Everyone has dreams and desires. It’s normal for you to want the good things in life or to want more of what you already have. And you have the ability to create what you want. You can make your dreams real.
But if that’s true, why does it sometimes feel so difficult—or even impossible—to have what you want? Why don’t you receive your desires?
Simple. You might be blocking the process of creation with your limiting beliefs and negative thoughts about having what you desire.
Don’t allow that to stop you from creating your dreams! Follow the following five steps to create what you want in your life.
Five Steps to Creating What You Want
- Get clear about what you want.
It’s difficult to create something in the physical world if you don’t have clarity about what it is you desire most. Develop a picture of what you want, and get quite specific. Take time to write out a description of your desire. - Uncover negative thoughts that contradict your belief that you can or should have what you want—or that you can’t have what you want.
It’s common to say you want something but to possess negative thoughts and belief that block you from creating your dreams. Maybe you are afraid you’ll lose something in the process of getting what you want, the process of realizing your dream will feel like a struggle, or you won’t be satisfied with the result once you achieve your dream. Or maybe you feel you don’t deserve to have what you want or you don’t have the ability to make your dream a reality. These types of beliefs do not help, but rather hinder, your ability to create what you want. - Change your negative beliefs into positive ones.
Rewrite the negative beliefs and thoughts that prevent you from creating what you want in your life. You can write or say affirmations, visualize yourself with all you need to make your dream real, or try hypnosis of Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique). It doesn’t matter what technique you use, but do your best to replace the negative payoffs for having what you want with positive ones. (Watch the video for examples.) - Become aware of your thoughts.
When you find yourself stuck in limiting beliefs and negative thoughts about creating what you want, change them in the moment to positive ones. Use an affirmation immediately, or focus on what you want (not on what you don’t want). Do whatever you can to shift your thoughts and beliefs to ones that support your effort to create what you want. - Take action.
Despite what some people say, you need more than focused thoughts about what you want to create to bring that dream into the physical world. You also need to take action. Action might involve visualizing (mental action) how it would feel to have what you want, but that’s not enough either. You must make affirmations of action, and do something to help you create your dream.
Be open to what the Universe brings you. You made a specific request when you focused your thoughts (Step 1), but sometimes what you want isn’t what’s best for you. So pay attention to what shows up, and end your affirmations, visualizations, and focus times with this statement: This or something better is now coming to me for the highest good of all concerned.
Have you used this process or another to create what you want in your life? Tell me about the process and your results in a comment below.