How often do you find yourself focusing on negative thoughts?
Are you worried about the future and afraid you’re going to fail?
Do you ever say I’m not good enough?
The dark clouds that continually grey the otherwise sunny skies of your mind are a result of what you put into your head.
When you put negative Garbage In, you get negative Garbage Out…
Or as I like to call it…GIGO, which is the name computer programmers gave this concept.
Don’t Feed Your Mind Garbage
GIGO is what happens when you feed bad thoughts into your brain. Bad thoughts are just like bad code added to a computer program.
From bad-news articles to scary TV shows, the negativity you put into your mind is the negativity you’re going to get out of it. And that includes the negative words others say to you or you say to yourself.
If you provide your mind with positive, happy inputs, you’ll get positive, happy outputs.
Your New Mind Diet
So what can you put in your mind instead of garbage? What can you consume that will nourish your mind rather than rot it?
Try inspiring books or television shows that motivate and educate. These are materials that will lift you up rather than kick you down.
If you’re really struggling with negative thoughts, try a more Pavlovian approach: Wear a rubber band around your wrist, and snap it every time you have a negative thought. Then force your mind into a state of positivity. Doing this will help you facilitate mental/emotional change and do so quickly.
I challenge you to stop the GIGO today.
Start lifting yourself up by feeding your mind positive and inspiring information and messages. If you don’t let any garbage in, amazingly good things are bound to come out.
How do you stop GIGO?