Reveal Your Passion and Your True Self

I gave a talk this past week to 55 people. Most people gave me good reviews; a friend said he didn’t think I shared my true self or my passion.He wanted me to do a better job of revealing myself to the audience. He felt disappointed that they didn’t get to know “me.”

Two days ago I coached a client. He told me later that my passion and knowledge came through clearly. He could feel it over the phone. He could sense my true essence.

Today I taught a workshop, and I was told that my passion and expertise came through loud and clear. Another friend told me he could see “me” clearly and my true love for my subject matter, for sharing my knowledge, and for helping others.

What made the difference between revealing my passion and my true self? Am I just not as experienced at speaking before an audience? Do I feel more comfortable one on one or with a small group? Do I hide myself in some situations and not in others?

How about you? Do you reveal your passion to others? Do you share your true self? Do you let others really know who you are?

In the moments when we reveal our passion and our true selves we give others a window into our souls. We let them see who we really are and what we really care about. It’s a shame when we don’t do that.

I understand why my friend was upset that I hadn’t revealed myself to all those people; he said  he wanted them to “know me” like he did. I wanted them to know me in that way as well…I need to learn to allow my passion and my true self to shine through no matter what the situation. How about you?

4 thoughts on “Reveal Your Passion and Your True Self”

  1. Hi Nina, I really enjoyed this post about passion and True Self. You seem to agree that you were/felt different in the different presentations. But if you’re speaking to people who don’t know you, they will not see you in the same depth as someone who does know you well–it’s about intimacy and layers of self that get revealed over time.
    I guess we all need to ask ourselves the question that you did–am I connected to what I’m saying? Am I being vulnerable? Today I spoke to a group of youth my agent gathers for a workshop quarterly, and found myself saying things I don’t usually talk about–because being with younger people stimulated stories and reactions in me that I don’t always share. I think their vulnerability brought out my own.
    I love your blogs, and this one especially. It makes me want to create other blogs for different sides of my True Self! Thanks for inspiring us.
    –Linda Joy

    1. Thanks for your comment, Linda. I do believe I was my true self in all cases…I just think sometimes my passion doesn’t come through as much I’d like. However, I think you are right; someone who knows us sees us differently and has different expectations. Thanks for reading my blog and thanks again for commenting.

  2. Hi,
    Am Andrew Im a student at the university of johannesburg, Ive been having changes emotionally i feel like am approaching my trueself sometimes but i end up in failer. First of all am not happy! Am not happy with how I live, How most people treat me and afraid of such kind of unhappiness is bring me to the dead end of my existance.
    I feel like am tryin but how can you try to work through life with unhappiness. I sometimes wish I cud be the only living being in this universe with resources avaliable for my exploration of my true talent. Ive worked on to jobs already ever since i graduated from high school an both management from this jobs say i have something special but I jst cant figure what exactly do they see that I dont.
    When I take a page and try to explain myself all I can think of is Error(I.e nothin to say much about myself except basic external things like my achievement)
    Am confused about myself!
    Help pls

    1. Andrew,
      Don’t give up! If someone has told you more than once you have something special, you do! Plus, everyone does. Go back to these bosses and ask them what they saw in you.

      Find the book Strenghts Finder 2.0 and do the test at the end. Then focus on your strengths, not on your weaknesses.

      Set some goals for yourself and work toward them every day. Create a vision map. I wrote about this. Look at it every day. Work toward it.

      Think about what you feel passionate about. What you are good at…do these things. Look for jobs that allow you to express who you are.

      And know that most young people struggle to find themselves in their early years in college and right after college. This is not unusual. You are not strange or different. And you will find yourself.

      Hope that helps.


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