Is What You Want "Good" for You?

The other day I read something interesting: According to Jewish teaching, two types of “good” exist. There is objective good and subjective good.

When we desire good things and long for good things and try to manifest good things in our life–or things we perceive or judge as “good,” fall into the category of subjective good. Our human concept of good is subjective; we are limited in how we see things and we can’t see into the future to know if the things we want are actually good for us. In fact, many of the things we want aren’t good for us. That’s why in the Jewish tradition when we wish for something or try to manifest something “good” in our life we qualify our prayer with the words “for the good” or “l’tovah.” The prayer often said is: May God fulfill all desires of my/your heart for the good.” This refers to the objective good.

What is the objective good? This is what is actually good for us, and only God can know this. Possibly our soul knows this as well. We don’t know what is good for us–at least not often.

While we long for a “good” life, health, job, relationship, finances, car, etc., sometimes these things and conditions lead us down paths that don’t benefit us. We become jaded with wealth and turn to alcohol or drugs or success causes us to become corrupt in our business dealings. Good relationships or an easy life may cause us to forget to appreciate what we have and to take advantage of those we love or for get to care for what we have. On the other hand, sometimes misfortune and a difficult live consisting of what we subjectively deem “bad” causes us to advance, grow, become strong, persevere, appreciate things more, become wiser, become a more giving person, and ultimately achieve more success and happiness.

When we don’t receive the good we want in our lives, when we don’t manifest what we want and think is best for us, maybe it is for our own “good.” Maybe God, or some higher power, knows better and is preventing us from having what we want. Consider that when you think your creative visualizations, the Law of Attraction, deliberate creation, your prayers, or some other technique you are using to manifest good in your life doesn’t seem to be working.

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