Free Video:

How to Live a Life
that Feeds Your Soul

Are you feeding and caring for your soul?

Most of us spend more time thinking about how we care for our bodies than our souls. Yet, we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Care for both aspects of who we are—spiritual and physical—are necessary to thrive.

Over time, a lack of soul care impacts almost every aspect of your life.

When your soul is starving, you experience the effects. These include a deep feeling of unhappiness, discontent, and restlessness. As time goes on, your body and mind become impacted, too. It becomes hard to focus, you feel anxious, and you develop illnesses and ailments.

So how do you care for and feed your soul? How do you keep it healthy, vibrant, and happy so it . . . and you . . . thrive?

Every day, give your soul what it most enjoys and desires.

Live a life that feeds your soul.

If you want to experience what this type of life is like . . . and who you need to be to live a life that makes you happy, fulfilled, inspired, motivated, peaceful, and purposeful and helps you realize your dreams, watch my free video and learn nine ways to feed your soul.

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I’m Nina Amir . . . founder of the Inspired Creator Community, author, intuitive transformational coach, and Certified High Performance Coach.

Let’s travel backward in time to four years ago. I wasn’t living a life that fed my soul . . . at all.

Instead, I was living up to other people’s expectations, remaining committed to habits and beliefs that didn’t serve me, blaming others, finding excuses for why I was so stuck personally and professionally, and ignoring the messages from my soul and spiritual guidance system.

As a result, I had a failing marriage, health issues, and a stalled career as an author. I was miserable.

That's when I decided I couldn’t continue living that way . . . not if I wanted to be happy, prosperous, healthy, reach my potential, fulfill my purpose, improve my relationships, and create my dreams.

So, I made some big changes . . . ones that allowed me to begin living a life that feeds my soul. I continue to listen to my soul and feed it a diet that helps it thrive. Little by little, I’m reaping the results of those changes.

I’d love to share with you what I did and learned, so you can live a life that feeds your soul, too.

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Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul