Sometimes Things Have to Fall Apart…

More than one source has said that the world has entered a crucial time, a period when things seem to be falling apart or coming to an end. However, sometimes things have to fall apart before they can be put back together in a new form, a better organization.

Has your life ever felt as if it is falling apart? Does it feel that way now? Sometimes mine feels that way…especially with the energy swirling around the world, the energy of transformation. It’s helpful to remember that sometimes things fall apart for a reason, and then God’s hand comes in to help us put the pieces back together in a manner that supports us in a new and better way. You’ll feel better if you think about the fact that you can take the pieces and co-create a new foundation upon which to stand or a new situation in which to exist.

We live in a time of change. What looks like falling apart actually is the opposite–putting together. We are all helping build the coming times, the next moment, the next day. And we do this with our energy, with our consciousness. So, we must stop focusing upon what is “falling apart” and instead focus on what we are creating out of the pieces of our lives.

2 thoughts on “Sometimes Things Have to Fall Apart…”

    1. Marita,
      You must find a way to believe in better things even when you life appears to be falling apart. Sometimes it falls apart so we can put it back together again–or so God can help us do so.

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