Monday Inspiration: Become a Tourist

Inspirational tools

You can walk through life and see what you’ve always seen. Or you can approach your “life trip” with enough curiosity to explore and learn about your surroundings. You can become a tourist.

You constantly see and learn new things. And you grow and expand as you do so. You live your life more fully.

You don’t even have to travel far to go on a sightseeing trip. You can find historic or interesting places to visit in your town.

Or you can be a tourist in your home or neighborhood. For example, visit your local park and be totally present and conscious of what you see, feel, smell, and hear. Bring a book about local birds, trees, or butterflies. Then learn about your environment and experience it.

Take a hike on a new path. Or travel across the country or the sea. It doesn’t matter where you go. What matters is your attitude. You must see your life as a “trip” and seek out opportunities to “visit” and learn about new places and things.

I love visiting new countries and cities. Not only do I find this activity interesting, educational and exciting, but I also find that it broadens my mind. When I was in college, I traveled a lot. As an adult, I’ve not traveled as much, but I still look for opportunities to explore my surroundings.

Sometimes you have to get over your fears—of flying, new places, not knowing the language, getting lost, etc. But if you do, you can explore any number of exquisite and unique places, some of which might be within an easy drive of your home.

A tourist has an inquisitive mind and an adventurous spirit. You can, too. I challenge you to develop a tourist attitude and to begin making the most of your life trip.

Do you have a tourist attitude? Are you a tourist on your life trip? Tell me how this changes your life.

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