Transformational Coaching
Results. You create them every moment of every day.
You are a powerful creator. Look at your life. The proof is in your results.
You may already realize this, but each result you achieve is one of your creations.
- Prosperity or debt.
- Good or bad health.
- Loving or abusive relationships.
- Your life’s work or a job.
- Happiness or sadness.
- All of these are results, and you create them.
You may judge your results negatively or positively, but the most important thing is whether you are happy with what you are creating.
So...What type of results are you creating—positive or negative, good or bad, wanted or unwanted? And, are you happy with those results?
If you aren’t creating the type of results you want, it’s time to learn how to create different results, is it not?
Purpose + Passion = Inspiration + Inspired Action = Inspired Results
My equation for achieving results with my clients begins with finding two important pieces of information: your passion and your purpose. If you combine your purpose with your passion, something amazing happens. Inspiration hits. And then you know what action to take next—the inspired action. Do that, and you get inspired results.
I also want to know what you really want to create. With that information, I can help you become someone who can create that. I can support you in getting from Point A to Point B simply by changing your identity. Do that, and magic happens. Creation becomes easy!
That's transformation.
Are you listening?
Your soul speaks to you all the time. Call it intuition, Higher Self, the Universe, or Source—the name doesn't matter. But that Still Small Voice whispers to you.
Are you listening?
If you are, you are receiving powerful messages about how to create your dreams and realize your goals. But you have to learn to trust them, and trust is born out of courage—the bold action you take because you "know" that action is inspired.
From this place of inspiration, motivation becomes a forgotten challenge. You eagerly take action.
If you take inspired action, you achieve inspired results...every time. It's like magic!
Intuition, spiritual guidance, and synchronicity put you in the right place at the right time. Carrying through on your ideas—no matter how crazy—creates increasing amounts of success. Opening to the desires of your soul and spiritual messages puts you in the flow.
And you step into the power of who you really are: a creator.

If you aren't achieving the results you desire—personally or professionally, you probably realize that an intuitive, transformation coach can help you change your results dramatically.
Inspired Results Coaching, aka transformational coaching, couples my intuitive and spiritual gifts with proven personal and spiritual growth strategies and tools. The result is a transformational process that supports you in changing from the inside out.
As you change who you are BEING in the world, you will change what you are DOING, too. Then, you will get different results.
You will CREATE what you WANT.
Imagine what your life would be like if you were showing up as your BEST SELF, acting from inspiration and intuition, and creating all the joy, fulfillment, prosperity, love, and peace you desire. What type of difference would that make for you...for those you serve...and for those you love?
The ability to create that vision is the goal of Inspired Results Coaching.
Now imagine what your life will be like if nothing changes...if nothing is different three, six, or twelve months from now. Not a pretty picture, right?
Inspired Results Coaching incorporates a variety of techniques and approaches to transformation and all the personal and spiritual growth tools in my toolbox. These include:
- Intuitive coaching
- Certified High Performance Coaching
- Law of Attraction Coaching
- Voice Dialogue
- Akashic Records readings
- Oracle or Tarot card readings
- The Kabbalah of Conscious Creation Framework
- Identity Shifting
- Rituals
- The Sacred Story Process
- And more
Why Choose Me?
Along with my study of psychology and personal growth, I also am a student of metaphysics and Kabbalah. I’ve taken what I learned about conscious creation, or deliberate creation—often called the Law of Attraction, and created my own unique take on human potential and the art of manifesting dreams and desires. In my Inspired Results Coaching work with clients, I also apply my certifications in High Performance Coaching, Law of Attraction Coaching, and rebirthing to help you overcome limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, and unsupportive behaviors.
I’m a strong believer in the creative ability of our thoughts, especially when used consciously in conjunction with feelings, words, and actions. Therefore, my work is based upon these teachings. Using my own unique technologies, such as my Kabbalistic Conscious Creation Framework and my Sacred Text process, I work with individual clients or groups to uncover why they are here, what stops them from becoming their best selves, how to tap into their innate creativity, and how to live to their highest potential as they manifest their most inspired lives.
As an intuitive, transformational coach, my work focuses on helping you step into the unique, powerful, Creator you came her in this lifetime to be.
You can learn more about me here.

"Nina will help you get to the root cause of physical and mental blockages getting in the way of personal progress. Nina's heart centered approach not only helps you in the present moment but plants little seeds that continue to grow well after the coaching session is over.Â