Monday Inspiration: Trust Yourself

Inspirational tools

A few weeks ago, I went to Stockton, California, to speak at a writing conference. I gave two presentations. The first talk went smoothly—I was familiar with the topic and had delivered the presentations many times before, so I felt confident. But the second talk made me nervous. The topic was completely new to me, and I didn’t trust that I knew the material.

When I took the stage in front of a room full of people, I realized I didn’t have my notes. For some reason, the presentation program wouldn’t show them to me. I fumbled through the first few minutes, apologizing for my awkwardness.

It was a brutal start, and one that was bound to get worse…unless I changed my approach.

I had to trust myself.

I had to trust that I knew what I was talking about.

And when I made that mental shift, I suddenly realized, hey, I DO know this topic!

Not only that, this is a topic I LOVE!—creativity, productivity, and mindset.

At that point, everything started to flow naturally, and I felt like my presentation went perfectly.

By trusting myself, I was able to give the audience a fantastic experience.

Now You Try

I hope my experience can inspire you to trust in yourself. Whatever your ambition may be, start going for it today.

If you have always wanted to write a book, sit down and write it.

If you have been dreaming of starting a business, go for it.

Whatever it is, trust yourself. You’ve got this.

How to Trust Yourself

Here are a few guidelines I’ve come up with to help you develop that trust:

  1. Get to work. You need to trust in your idea enough to try it out.
  2. Make a list of things you know. This is a great way to build up your confidence and help you see your potential.
  3. Find your center. Find a quiet place and tap into the part of you that has all the knowledge in the universe. Trust that the inspiration you need will come to you.

Use these steps as your simple, obstacle-free road to self-trust.

Get excited about something you have always wanted to do. Channel your passion, and get to work. Trust in your own potential to achieve your dreams.

Tell me about an experience when you trusted yourself.

HP-Coaching-image-x200Certified High Performance Coaching can help you generate the mindset, character traits, and habits to help you achieve the results you desire. It supports you becoming more clear, courageous, energetic, productive, and influential in all areas of your life. To set up a 1-hour FREE High Performance Coaching session, click here. Sign up for 12 Certified High Performance Coaching sessions and receive a FREE ticket to Brendon Burchard’s next High Performance Academy (value $997). It’s your time to master your physiology, psychology, productivity, influence, presence, and purpose so you can fulfill your potential and purpose and live more fully. (Ask me about the Bonus Author Career Plan or Your Sacred Text sessions —each one valued at $997—my Certified High Performance Coaching clients receive as well.)

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