The following is a list of Nina Amir's upcoming and completed speaking engagements. (Last updated January 2024.)


  • Speaker, "How Identity Determines Your Business Experience," Somatic Business Building Retreat for Entrepreneurs: Start, Grow & Scale your Business Without Overwhelm, Burnout or Stress, April 3, virtual.
  • Speaker, "Who You are Being Determines the Quality of Your Life Experience," The Healthy Body Happy Life Summit, February 28, virtual.
  • Speaker, "How to Create the Family Experience You Desire," Your Family Matters, February 21, virtual.
  • Speaker, "How to Develop the Identity, Habits, and Mindsets of a Bestselling Author," Be a Bestseller 5.0 Summit, January 15-19, virtual.
  • Speaker, Moderator, Track Coordinator, "Centering and Strategizing for the Already Overwhelmed," "How to Become a Writer Who Can Succeed as an Author,," "Productivity and Management Tools for Writers," and moderator of two additional sessions; will serve as Personal Growth for Writers Track Coordinator and provide paid Author Coaching consultations (money goes to a nonfiction scholarship in her name), San Francisco Writers Conference, February 15-18, 2023, San Francisco, CA


  • Speaker, "Time to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul," Crones, Hags & Elder Wise Women of Power Summit, September 28-October 4, virtual.
  • Speaker, "Blueprint for Blogging," "Centering and Strategizing for the Already Overwhelmed," and "The Mindsets and Habits of a Productive Nonfiction Writer," and provided paid Author Coaching consultations, San Francisco Writers Conference, February 17-18, 2023, San Francisco, CA.
  • Speaker, "Turn Your Blog into a Book Production Machine," The Conscious Leader’s Book Writing Summit, January 25, 2023, virtual.


  • Speaker, “Interview,” Explode Your Traffic Live, January 26, 2022, virtual.
  • Speaker, “The Kabbalah of Conscious Creation,” Grateful Gathering by , November 12, 2022, Placitas, NM.
  • Speaker, “How to Build a Business Around Your Book,” Business Book Summit, October 25, 2022, virtual.
  • Speaker, “How to Uplevel Your Biz by Upleveling Your Identity,” Entrepreneur Uplevel Experience, October 26, 2022.
  • Speaker, “How to Tap into Spiritual Guidance Using Guided Writing,” Fall Equinox Retreat by 5dnowpresents, September 24, 2022, Lake Abiquiu, NM.
  • Speaker, “How to Tap into Spiritual Guidance Using Guided Writing,” Summer Soirée Retreat by 5dnowpresents, August 25, 2022, Lake Abiquiu, NM.
  • Speaker, “How to Feed Body and Soul,” World Unity Week, June 24, 2022.
  • Speaker, “How to Be a Bestselling Author,” Be a Bestseller Masterclass with Emma Dhesi, April 2022, virtual.
  • Speaker, “How to Build Your Audience While Writing Your Book,” Women in Publishing Summit, March 4, 2022, virtual.


  • Speaker, “How to Become a Successful Author,” Behind Our Eyes, September 14, 2021, virtual.
  • Speaker, “Career Planning for Successful Authorship,” Women in Publishing Summit, March 1-8, 2021, virtual.
  • Speaker, “Creative Visualization and Building a Business Around a Book,” Millennial Ambitious Woman, May 1-7, 2021, virtual.
  • Speaker, “The Importance of Identity in Transformation,” Journey to Self Series—How to Unlock your Personal Power and Move Positively Through Change, March 24, 2021, virtual.
  • Speaker, “How to Craft a Book that Sells,” Gold Coast Writers, March 17, 2021, virtual.
  • Speaker,How to Craft a Book that Sells,” San Francisco Writers Conference and the Mechanic’s Institute, April 23, 2021, virtual.
  • Speaker, “The Real Secret to Successful Authorship,” Be a Bestseller Summit, April 12-25, 2021, virtual.
  • Speaker, “From Writer to Speaker,” Port Townsend Toastmasters Club, January 14, 2021, virtual.


  • Workshop leader, “Turn Your Blog into a Book Production Machine,” South Bay Writers, October 12, virtual.
  • Workshop leader, “How to Craft Your Sacred Story,” Chadeish Yameinu: Jewish Renewal of Santa Cruz, October 10 and 27, virtual.
  • Speaker, “Blogging for Authors,” September 30, 2020, Women’s National Book Association (San Francisco), virtual.
  • Speaker, “From Idea to Published Book: How to Ensure You Get to Done,” Your Memoir Now Mini Summit, June 14, 2020, virtual.
  • Panelist, “Publishing Pros Coaching for Writers,” Women’s National Book Association May 21, 2020, virtual.
  • Speaker, “Mindset and Habits for Housebound Writers, San Francisco Writers Conference and the Mechanic’s Institute, May 14, 2020, virtual.
  • Speaker, “How to Get Out of Your Own Way,” Women in Publishing Summit, March 2-8, 2020, virtual.
  • Speaker, “How to Craft Your Author Career Plan” and “Building Authority as an Expert (for Nonfiction Writers)” as well as paid Author Coaching consultations, San Fransciso Writers Conference, February 13-16, 2020, San Francisco, CA.


  • Workshop Leader, “How to Create Your Bestselling Author Career Plan” and “How to Become a High-Performance Writer,” Writer’s Digest Novel Conference, October 25-26, 2019, Pasadena, CA.
  • Panelist/Workshop Leader, “Writing to Change the World,” San Francisco Writing for Change Conference, September 14, 2019, San Francisco, CA.
  • Panelist/Workshop Leader, “How to Become an Author of Change” and “How to Become a High-Performance Artist” Ogden UnCon, June 7-9, 2019, Ogden, UT.
  • Panelist,“So You Want to be an Author,” East West Bookshop, June 3, 2019, Mountain View, CA.
  • Speaker and panelist, “Making this Your Best Writers Conference Ever” (opening session),“Your Conference Opportunities” (during first day breakfast welcome session), “Build Your Online Platform,” “Early Bird Creative Visualization,” “How to Create Your Bestselling Author Career Plan,” and “How to Turn Your Blog Into a Book-Production Machine,” as well as paid Author Coaching consultations, San Francisco Writer’s Conference, February 2019, San Francisco, CA.
  • Speaker, The Thriving Artist Masterclass, January 21, 2019, virtual.


  • Speaker, “Writing/Publishing/High Performance,” The Wealthy Author Summit, November 7-15, 2018, virtual.
  • Speaker, “The Productive Writer,” International Authors Summit, October 1-5, 2018, virtual.
  • Speaker, “Three Steps to Becoming a Change Agent” (opening segment) and “Writing and Publishing a Book that will Change the World” (closing segment), San Francisco Writing for Change Conference, September 2018, San Francisco, CA
  • Speaker and panelist, “Your Conference Opportunities” (two-minute opening session talk), “Workshopping Your Pitch,” “Turn Your Blog Into a Book Production Machine,” and “Writing for Change,” San Francisco Writer’s Conference, February 2018, San Francisco, CA.


  • Speaker, “How to Craft a Book that Sells,” California Writers’ Club-Berkeley Branch, September 2017, Berkeley, CA.
  • Speaker, “From Inspiration to Creation of Your Book: 7 Steps to Success,” California Lawyers for the Arts, October 2017, Berkeley, CA.
  • Speaker, “7 Steps to Realize Your Dream of Authorship,” California Writers’ Club-Peninsula Branch, October 2017, Redwood City, CA.
  • Speaker and panelist, “7 Things You Need to Become a Change Agent” (10-minute opening talk), marketing and publishing panelist, San Francisco Writing for Change Conference, September 2017, San Francisco, CA.
  • Keynote and speaker, Create Your Successful Author Career Plan” (keynote), “How to Craft a Book that Sells,” and “How to Blog Your Way to a Book Deal,” Writers Institute, March 2017, Madison, WI.
  • Speaker and panelist, “Your Conference Opportunities” (two-minute opening session talk), “Planning for Success: Turning Your Book into a Business,” “Blogging For Authors: From Short Work to Long Green,” “Creative Visualization for Writers: Bringing Your Ideas and Career to Life,” “From Inspiration to Creation of Your Book: Steps to Realizing Your Dream of Successful Authorship (workshop),” “Writing for Change,” San Francisco Writer’s Conference, February 2017, San Francisco, CA.
  • Speaker and panelist, “How to Create a Bestselling Book,” No More Excuses, Only Results workshop, January 2017, Kansas City, MO.


  • Speaker and panelist, “7 Things You Need to Become a Change Agent” (10-minute opening talk), San Francisco Writing for Change Conference, September 2016, San Francisco, CA.
  • Speaker, “From Inspiration to Creation of Your Book” and “How to Craft a Book that Sells,” Writer’s Digest Novelists Conference, October 2016, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Speaker, “How to Leverage Your Blog Content into a Successful Book,” Nebraska Writer’s Guild, October 2016, Aurora, NE.
  • Featured speaker, Nonfiction Master Course teleconference, “How to Blog a Book,” October 2016, virtual.
  • Speaker, “How to Craft a Book that Sells,” Frankfurt Book Fair Indie Author Fringe Online Conference 2016, October 206, virtual.
  • Speaker, “publishing and authorship success,” Publishing Success Summit, November 2016, virtual.
  • Speaker, “How to Create Your Bestselling Author Career Plan,” Outdoor Writers’ Association of CA, May 2016, Auburn, CA.
  • Speaker, “From Inspiration to Creation of Your Book” and “How to Craft a Book that Sells,” Annual Conference on Creative Writing, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA, June 2016.
  • Speaker, “Leverage Your Blog Content: How to Blog a Book or Book a Blog,” Indie Author Fringe Conference, April 2016, virtual.
  • Speaker, “How to Leverage Your Blog Into a Book,” Nebraska Writer’s Guild Spring Conference, April 2016, LaVista, NE.
  • Speaker, “Leverage Your Blog Content: How to Blog a Book or Book a Blog,” London Bookfaire Indie Author Fringe Conference, April 2016, virtual.
  • Speaker and panelist, “Your Conference Opportunities” (2-minutes opening talk), “Goals to Go,” “Seven Steps to Becoming a Change Agent,” “How to Leverage Your Blog Into a Successful Book,” “How to Create Your Bestselling Author Career Plan,” “50 Shades of Pay,” San Francisco Writer’s Conference, February 2016, San Francisco, CA.


  • Speaker, “How to Blog a Book,” Nonfiction Authors Association, August 2015, Pleasant Hill, CA.
  • Panelist, “Publishing Panel,” Catamaran Writers’ Conference, August 2015, Pebble Beach, CA.
  • Speaker and panelist, “7 Things You Need to Become a Change Agent” (opening speech) and marketing panel, San Francisco Writing for Change, September 2015, San Francisco, CA.
  • Speaker, “How to Blog a Book of Book a Blog,” California Lawyers for the Arts, September 2015, Sacramento, CA.
  • Speaker, “Get On Your ‘Author Attitude’ and Craft a Bestseller!” California Writers’ Club-Sacramento Branch, September 2015, Sacramento, CA.
  • Speaker, “Blog Your Way to a Book Deal” and “Create Your Successful Author Career,” Writer’s Digest Conference, August 2015, New York, NY.
  • Panelist, “My First Book,” Nonfiction Authors Association, May 2015, Pleasant Hill, CA.
  • Moderator, “How to Create Killer Content Fast,” BEA Blogger Conference, Book Expo America, May 2015, New York, NY.
  • Speaker, “How to Create a Business Plan for Your Book,” BEA uPublishU, Book Expo America, May 2015, New York, NY.
  • Speaker, “How to Blog a Book,” California Lawyers for the Arts, April 2015, San Francisco, CA.
  • Speaker, “How to Successfully Manage Social Media,” UC Berkeley Extension, March 2015, San Francisco, CA.
  • Speaker, “Prepping Yourself and Your Idea for Success, Day of the Book, March 2015, Pleasant Hill, CA.
  • Workshop leader and speaker, “Prepping Yourself and Your Book for Success,” “Blog Your Way to a Book Deal” and “50 Shades of Pay,” “Eliminating Failure as an Option,” “How to Write a Book in 30 Days,” (11 breakout sessions, a speech during the opening session, a workshop, and a talk during a post-conference boot camp), San Francisco Writer’s Conference, February 2014, San Francisco, CA.
  • Speaker, “How to Successfully Manage Social Media,” Stanford Continuing Education, January 2015, Palo Alto, CA.


  • Workshop leader, “How to Plan Your Writing Career,” California Lawyers for the Arts, December 2014, San Francisco, CA.
  • Speaker and panelist, “7 Things You Need to Become a Change Agent” (opening speech) and marketing panel, San Francisco Writing for Change, September 2014, San Francisco, CA.
  • Speaker, “How to Blog a Book” and “Prepping Yourself and Your Idea for Success,” Writer’s Digest Conference, August 2014, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Speaker, “How to Blog a Book” and “Prepping Yourself and Your Idea for Success,” Cape Cod Writers’ Conference, August 2014, Hyannis, MA.
  • Speaker, “How to Blog a Book” and “Prepping Yourself and Your Idea for Success,” Writer’s Digest Conference, August 2014, New York, NY.
  • Speaker, “How to Successfully Manage Social Media,” Stanford Continuing Education, July 2014, Palo Alto, CA.
  • Panelist, “Getting the Word Out About Your Book,” DigiLit, June 2014, San Francisco, CA.
  • Speaker, “How to Blog a Book” and “Prepping Yourself and Your Idea for Success,” Penn Writers’ Conference, May 2014, Lancaster, PA.
  • Speaker, “9 Steps to Prepare Yourself and Your Book for Success,” Dallas Fort Worth Writers’ Conference, May 2014, Dallas, TX.
  • Speaker, “How to Successfully Tackle Social Media,” Red Writers Conference, April 2014, Santa Rosa, CA.
  • Speaker, “Blog Your Way to a Book Deal” and “Prepping Yourself and Your Idea for Success,” Erma Bombeck Writer’s Conference, April 2014, Dayton, OH.
  • Panelist, “Blogging: How to Build Brand and Find New Readers,” Independent Book Publishers Association’s (IBPA’s) 2014 Publishing University, March 2012, San Francisco, CA.
  • Speaker, “How to Blog a Book,” Writers of Kern Spring Workshop, Bakersfield-California Writer’s Club, March 2014, Bakersfield, CA.
  • Keynote, “How to Succeed as an Author,” Genre-La Writers’ Conference, February 2014, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Workshop leader and speaker, “Prepping Yourself and Your Book for Success,” “Blog Your Way to a Book Deal” and “How to Blog a Book and Become a Blogprenuer,” San Francisco Writer’s Conference (2 breakout sessions, a workshop and a talk during a post-conference boot camp), February 2014, San Francisco, CA.


  • Speaker, “How to Build a Business Around Your Blog,” Self-Publishing Book Camp, Sacramento, CA, November 2013.
  • Speaker and panelist, “How to Being Writing About Change the Moment Inspiration Hits” (10-minute opening talk), “Blogging as a Marketing Tool,” San Francisco Writing for Change Conference, San Francisco, CA, October 2013.
  • Speaker, “How to Write a Short Book Fast” and “How to Blog a Book,” Writing on the Sound, Edmonds, WA, October 2013.
  • Speaker, “How to Blog Your Book” and “Your Book’s Business Plan: How to Prepare Yourself and Your Book Idea for Publishing Success,” Writer’s Digest Conference West, Los Angeles, CA, September 2013.
  • Speaker, “Turning Life Lessons into Stories Worth Telling” and “Are You and Your Book Ready to Succeed?” Central Coast Writers Conference, San Luis Obispo, CA, September 2013.
  • Speaker and workshop leader, “Blog Your Way to a Book Deal,” and “Successfully Tackle Social Media (Even When You’d Rather Be Writing),” San Miguel Writer’s Conference, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, February 2013.
  • Speaker, “How to Write a Short Book Fast,” BAIPA, San Raphael, CA, January 2013.


  • Speaker, “From Blog to Book,” FAW Self-Publishing Conference December 2012.
  • Speaker, “How to Blog Your Book,” Writer’s Digest Conference West, October 2012, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Webinar leader, “How to Blog a Book or Book a Blog,” Author Services, October 2012, virtual.
  • Speaker, “Blog Your Way to a Book Deal,” Spiritual Writer’s Conference, Mountain View, CA, September 2012.
  • Workshop leader, How to Hit Your Targets this Year, Chadeish Yameinu, September 2012, Santa Cruz, CA.
  • Panelist, Authors as Change Agents,” Writing For Change Conference, September 2012, San Francisco, CA.
  • Webinar leader, “How to Blog a Book or Book a Blog,” Author Services, September 2012, virtual.
  • Speaker, “Blog Your Way to a Book Deal,” Spiritual Writer’s Conference, September 2012, Mountain View, CA.
  • Webinar leader, “How to Blog a Book or Book a Blog,” Author Services, October 2012, virtual.
  • Speaker, “How to Blog Your Book,” Writer’s Digest Conference West, October 19-2012, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Speaker, “Creating a Winning Pitch,” Redwood Writers-CA Writers Club, August 2012, Santa Rosa, CA.
  • Panelist, “Introduction to Self-Publishing,” The Northern California Books Publicity & Marketing Association, San Francisco, CA, July 2012.
  • Speaker, “Blog Your Way to a Book Deal,” Los Gatos Public Library, Los Gatos, CA, July
  • Workshop leader, “How to Build an Expert Author Platform,” Expert Platform Building 101, Santa Clara, California, May 2012.
  • Speaker, “How to Evaluate Your Book for Success,” TMCC Writer’s Conference, Reno, Nevada, April 2012.
  • Speaker, “Blog Your Way to a Book Deal,” San Francisco Writers Conference, February 2012.
  • Speaker, “How to Blog a Book,” Writer’s Digest Conference, New York, NY, January 2012.


  • Workshop leader, “ How to Write a Book Fast! 4 Ways to Compile and Publish a Manuscript in Record Time,” California Writers Club-Central Coast Writers, Monterey, CA, November 2011.
  • Workshop leader, “Writing a Perfect Pitch” and “Evaluate Your Book for Success,” California Writers Club-South Bay Writers Summer Retreat, Alamo, CA, August 2011.
  • Workshop leader, “How to Write a Book Fast! 4 Ways to Compile and Publish a Manuscript in Record Time,” California Writers Club-South Bay Writers, Sunnyvale, CA, June 2011.
  • Speaker, “Five Things Every Nonfiction Writer Needs to Get Published,” California Writer’s Club-Tri-Valley Branch, Pleasanton, CA, June 2011.
  • Teleseminar leader, “How to Blog a Book,” March 2011, virtual.
  • Speaker, “A Post a Day is a Book a Year: How to Blog a Book,” San Francisco Writers Conference, February 2011.
  • Speaker, “Five Things Every Nonfiction Writer Needs to Get Published,” California Writer’s Club-Berkeley Branch, Oakland, CA, January 2011.


  • Panelist, “So You Want to Be an Author,” East West Bookstore, Mountain View, CA, November 2010.
  • Panelist, New Media Film Festival, “Ask A Pro-Publishing Track,” San Francisco, CA, November 2010.
  • Workshop presenter,9 Ways to Make Sure Your Nonfiction Book Succeeds (Before You Actually Write It)” and “How to Create a Book Pitch,” NORCAL California Writer’s Club Fall Retreat, Pema Oseling Retreat Center, Watsonville, CA, October 2010.
  • Workshop leader, 9 Ways to Make Sure Your Nonfiction Book Succeeds (Before You Actually Write It),” California Writer’s Club-Berkeley Branch, Oakland, CA, October 2010.
  • Workshop presenter, 9 Ways to Make Sure Your Nonfiction Book Succeeds (Before You Actually Write It)” and “How to Create a Book Pitch,” NORCAL California Writer’s Club Fall Retreat, Pema Oseling Retreat Center, Watsonville, CA, October 2010.
  • Speaker, “7 Ways to Recycle Your Blog Posts for Profit and Publicity,” Campbell, CA, September 2010.
  • Workshop leader, “Birthing Your Book,” (14-hour workshop), Los Gatos, CA, May 2010.
  • Speaker, Writing Winged Words,” San Jose Metaphysical and Nonfiction Writers MeetUp Group, San Jose, CA, May 2010.
  • Speaker, “Why Holocaust Remembrance Day is Important to Everyone,” Center for Creative Living,” San Jose, CA, April 2010.
  • Workshop leader, “Birthing Your Book,” (12-hour workshop) San Jose, CA, March 2010.
  • Speaker, Writing Winged Words,” San Jose Metaphysical and Nonfiction Writers MeetUp Group, San Jose, CA, March 2010.
  • Speaker, “Five Things Every Nonfiction Writer Needs to Get Published,” California Writer’s Club-South Bay Writers, Sunnyvale, CA, March 2010.
  • Panelist, “How to Use Blogs to Promote and Write Your Book,” San Francisco Writers Conference, San Francisco, CA, February 2010.


  • Featured Speaker, “The Kabbalah of Conscious Creation, 7 Steps to Mystically Manifest Your Ideal Mate,” Singles Chavurah, Chochmat HaLev, Berkley, CA, August 2009.
  • Workshop Leader, “Learning to Live Life Fully: Rebbe Nachman’s Tools and Wisdom for Achieving Your Highest Potential,” 13th International Aleph Kallah, sponsored by Aleph: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Columbus, OH, July 2009.
  • Featured Speaker, “Navigating the Narrow Bridge, How to Move Forward Freely and Courageously Even When Life Seems Most Precarious,” Westport Hadassah, Westport, CT, March 2009.
  • Workshop Leader, “The Kabbalah of Conscious Creation, 7 Steps to Mystically Manifest Your Physical and Spiritual Desires,” Westport, CT, March 2009.


  • Featured Speaker, Gavilan Hills New Thought Church, Gilroy, CA, February 2008.
  • Workshop Leader, “The Kabbalah of Conscious Creation, 7 Steps to Mystically Manifest Your Physical and Spiritual Desires,” Bay Area Metaphysical Meet Up, San Jose, CA, July 2008.
  • Presenter, “Getting Your Story Published,” All Maggidic Conference, Berkeley, CA, July 2008.
  • Presenter, “7 Simple Steps to Transforming Empty Rituals into Meaning-full and Spirit-full Practices,” Congregation Etz Chaim, Lombard, IL, May 2008
  • Workshop Leader, “The Kabbalah of Conscious Creation,” Makom Shalom, Chicago, IL, June 2008.
  • Workshop Leader, “The Kabbalah of Conscious Creation,” San Jose Metaphysical Book Shop, Saratoga, CA, May 2008.
  • Featured Speaker, “How to Create Sacred Space and Invite the Divine to Dwell Within It,” and “7 Simple Steps to Transforming Empty Rituals into Meaning-full and Spirit-full Practices,” Fox Valley Jewish Family Friends, St. Charles, IL, May 2008.
  • Presenter and Workshop Leader, “The Kabbalah of Conscious Creation” (3-day class), “The Priestess Practice” (workshop), “Rx For Happiness” (workshop), “Navigating the Narrow Bridge” (workshop), Cactus Kallah, Tucson, AZ, January 2008.


  • Featured Speaker, Gavilan Hills New Thought Church, Gilroy, CA, December 2007.
  • Workshop Leader, “The Kabbalah of Conscious Creation,” Gavilan Hills New Thought Church, Gilroy, CA, October 2007.
  • Featured Speaker, Gavilan Hills New Thought Church, Gilroy, CA, October 2007.
  • Presenter, High Holy Day Retreat, Chadeish Yameinu, Santa Cruz, CA, September 2007.
  • Workshop Leader/Co-Presenter, High Holy Day Preparation Weekend Workshop, Portland, OR, August 2007.
  • Workshop Leader/Presenter, “The Priestess Practice,” 12th International Aleph Kallah, sponsored by Aleph: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Albuquerque, NM, July 2007.
  • Featured Speaker, Gavilan Hills New Thought Church, Gilroy, CA, June 2007.
  • Presenter, “Writing for Publication,” Los Gatos Saratoga Recreation Department, Los Gatos, CA, April/May 2007.
  • Presenter, “Planting Seeds of Change,” Los Gatos Saratoga Recreation Department, Los Gatos, CA, April/May 2007.
  • Featured Speaker, Gavilan Hills New Thought Church, Gilroy, CA, April 2007.
  • Featured Speaker, Gavilan Hills New Thought Church, Gilroy, CA, February 2007.
  • Teleseminar Presenter, “Shabbat Candle Lighting:  A Spiritual Practice for Women,” February 2007.
  • TeleClass Series Co-Presenter, “Planting Seeds of Change, How to Give Root to Your Dreams and Watch Them Grow,” February 2007.
  • Teleseminar Co-Presenter, “Planting Seeds of Change, How to Give Root to Your Dreams and Watch Them Grow,” February 2007.
  • TeleClass Series Presenter, “Writing for Publication,” January/February 2007.
  • Teleseminar Co- Presenter, “Planting Seeds of Change: An Alternative to New Years Resolutions,” December and January 2007.


  • Teleseminar Presenter, “Four Ways to Create the Gift of Meaningful and Spiritual Chanukah and Christmas Celebrations,” December 2006.
  • Featured Speaker, “The Kabbalah of Conscious Creation,” Whole Health Expo, Santa Cruz, CA; October 2006.
  • Meditation Leader, Chadeish Yameinu, Santa Cruz, CA, September 2006
  • Presenter, “Writing for Publication,” Los Gatos Saratoga Recreation Department, Los Gatos, CA, September/October 2006.
  • Featured Speaker, Gavilan Hills New Thought Church, Gilroy, CA, September 2006.


  • Workshop Co-Leader, Chadeish Yameinu, Santa Cruz, CA, September 2005.
  • Workshop Leader/Presenter, “Candle Lighting as a Spiritual Practice,” 11th International Aleph Kallah, sponsored by Aleph: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, in Pittsburgh, PA, July 2005.
  • Service Leader Spiritual Shabbat Service and Pre-Shabbat Spiritual Service, Congregation Shir Hadash, Los Gatos, CA, September 2004 – June 2005.


  • Meditation Leader, Chadeish Yameinu, Santa Cruz, CA, September 2004.
  • Guest Speaker/Leader, Kabbalah study group, Congregation Shir Hadash, Los Gatos, CA, September 2003- June 2004.


  • Workshop Leader, “Navigating the Narrow Bridge, How to Move Through Fear and Live Life Fully,” Santa Cruz, CA, November 2003.
  • Workshop Leader, “Envisioning 2003,” Santa Cruz, CA, October 2003.
  • Presenter, 10th International Aleph Kallah, sponsored by Aleph: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, Bellingham, WA; July 2003.
  • Meditation Teacher, Congregation Etz Chaim, Lombard, IL, September 2001- June 2002.
  • Leader, Kabbalah Study Group, Congregation Etz Chaim, Lombard, IL, 2000-2002.
  • Leader, Spiritual Support Group, Batavia, IL, 2001- 2002.
  • Presenter & Meditation Leader, Congregation Etz Chaim Congregational Retreat, Lombard IL, May 2000, 2001 and 2002.
  • Service Leader, Alternative, Spiritual Sabbath Service, Congregation Etz Chaim, Lombard, IL, December 2001, February, April, June 2002.
  • Featured Speaker Congregation Etz Chaim’s Brotherhood/Sisterhood Shabbat service, Congregation Etz Chaim, Lombard, IL, June 2002
  • Featured Speaker, Congregation Etz Chaim, Lombard, IL, July 1999, July 2000.
  • Workshop Leader, “From Empty Practice to Meaning-Full and Spirit-Full Rituals and Prayers,” Congregation Beth Shalom, Naperville, IL, May 2002.
  • Co-Leader, Women’s Support Group, Phoenix and the Dragon Bookstore, Atlanta, GA. September 1994-June1995.
  • Co-Leader, “Anger, Arguing and the Art of Communication” series, Unity Church, Marietta, GA, January1994.
  • Featured Speaker, Phoenix and the Dragon Bookstore, Atlanta, GA, September 1993.
  • Co-Leader,In Relationship to Relationships…,” Phoenix and the Dragon Bookstore, Atlanta, GA, April 1993.

Additional Presentations

  • offered meditations at High Holy Day services for Chadeish Yameinu in Santa Cruz, CA, in 2004-2007.
  • taught at the Congregation Shir Hadash Hebrew High School for three years in Los Gatos, CA.
  • served as substitute leader for the Congregation Shir Hadash Kabbalah study group in Los Gatos, CA.
  • created and led a spiritual Shabbat and pre-Shabbat service offered to the San Jose and South Bay Jewish community by Congregation Shir Hadash in Los Gatos, CA.
  • served on the Congregation Etz Chaim adult education committee in Lombard, IL.
  • founded and headed the monthly Kabbalah Study Group for Congregation Etz Chaim in Lombard, IL.
  • taught Jewish meditation at Congregation Etz Chaim in Lombard, IL, and initiated and presented meditation sessions at its congregational retreats for three years.
  • taught in the Congregation Etz Chaim religious school in Lombard, IL, and helped develop children’s and teen programming for the congregational retreat.
  • developed and led an alternative, Renewal-style, spiritual/meditative Shabbat service for in Congregation Etz Chaim in Lombard, IL.
  • worked with clients using her certification as a rebirther and a trained Voice Dialogue facilitator in Atlanta, GA.
  • co-led a women’s support group in Atlanta, GA, and facilitated a spiritual support group in Batavia, IL.

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

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  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


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