A Jewish Mystical Perspective on the Law of Attraction

creative thought and Jewish mysticismMillions of people each year wish they could find a new and better job, make more money, have a better relationship or marriage, lose weight, create health, or find peace, but despite their unhappiness and frustration with where they currently find themselves, they feel unable to create something different.  Some of them do break out of negative patterns and create what they want, yet they often find themselves back in the same negative situations before long.

Can you relate?

Maybe, like these people, when you find yourself back in your old situation, rather than finding a different or permanent solution, you spend your time complaining to yourself and to others about your sad lot in life.

You might say you can’t change or life is unfair or you have bad luck.  You might say you “always” end up in bad relationships or with debt.

The Power of Thoughts and Words

Actually, the thoughts and words you use when you complain—or even share your lot—are self perpetuating.  Every time you say, “I hate my job,” you hate it more.  Every time you say, “My husband doesn’t appreciate me,” he appreciates you less. Every time you say, “I don’t have enough money,” a new or unexpected bill arrives in the mail.

To begin manifesting more of what you want and less of what you don’t want, you must remember that you become your thoughts and begin watching your words both in the form of what you say and what you think.  Simply by stopping your negative talk and thoughts you can begin to change what you create in the world. Indeed, your thoughts have energy, and what you say has great creative power. In addition, to create your dreams and desires, you must learn to constantly focus on what you want. You must change your words and thoughts to match your desires.

Words Create Everything—Even the World

Judaism has long held the belief that “what we think is what we get.”  One of its best-loved teachers, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, said, “You are where ever your thoughts are.  Make sure your thoughts are where you want to be.”  His teaching corresponds with modern-day proponents of positive thinking like Napoleon Hill, author of the best-selling book Think and Grow Rich, and Norman Vincent Peale, author of the best-selling book The Power of Positive Thinking and As a Man Thinketh by James Allen. The great Kabbalists, or Jewish mystics, also knew that our thoughts and words, especially when combined with feelings, would manifest what we want on the physical plane.  They taught that Hebrew, called the “Holy Language,” was special because the Hebrew letters possess an extraordinary creative force, an energy that makes them the primordial tools of creation. Of course, in the Christian tradition we are told, “In the beginning was the Word…”

One Jewish mystical creation story tells us that God “spoke the world into being” with “10 Utterances.”  God “said” and everything in the world, including man, came to be.  In Kabbalistic and Chasidic tradition, the world was created and exists on a foundation provided by the Hebrew alphabet.

Interestingly, the Aramaic word “abracadabra” literally means “He has created as he has spoken,” manifestation according to the power of words.  This word comes from the verb “daber,” which refers to organizing “speech,” which relates to physical things created by making order out of chaos. No wonder so many magicians have chosen this word as their incantation when creating something out of nothing. (Aramaic preceded Hebrew and was spoken by many during the biblical period.)

Despite the kabbalists’ focus on using Hebrew to manifest physical things and the physical plane itself, the English language—or any language—can be used for the same purpose.  Almost any language can find its roots in Hebrew and Aramaic.

The Old Becomes New

Mystics throughout the ages and from many traditions have known that their words held amazing creative power.  Thus how we use them, such as by writing affirmations and goals, invoking what we want through prayers, visualizations and incantations, can bring our dreams and desires to us, like a magician waving his wand and creating a rabbit out of thin air.

The huge success of the book and DVD The Secret when it was released six years ago came from the fact that the principle that it proposes—combining thought and feeling about what we want to bring about the manifestation of that desire on the physical plane—was not new.  In fact, it is well known and well proven.

Many people don’t realize, however, that this idea that  in most recent years has been called the Law of Attraction can be found within Judaism, as well as within many other religions and tradition. In Judaism, it is found within Kabbalah. I devoted many years to studying thistopic, and I even wrote a short book on the topic, called the Kabbalah of Conscious Creation.

Have you found the Law of Attraction in your religious tradition? If so, tell me about it in a comment below.

Image credit: irstone / 123RF Stock Photo

5 thoughts on “A Jewish Mystical Perspective on the Law of Attraction”

  1. Good summary of basic, timeless truth, Nina. In this age of increasing digital distraction it seems as though we have to make a conscious effort to have our own thoughts because we are constantly bombarded by the thoughts of others, and it’s easy to get lost in them. Silence is a wonderful friend to me in discovering and cultivating my own thoughts. I love silence because that’s where I discover my thoughts and feelings to write and speak the words that shape my reality. Your post reminded me that I’m connected to the Jewish Mystical tradition of creation. Cool.

    1. Many people don’t realize how they are connect to the deep tradition, Mia. Or how to use it. I will be sharing more about this over time. It’s a passion of mine actually. And, actually, the silence is part of it…so glad you realize you have to go there…to hear yourself think and to create something new. Thanks for your comment.

      1. I love the way you linked this to digital distraction! I’m working on ways to teach teens/20s to shift from digital addiction and living life in the matrix of the blue pill to the reality of the magic and manifestation of a real life with the red pill. You gave me the simplicity of listening to our own voice/intuition vs the voice/noise from digital bombardment! Thank you!!!

  2. Nice blogpost. I previously read a few other articles on the Law of Attraction from a Jewish perspective and I honestly don’t think the authors understood the heart of the Torah… as the one author required “action” in order to manifest something. To me, this is a worldly perception.

    I have a hunch that our expulsion from Gan Eden sent us into a perception that we are personally doing the work through the sweat of our brow…. But the Torah says “for six days, work shall be done”…the mystical meaning being that HaShem does everything and we can do nothing (as disconnected personas); We only hold the delusion and perception that we’re doing work. To me, the meaning of Shabbat is the worlds awakening and realization of the fact that we can do nothing. Only HaShem can work… and in His realm there is no good and evil. There is a certain indifference to what we request of this power we call G-d. This is why the world has seen such atrocities… because we manifest without realization. We dwell on suffering. It’s as if a toddler has been placed in the command center of a countries nuclear missile arsenal and is pressing buttons without having any clue what the fallout and destruction is that he or she is causing.

    A respected rabbi relayed that in the millennial Shabbat, you will be able to “think” food in front of you and it will appear. And the knowledge of G-d will fill the whole earth. I think the law of attraction is the core of that knowledge… that we are extensions of Source… each living in our own perceived world… co creating and finally understanding our intimate connection with what is allegorically called the “Father”. To me, this is the essence of prayer… which is no more than taking time to intentionally recode the world and having faith/belief that it is so. This revision is Tikkun Olam,

    One more point… Neville Goddards teacher was an Ethiopian rabbi and Kabbalist which I found intriguing… I know you didn’t mention Neville, but I assume you’ve heard of him since you’re into LOA. I’m new to it so I have a lot to learn about myself and my own belief/disbelief.

    1. I believe we co-create with G-d. I think only those with Christ consciousness–that level of spiritual evolution–can manifest something from nothing, but G-d did show us how. (See the story of creation from a Kabbalistic point of view…or purchase my booklet, The Kabbalah of Conscious Creation (https://ninaamir.com/kabbalah-conscious-creation/). And we are created in G-d’s image.

      However, we do need to take action because we are in a physical world. Even a Kabbalist in S’fat Israel told me this. He said, “Action is where the action is.”

      When you take action, you demonstrate your committment and desire and G-d responds in kind. As above, so below…as below, so above.

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