Are You Looking for Personal & Spiritual Growth Programs?

As a Certified High-Performance Coach, I provide several personal development and human potential courses and programs. Please click on each program to find out more or to enroll.

Inspired Creator Community

This ongoing personal and spiritual growth program will help you eliminate your inner obstacles and tap into your powerful ability to create. If you feel called to show up big, contribute meaningfully, or make a difference as a writer, but you feel stuck, this program is for you. Learn how to change from the inside out and develop the habits and mindsets that allow you to achieve your potential, fulfill your purpose, and live a life that feeds your soul.

(If you are looking for the Nonfiction Writers' University Masters program, it has been integrated into the Inspired Creator Community.)

Certified High Performance Coaching

Have you been struggling to reach your goals and create the life - personally and professionally - you desire? Stop waiting to realize your dreams. Break free of the habits and mindsets that hinder your progress, and find ways to move forward quickly, effectively and successfully. Achieve more in three months than you did last year. Get from where you are to where you want to go. Live fully. Achieve your potential. Fulfill your purpose. It's your time. Step up and own your dream.

Living Fully Challenge

A 12-month home-study course (delivered monthly) to help you live a full life. You’ve only got one life - invest in living it … to the fullest extent possible.

Inspired Creator Community

The Inspired Creator Community is THE place where seekers gather to create lives that feed their souls. As a member, this program will provide you with the essential personal and spiritual development necessary for achieving your potential, fulfilling your purpose, and creating the more that gives your life deep meaning.

Certified High Performance Coaching

Have you been struggling to reach your goals and create the life - personally and professionally - you desire? Stop waiting to realize your dreams. Break free of the habits and mindsets that hinder your progress, and find ways to move forward quickly, effectively and successfully. Achieve more in three months than you did last year. Get from where you are to where you want to go. Live fully. Achieve your potential. Fulfill your purpose. It's your time. Step up and own your dream.

Living Fully Challenge

A 12-month home-study course (delivered monthly) to help you live a full life. You’ve only got one life - invest in living it … to the fullest extent possible.

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

Transform NOW!

Join my new Transform NOW! Facebook group to discover personal and spiritual growth strategies that work as well as taking part in a 3-day Helpful Habit Creation Challenge to learn quick, effective and practical strategies for developing habits that support the achievement of your goals and dreams.

Personal & Spiritual Growth Strategies that Work