Shine Your Own Light This Chanukah

As we get ready to light the first candle on the chanukiah, marking the first night of Chanukah, I want to remind everyone that afterwards we are supposed to place it in the window to shine its light outward into the world. This is a way of reminding the world of the possibility of miracles as well as bringing more light into the world.

I think at this time in history, we need this light more than ever. We stand on the brink of change, at a time in our evolutionary history when mankind – indeed, even the Earth itself – is undergoing huge transformation.  Every ounce of light, by which I mean higher consciousness, helps this process.

Look at the houses decorated for Christmas. They are beacons of light. And many of them have candles, albeit electric ones, shining in each window.

I’d like to suggest that each Jew go beyond simply placing our lit Chanukah candles, shining brightly in their chanukiah, in the window for all to see. I’d like to suggest that we see ourselves as a candle shining light brightly into the world not just from the comfort of our homes but each time we go out into the world. (Of course, non-Jews can do this as well, and I’d love it if you would!)

It is said that our soul is God’s candle. Thus, we light the way for God here on earth. Our soul also consists of a spark of Divinity. It is the part of us created in God’s image. And when we let it shine through, we light up the world not just with our own light but with God’s light as well. In truth, they are one and the same.

How do we let our light shine? By allowing ourselves to be our true selves without worry about what others think, without fear of judgement. We do this by allowing our actions and words to come from our heart, by acting on our passions, by loving others, by doing what we know is right, by fulfilling our soul’s purpose.

If that feels difficult, try this. Close your eyes and image that you’re are a candle. Your body is the actual candle stick and your soul is the flame. As you identify with this candle, experience yourself as a great light. Visualize the light of your soul radiating and shining brightly in this world. How will it help light other candles? How will it ignite the souls of others? See yourself like the shamas,  the helper candle that lights all the other candles on the chanukiah, lighting other candles – other souls – without ever diminishing your own light, your own energy source. In fact, see your flame burning more brightly with each candle you light.

Now, go out and be a shamas. Shine your own light this Chanukah.

Here’s a nice song for Chanukah to get you in the mood to shine your light…


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