Age impairs your vision in ways you may not notice. Not only may you find your eyes no longer offer 20–20 vision, but they don’t register some of the most important things that pass before you. That’s why you need to train yourself to see the world with baby eyes.
You need the eyes of a newborn.
As a baby’s eyes begin to focus, he sees everything for the first time. Sometimes, even if he has seen something before, it still looks new.
Babies see the world with radical amazement. As their blurred vision develops the ability to focus, they see with clarity. And what they see cause them to smile and laugh.
Train Yourself to Have Baby Eyes
While you can’t go back in time and change your vision, you can train yourself to see the world differently. You can see the world with baby eyes.
Try, for instance, allowing your vision to blur. Stare off into space, and unfocused your eyes. As they come into focus, notice what is before you.
Really notice it. Look at the fine detail. Allow yourself to see it as if you had never seen it before. Be amazed.
Or close your eyes. When you open them, choose one thing within the range of your vision upon which to focus. Again, notice the detail. Maybe try to describe what you see to someone or journal about it.
Here’s another way to develop baby eyes: As you go through your day, become more conscious of what you see. Look at everything more closely, more carefully. Notice the colors, texture, shapes.
Then take pleasure in what you see. A baby sees something, and the sight provides pleasure. That’s why she smiles and laughs.
Finally, appreciate what you see! You will see the world anew and even experience radical amazement the more often you feel grateful for the beauty and wonder around you.
See the World Anew
When you see the world with baby eyes, you see it anew. You have more appreciation and gratitude for everything around you, such as flowers, trees, people, animals, architecture, art, and even your computer, pen, toothbrush, purse—just about anything you see.
This type of vision allows you to find more joy in your day and to live more fully. You experience the radical amazement of a newborn even though you are an adult.
Do you see the world with the eyes of a baby? Have you developed additional ways to train yourself to have baby eyes? Leave me a comment below.
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