.)

Find out by clicking on the link below.

It’s time for transformation. 

Here's what I know for sure—and you likely know it, too:

  • Your old ways of trying to transform yourself into someone who can create a life that feeds your soul haven’t worked…and never will…or you would already be living that life.
  • It's crucial in this moment to remember who you are—a spiritual being having a human experience…and a CREATOR.
  • And it’s time to BE someone who can CREATE what you want (rather than don’t want),.

Of course, you could continue as you have—same old grind, keeping things status quo, doing meaningless tasks, and living up to other people’s expectations. You could keep on creating and living a life that will leave you with regrets…lots of them.

That life might feel easier right now. However, it’s more likely to feel uncomfortable and make you unhappy, because you know it’s not enough.

If you continue doing what you’ve always done, you’ll continue creating the same things you’ve created in the past. And you’ll keep feeling dissatisfied and looking for yet another way to transform.

That Doesn’t Have to be You or Your Life

Instead, imagine waking up every day energized and with eyes sparkling as you anticipate how you will follow your soul’s guidance and create what matters to you. Feel the comfort you receive as you go through your day feeling spiritually connected and guided. See yourself passionate, inspired, and motivated as you do your life's work by using your knowledge, skills, and gifts to make a difference in your unique way. Visualize the deep, joyous, and fulfilling relationships you have with your family, friends, and the Divine. Imagine yourself feeling vibrant and energetic—able to live an active lifestyle and pursue your hobbies with ease, grace, and stamina. And see yourself ending the day, aligned, happy, and fulfilled, living the life of your dreams and thriving on all levels. Feel what it would be like to live a life that feeds your soul…

That could be your life…really, it could…if only you master change…if only you transform...if only you step into being an Inspired Creator.

And that can happen…YOU can make that happen as a member of the Inspired Creator Community.

Join the Inspired Creator Community waiting list today!


The Inspired Creator Community membeship is a six-month commitment. If you decide the Inspired Creator Community is not for you within the first two weeks of membership, you will receive a full refund. After the first 14 days, cancellation is no longer possible unless you are a returning member. Returning members paying monthly can cancel any time, and may attend live sessions and access the archive until the end of their membership term.

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul