Monday Motivation: Don’t Let Life Get In the Way

The year is almost half over. In just two weeks, June will end and you’ll have six months left—six months to complete whatever goals you set back in January.

Here’s my question for you: What have you let get in the way of achieving your goals?

Yes, I said “let” get in the way.

Every day things happen to you that can prevent you from taking steps toward your goals—if you let them. Life gets in the way if you allow it to do so.

I admit that sometimes something catastrophic happens and you truly can’t take action. Maybe you have an accident or or someone gets ill and you must care for them. Or someone dies and you have to stop everything to attend a funeral.

However, if you are truly committed to your goal, you make choices about your time and your energy. You find a way to move forward anyway—despite the challenges in your life. You don’t let life get in the way.

I’ve known people who worked on their National Nonfiction Writing Month projects from hospital beds. They got sick during November, when the event takes place, but they kept writing anyway.

Typically, less dramatic things get in the way. Maybe you have a busy day or you feel tired. Or your family places more-than-the-usual demands on you. Possibly, “fires” need to be put out at work, and before you know it, the whole day has gone by and you’ve done nothing to take action on our goals. Or you get a cold, need to run errands, or have housework that must get done.

You let things, or life, get in the way.

If you have an hour to watch television or read a novel, you have time to do something that gets you closer to your dream. If you have an hour for lunch, you have time to make a phone call, send an email, write for 30 minutes, draw a picture, or send a resume.

You have six months left to meet your 2015 goals. If you want to move toward them faster, you need to change something. How about taking one small step toward your goal—no matter what?

What have you allowed to get in the way of your dreams and goals? And can you see a way to not let that happen any longer?

Click here to make BIG strides toward your goals! >>

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