Pray for the Healing of the Gulf and the End of the Oil Spill Crisis

When we can’t seem to solve a problem, we turns to a supernal power that might provide a solution…or a miracle. Thus, more than two months into the Gulf oil spill crisis, four affected State Governors proclaimed this past Sunday, June 27th, A Day of Prayer. In other words, we turn to God for answers and for help.

While Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal declared “June 27th as a Statewide Day of Prayer for perseverance,” Texas Governor Rick Perry said “the people of Texas should join with their fellow Gulf Coast residents and others across the country and around the world to thank God, seek his wisdom for ourselves and our leaders, and ask him for his merciful intervention and healing in this time of crisis.”

According to Alabama Governor Bob Riley, “Throughout our history, Alabamians have humbly turned to God to ask for His blessings and to hold us steady during times of struggle. This is certainly one of those times.”

And Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour wrote, “Prayer allows us the opportunity to reflect and seek guidance, strength, comfort and inspiration from Almighty God…”

I urge all of us to join all those people in the Gulf who are affected—or not—and to pray for a speedy solution to this crisis. May a way to stop the oil spill be found and the birds, fish, waters, and coastlines be saved.

I spent many of my best summers along the Gulf Coast…I have many fond memories of walking along the beaches, watching the dolphins, seeing baby sea turtles hatch, watching other sea animals and birds. Even if I hadn’t, I would want this issue to be resolved…we all should. Please place the workers, the government, and all affected—human or otherwise—in your prayers.

Or try Dr. Masaru Emoto’s “Prayer for The Water,” which focuses intention on love, gratitude and healing. If you recall, Dr. Emoto is an author, water researcher and emissary for water and peace. He became quite well known for his book The Hidden Messages in Water,  which puts forth his claim that if human speech or thoughts are directed at water droplets before they are frozen, images of the resulting water crystals will be “beautiful” or “ugly” depending upon whether the words or thoughts were positive or negative.Dr. Emoto claims  this can be achieved through prayer, music or by attaching written words to a container of water.

Now Dr. Emoto has shared a powerful prayer for the healing of the waters of the planet. He explains that water is the divine conduit for spirit and all creation. By focusing our intentions, thoughts and prayers on the waters of the Gulf, we can help “heal” them. To recite the prayer, say:  “I send the energy of love and gratitude to the water and all the living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings. To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, plankton, coral, algae, and all living creatures . . . I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. ”

By participating in this prayer and setting an intention of love and healing for the waters, Dr. Emoto hopes to perform a miracle in the Gulf of Mexico. The belief is that together we are a powerful force. Speaking this prayer multiple times daily create powerful, positive change in the Gulf and on the planet. The power of love and gratitude is greater than any power active in the universe today. To participate, repeat Dr. Emoto’s healing prayer for the waters a few minutes every day.

Or prayer for the waters in your own way, but go to some sort of extraordinary measures at this time using thought, intention and prayer to consciously create change, healing, a solution — a miracle — in the Gulf.

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