How to Succeed at a 30-Day Writing Event and Beyond

Hello, Writer!

I'm thrilled that you would like to join me at my special event for those who want to succeed at the challenge to write a book in 30 days. The things you'll learn during this event will help you not only in November but forever.

I no longer offer the Write Nonfiction in November (WNFIN) Challenge, although many nonfiction writers still choose to write a book during November. Thousands of fiction and nonfiction writers participate in National Novel Writing Month, though, and what I plan to teach you pertains to just about anyone who wants to achieve their writing goals next month or any time.

Here are the details:

How to Succeed at a 30-Day Writing Event and Beyond
October 19, 2023
11 AM PT/12 PM MT/2 PM ET
Check your time zone here.
This event 90-minute event includes a training and coaching/Q&A.

To join me live on Zoom, register below.

The session will be streamed into the Write Nonfiction Now Facebook group. You can leave a question as a comment there, but I may not be able to see it while I'm speaking. That's why it's best to register below and join the Zoom room.

And yes, there will be a replay provided, but only to those who register. When you register, you will receive the Zoom link and two reminders before the event.

During this event, you will learn:

  • How to take the necessary actions to complete a book in 30 days.
  • How to develop the habits and mindset to carry you through a writing marathon.
  • How to rinse and repeat so you can do this anytime you like (and in any time period).
  • The secret to succeeding as a writer in November and beyond.


Wondering about your next steps?

1. Watch for an email with Zoom login information.

2. Put the date on your calendar.

3. Look for reminder emails.

4. Show up live!

I look forward to having the opportunity to teach and coach you.

Until then, go Achieve More Inspired Results!

Free Video: How to Live a Life that Feeds Your Soul

Free Soul-Alignment Session

Do you:

  • know you can be or do more?
  • dream of living a more fulfilling life?
  • wish you could feel more spiritually connected?
  • want to make a bigger difference?

Let's chat about how to get you from where you are to where you want to go.


Sign up for a 15-minute session below.