Jews Can Dream Big on MLK Day

Today, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Jews can have a dream, too. We can dream of peace in Israel. We can dream of religious equality for Jews all over the world. We can dream of an end to anti-Semitism. (For more on this, click here.) We also can have more personal dreams.

Do you have a dream? It’s important to have a dream. I have tons of them…sometimes I think too many! However, dreaming is good, unless you get too caught up in your dreams to actually live your life. Even day dreaming a bit here and there serves a purpose, though.

All dreaming can be put to good use. If you actually use your dreams for creative visualization or in creative thought, conscious or deliberate creation exercises, you can help bring your dreams into reality. Yes…you can manifest them. So, today of all days–when we remember Rev. King’s “I Have a Dream Speech,” (which you can listen to here), I suggest you remember your favorite dream or two and think about it long and hard. Visualize it in great detail and also imagine what it would feel like to have that dream come true. Then, imagine what steps you might take to help bring that dream into physical reality. When you’ve done this, you’ve gone through a conscious or deliberate creation process. This is also known as using the Law of Attraction, although I’ve added in an action step as well.

Now, if you want to do this in a more Jewish manner, try my Kabbalistic conscious creation approach. First, think about how your dream fulfills your soul’s purpose. If you don’t know your soul’s purpose, consider you special gifts, what you are really good at or the things you enjoy doing. You might also think about what you seem to be drawn to doing. Second, imagine your dream in vivid detail. Think about every aspect of that dream, including how it flows out of your soul’s purpose. Third, feel what it would be like to manifest your dream and, therefore, to be living your soul’s purpose in some way. Fourth, see yourself taking action to bring your dream into reality. Also, see yourself having manifested your dream and using it in some way–sharing it with others. In other words, see how this dream could be of benefit not just to yourself but to others. Now, take a moment to go through the whole process again so you can experience how receiving your dream and sharing it with others allows you to fulfill your soul’s purpose.  See if you can feel how sharing what you have created–your dream–with others puts you in better touch with the essence of who you are–your soul.

That’s the goal of Kabbalah…to have a dream of receiving for the sake of giving, because this helps you not only get in touch with your own essence but with God. You see, that part of you remains connected to God, and you can feel that connection when you behave like God–when you give.

(For more information on the Kabbalah of Conscious Creation, click here.)

So, today, have a dream. In fact, dream big! Dream of feeling your connection with God.

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