Pushing My Way Into a New Year and a New Period in Spiritual History

You are the team leader and your spirit guides offer guidance.About two years ago I was told by a medium that I had many spirit guides around me. She described them as standing behind me so I couldn’t move backward. That explained the feeling I had at the time of being pushed forward continually. In fact, prior to my 50th birthday I felt an urgency to get my work in the world done, to fulfill my purpose.

During 2012 that sense of urgency tapered of a bit, but it’s back now at fever pitch. This year I’ll turn 53. My guides seem to have moved closer once again; they are hovering at my back. I can feel their warmth and hear them whispering in my ear daily. Yet, I’m at a loss as to how to get everything done. I’ve so much work to do, and I can’t find enough hours in the day to accomplish it.

Last year my goals and visions for the New Year involved balance. I failed miserably at achieving this goal. I’ve placed this goal on my list for 2013 again. A large part of what I “do” involves connection to Source, and I can’t connect when all I do is work–or when my work is not connected to spiritual pursuits. I have to find time and ways to connect with Source so my work can reflect this connection. This is the practical spirituality about which I write.

The energy that moved into our world on December 21 seems to have heightened my awareness of all that is necessary for me to fulfill my purpose, including this need for balance. Maybe you have felt this, too. Many of us feel tired and burned out right now, and this has to do with the shift that is occurring as well. We have to listen to our bodies and our souls… We must become aware of how to care for ourselves and move forward with renewed energy so we can do the work we need to do in the world–especially because now is the time to do it!

There are many spiritual remedies for the draining energies of our times. You can find them on the Internet or in books, or ask a local spiritual counselor. Last night I treated myself to a hot bath filled with sea salts and lavender. This not only soothed and relaxed me but washed away many of the impurities and psychic connections to things and people outside myself. I could have just taken time to meditate; I feel that we will need to do physical things at this time–exercise, purification, movement, etc.–in addition to inner connecting.

Today I’m going to go purchase–at long last–a new bicycle.  This will give me a way to begin an exercise routine that is easy to keep up with right from my home. I often pray, chant or do affirmations while on my bike. Thus, I make the cycling a spiritual practice–and often receive important messages during that time that guide me during the day. Again, this is a practical spiritual practice for me.

I’m also taking time on January 1 not only for visioning–creating my annual vision board–and setting goals, but also for planning out my daily schedule. I must find a way to accomplish my work–to fulfill my purpose. Of course, I have work that must get done–a new book contract with deadlines to meet, coaching clients appointments to keep, editorial client jobs to complete, coaching programs to produce, blog posts to write daily, etc. That’s part of my purpose. But I must do some serious planning to move forward in a balanced manner toward the goals that could easily wait but that I feel (and my guides tell me) now is the time to get them done; there is no other deadline. These are the other books I want to write, the other products I’ve yet to produce, the places I want to speak, the courses I want to create…the ways in which I’d like to have an impact on the new era into which we are moving–and that we are co-creating.

I feel my guides pushing as I write this post. I hear their voices in my head reminding me of projects I need to start or to finish. I close my eyes. I listen. I allow them to push me into the New Year and into this new period in spiritual history.

If you don’t know or feel that you have spiritual guides, get some physical ones–real live humans. A coach or a friend can be there to push you forward. But take advantage of this unique time, this unique year. Ease in if you can…push forward if you must. But create the things that will help you fulfill your purpose in 2013.

Happy New Year and New Spiritual Era!

Photo courtesy of jscreationzs | freedigitalphotos.net

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