Is Your Luck Running Out or Running In?

are you lucky?While I was in New York this past weekend, a friend made a comment that really bothered me. She said she’d always assumed that things would go her way, for example, that she’d get into the college she wanted, land the internship she desired or end up with the job she sought. And she always had. But, she said, “I figured at some point my luck would run out.”

That was the kicker for me.

Thoughts and Attitude Create Luck

In fact, the reason she had always managed to “get what she wanted” had a tremendous amount to do with her way of thinking and her resultant attitude. She had the positive thoughts that led her to believe she would get what she wanted. And she acted “as if” the future she desired had already occurred. She just didn’t doubt that she could create the future she desired.

That didn’t mean she took no action to create it, but it meant the energy she put out into the world was positive and affirmed that what she wanted was already coming toward her.

Thus, her thoughts and attitude created a constant flow of good luck, if you want to call it that. She experienced a continuous flow of what she called good luck flowing toward her, or “running in abundance” rather than “out.”

As soon as she began to think there was good reason for her so-called luck to “run out,” however, for it to dry up and go away or to flow in some other direction, everything had the potential of changing—for the worse.

She told me she had started wondering if she could land the job she wanted or whether this time it just wouldn’t happen. Doubt had seeped into her mind, which was now filled with negative thoughts. Although she continued taking action toward her goal, just as she always had, it was not with the total belief that she would achieve it.

Such a small change in thinking and attitude can mean the difference between success and failure. It can cause luck to seemingly “run out,” when if fact, you are pushing it away—or rather offering the universe mixed messages about what you want.

There’s No Such Thing as Luck

More often than not, unlike my friend, we don’t realize this subtle shift in our thoughts. So we feel that somehow our luck has changed.

When I sense my luck is running out, I pay attention. In fact, I work on creating my own luck daily by paying attention to my thoughts and my attitude. I try to maintain positive thoughts that are focused on what I want, not on what I don’t want, and a positive attitude based on the belief that good things are coming my way. That’s how I make sure I create what I want in my life and don’t rely on luck at all.

After all, there’s really no such thing as luck, right? Tell me what you think.

Image credit: alexraths / 123RF Stock Photo

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