
The Living Fully Challenge

12 Months to a Fully-Lived Life

Month #8

By now you should have a life filled with at least a few more friends or at least some people you are getting to know better. And friendship always makes our lives feel fuller. Plus, friendships stretch our relationship muscles. Coupled with an ability to communicate honestly, we learn to become really good friends. Actually, we learn how to navigate relationships of all sorts, and this gives us the ability to truly be with all sorts of people from all sorts of backgrounds and in all sorts of situations. Of course, communicating honestly and well requires not only speaking from the heart but listening from the heart as well. Communication represents a two-way street; it takes a broadcaster and a receiver — a speaker and a listener. You must learn to be and do both well to be a good communicator as well as a good friend.

On to month #8! It’s time to spend time with yourself as you do a bit of house cleaning. I can feel you cringing already, but you know, you just spent all that time with friends…it’s okay to be alone a bit. Plus, you know how good you feel when you finish cleaning house — when everything is neat and tidy and spotless. That’s a great feeling…a feeling that makes you feel happy and energized even though you’ve just worked hard. So, don’t worry. I promise that after this month’s assignments, you’ll feel more fully alive than ever before despite any scrubbing and mopping you have to complete. (Sorry, no one gets away with the excuse, “I don’t do windows.” The windows are most important; after all, you want to be able to see into your house.*)

*Can you guess what the house symbolizes?

The Two Basic Monthly Assignments

Just as in past months, continue by, first, completing daily the two basic assignments. They continue to form the foundation of your living-fully practice.

Basic Assignment #1:

Take some deep breaths several times every day.  The breath is the source of life. God breathed life into us.  As we breathe in, we continue breathing in God’s exhale, and as we exhale God inhales. It’s a continuous circular breath from Creator to the created.  Plus, without the breath, we die. Each breath gives our body what it needs to continue living.  And the fact that we breathe without even thinking about it represents a miracle. So, breathe deeply and consciously as often as possibly, because the breath enlivens you! If you have a watch that beeps on the hour, I suggest you set it to do so, and each hour take a minimum of 10 deep, slow, conscious breaths.

Basic Assignment #2:

Each night before you fall asleep try to acknowledge at least one thing about your life and the way you lived it that day that you really appreciated or enjoyed. If you can't find at least one thing you appreciated or enjoyed, than commit to doing something different the next day - to doing one thing you can acknowledge the next night - something that puts a smile on your face - before you fall asleep. The reason for this exercise seems self-explanatory:  If you aren’t doing anything that you can acknowledge as being enjoyable or that you sincerely appreciate, you aren’t living fully.

Assignment for Month #8

As you know, each month’s assignment is comprised of two exercises you will use for 30 days to help you live more fully. The first one will involve one area of your life. The second one will be applied to 12 general areas of your daily life – finance, romantic relationship, free time/fun, health/exercise, work/career, spiritual practice/relationship with God, friendship, relationship with self, relationship with family, continuing education, charity and care of the Earth, and commitments/responsibilities.

Exercise A

Moving on to the area of relationship with self, begin this month’s exercise by getting to know yourself really well. Pretend you are meeting yourself for the first time. Ask yourself the following questions and answer them honestly. (Remember, you know how to communicate honestly.)

  • Who am I?
  • What roles do I play in life?
  • What is my soul’s purpose (your special talents or gifts or the job/role you feel you were meant to perform)?
  • What do I like about myself?
  • What don’t I like about myself?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What are my weaknesses?
  • What is my life like and what does it include (jobs, relationships, pets, friends)?
  • Am I living up to my potential? If not, what would that look like? (What are my aspirations?)
  • Am I a good friend to myself?

Once you have answered these questions honestly and feel you have taken a good look at yourself, go find a mirror and take a really good look at yourself — with clothes and, if you are really brave, without. Get to know yourself. Most people who do this exercise find themselves judging their body negatively. Instead, try to acknowledge the good parts of your body. Imagine that you are a new boyfriend or girlfriend appreciating the beauty of the person to whom you find yourself attracted.

Last, ask yourself the following set of questions:

  • What is the one thing I could do this month to get to know myself better?
  • What are the three things I could do this month to be better to myself or take better care of myself?
  • What is the one thing I could do this month to be a better friend to myself?
  • If I were my own best friend, what advice would I give myself right now?

Now, here’s your real assignment. Listen to yourself and take your own advice. In other words, do something to get to know yourself better. Do three things to be better to yourself or to take better care of yourself. Do one thing to be a better friend to yourself. And, give yourself a piece of great advice and take it.

Exercise B

Just like last month, apply this part of the month’s assignment to the following 12 general areas of your daily life — finance, romantic relationship, free time/fun, health/exercise, work/career, spiritual practice/relationship with God, friendship, relationship with self, relationship with family, continuing education, charity and care of the Earth, and commitments/responsibilities.

This month, in each of the 12 general areas of your daily life, you must clean up a mess. (This is the house cleaning to which I alluded.)  This means completing something you’ve left incomplete or beginning a job that needs to get done.

The house you are cleaning is your life. On an even deeper level, the house symbolizes you. You are cleaning up your life and yourself. How do you do this? By cleaning up the mess in one area of your life and yourself at a time.

For example, in the area of finances, maybe you haven’t balanced your check book in the last six months or filed your paid bills. Handle it. Or maybe you haven’t checked in with your financial advisor or looked at when your life insurance needs to be renewed. Do it.

Take a look through the dirty window or your romantic relationships (actually, clean it first…), and take a look around.  Have you, for instance, left hurt feelings unhealed? Don’t continue covering them up with a bandage; actually expose the sore to the air and put some salve on it so the open wound heals.

What about in the area of free time and fun? That seems like a mess free area, but have you possibly started an activity you never finished? Either decide you aren’t going to follow through and give away the equipment you purchased — you know, the rollerblades and helmet lying on the floor of the garage — or put them on and commit to using them three times a week. Or that easel and paint in the corner of the living room…take a look at the painting you began. Will you ever complete it? Either pick up the brush and paint for 30 minutes at least once a week, or put the art supplies in the attic. (Better yet, give them to someone who will use them, like some young child with dreams of being an artist one day.)

As for health and exercise, that’s easy: Uncover the treadmill in your bedroom — that’s right, stop using it as a place to hang the clothes that aren’t so dirty they can’t be worn a second time, and actually get on it every morning for 20 minutes. Or pack that thing up and sell it at the local used exercise equipment store.

The area of work/career provides ample area for clean up: Just look at that never ending to-do list. What items on that list have you started but never finished? Make them your top priority. Look around your office, what needs to be filed, organized, put in the circular file? Check your email box. How many of those 538 new emails, 689 sent emails, and 5,367 old emails can you clean out or organize?

I think you get the idea. You can probably find ample opportunities for “house cleaning” in the other seven categories as well, plus many more I haven’t mentioned in the five I’ve used as examples. Just look around in each category. Rub off a little place in each room’s window, or actually clean the whole window so you can see clearly, and you’ll find at least one mess you can clean up. Possibly its an actual physical mess. It could be a nonphysical one as well. You’ll know it when you see it though. It will be something dirty, dingy, and a bit smelly. But when you are done, that category will be a bit cleaner, shinier and sweeter smelling.

And you’ll feel oh, so good . . . and cleaner, too. You’ll feel enlivened with the sense of accomplishment. You’ll know your “house” is a bit cleaner than it was 30 days ago.

And when we keep our living spaces — interior and exterior — free of mess, we can focus our attention on the really important things: filling them with the things we really want and living in them fully.

Get cleaning!

Keep me posted on your progress! Please drop me an email and tell me how you are doing with the challenge and its exercises and assignments. I'd love to have you share your experiences with me.

Here’s to living life fully!

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

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  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

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