Seeing Myself Through Someone Else's Eyes

The other day I met with a friend. He told me that 90 percent of the time when he met with me he had a great time; the other 10 percent of the time it broke his heart. He hated seeing his friend not doing the things she loved and not being the person she could be…basically not being herself.

I felt amazed…amazed that someone had actually seen the truth. I am not living my life as I’d like nor allowing myself to be the person I’d like to be. Nor am I expressing myself in the world in a manner that truly shows who I am. I’ve know that, and that fact breaks my heart, too. I just didn’t realize anyone else could see this. At least, up until now no one had noticed.

Why am not living my life as I’d like, pursuing my happiness, allowing myself to be the person I’d like to be, or expressing myself in the world in a manner that truly shows who I am – especially when I teach and write about doing just this? Ah…well…the story behind this sad state of affair is too long to go into here. Plus, the reasons why are less important than the revelations that come from seeing the truth in my friend’s statements. Suffice it to say that I have let circumstances in my life dictate my behavior. (As my friend pointed out, most of my “reasons” can easily be seen as excuses.)

When I looked at myself though my friend’s eyes, however, I could see exactly what he saw – and it didn’t make me happy either. I could see my excuses – maybe my fear – and my folding up into something much smaller than I wanted to be. He kept saying referring to me as a “powerful woman,” yet I felt anything but powerful. I thought back to times when I did feel powerful, though, and I knew that I had allowed myself to give my power away…and to hide it away (for a variety of reasons not worthy getting into either).

So, I vowed to myself to change my ways. I vowed to stop giving away my power or hiding it. I vowed to act from and with the knowledge I possess and to pursue the things I love. I vowed to be the woman I truly am, and to not allow anything to stop me from expressing my real self.

The secular New Year lies right around the corner. Now is as good a time as any to stop for a moment and see your self through other people’s eyes and ask yourself if you like what they see and what you see. See yourself through your own eyes…do you like what you see? (I didn’t.)  If you want to see something different, commit to making a change.

You don’t have to wait for the New Year either. Christmas represents a fabulous time to make a change. It’s a time of miracles. The birth of Jesus of Nazareth marks the time when a soul entered the physical plane with the ability to show the rest of humanity the great spiritual heights man can attain. Jesus provides a wonderful role model for human potential. So, vow to make the changes you want to see in yourself – and that you want others to see in you – on the day of his birth.  Vow to reach your full human potential.

Or don’t wait and vow to make the change right now. Be your best self – be your self in all your power and glory – in this moment.

2 thoughts on “Seeing Myself Through Someone Else's Eyes”

  1. I found this very interesting, many do not follow thier true path to happiness, i myself had a re-birth this morning and found that the more we truely believe what we are the more we start to live that bliss
    namaste Anne xxx

  2. I’m so happy that you read my blog on the day of your rebirth. I hope you continue believing in yourself and that you do, indeed, find your bliss.

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