Pray With and From Your Heart this Rosh Hashanah

Here in California, we have just a few more hours until the start of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. I’m hurrying to finish my work. I’ve already purchased my round challah from the local Jewish bakery. My brisket is made. I need to shower and get dressed and make it to services early, because my family and I are the designated “drummers” (yes, drummers) for the two niggunim (songs with no words, just melodies) that start off the Jewish renewal service we will be attending at Chadeish Yameinu in Santa Cruz.

So, for all my Jewish readers, let me first say: Shana tova umesuka – a good and sweet year to you filled with perfect health, abundance, prosperity, peace, joy, friendship, and connection to Source.

Second, let me encourage you this year to pray with and from your heart.  When you pray with a feeling of love and gratitude for payers already answered, the energy of your heart actually extends out and has a physical affect not only on your own physical being but on those around you and the world around you – an affect that extends not just a foot beyond your body, not just 8 feet beyond your body but several miles out into the world and possibly even out into the cosmos. (See yesterday’s blog post…) So, today let us all – Jew and non-Jew alike – pray from and with our hearts and let that electromagnetic field extend out from our hearts and offer all of humanity and all of the world the benefit of our prayers.

And by so doing, may we all be blessed with shana tova umesuka – a good and sweet year filled with perfect health, abundance, prosperity, peace, joy, friendship, and connection to Source.

Amen. So be it so it is.

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