Monday Inspiration: Step Into Your Best Self

how to become your best self

Are you living as your best self? Maybe? Maybe not? Maybe you don’t even know what it means to be your “best self.”

Your best or highest self is the person you know you can be. It’s the best version of you.

Most of us fail to step into our best selves on a daily basis. Some peole feel far away from this best version of themselves, and others feel close. Few can say they have become their highest version of themselves.

At this moment, I bet that you know you can be more and do more, be better and do better. If you visualize yourself fulfilling your potential, being the best person you could be, what would that look like?

How Would You Describe Your Best Self?

Let’s start there. How would you describe your best self? Would you be compassionate? Joyous? Enthusiastic? Productive? Authentic?

Come up with a two or three words that describe your best self, and write them down. These are words that describe the “self” you can be—words you’d love others to use when they describe you.

Visualize Your Best Self

Now, spend a few minutes visualizing what it would be like to be that person everyday—to live as your best self.

How would you:

  • stand
  • speak
  • gesture
  • interact with other people
  • communicate
  • lead
  • serve

When you can visualize yourself “being” those words you used to describe your best self, it’s time to take another step.

Living Into Your Best Self

Step into your best self. How do you do this?

Every day, remind yourself you want to be this person you’ve described—now rather than later. Several times a day, ask yourself, “Am I living those words right now? For example, if your words were passionate, courageous, and compassionate, ask: “Am I acting in a passionate, courageous, compassionate manner right now?”

If your answer is “yes,” awesome! Congratulate yourself. If not, ask this question: “If I’m not being that at this moment, how can I be that in the next moment?”

Your Best Self as a Guide

Use the picture you created in your mind of your best self as a guide. Each time you head into a new situation, have a conversation or have to make a decision, for instance, visualize your best self. How would she or he speak, behave, react, or respond?

See your highest self handling a tough conversation, for instance. Then go out there and have that conversation in the same way.

Imitate your best self; use him or her as your role model. You can do this with anything. You could imagine your best self doing surgery, running a marathon, writing a book, or giving birth.

The Path to Becoming Your Best Self

There’s one more thing you can do to help yourself step into your best self and to become the person you know you can be. Determine how the best self became the best self.

You may think that’s impossible since your best self is the person you aspire to become; you aren’t that person yet. But you can discover the path to becoming your best self.

Here’s how: Go back to your visualization. Imagine your best self. Now, ask your best self how he or she became that person. In your mind’s eye, have a conversation. For example, you could say, “Hey, how did you get to be so compassionate, productive, passionate? How did you get to be that way?” Ask: “What are the steps that I need to take? What mindsets and habits do I need to step into being you?”

Then write down your next steps to becoming the person you know you can and want to be. Now you have a plan…a clear path…from who you are to who you want to be. You need only step onto the path and step forward.

Are you stepping daily into your best self?

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