There's Always Something for which to be Thankful

Today I’m feeling grumpy and depressed. I’m angry, too. These are not emotions I usually like to dwell in, and I don’t recommend that others do so either. They don’t lend themselves to helping us consciously create what we want in our lives. In fact deliberate creation becomes difficult when we get stuck in negative emotions. We also find our personal growth and human potential slowed to a halt when we focus our attention on these feelings.

Yet, like most humans, even I fall prey to them on more occasions that I would like to admit. Certain situations in my life also tend to send me spiraling down into the depths of negativity, and I find myself feeling not only angry and depressed but as if little exists in my life for which to feel thankful. With the holiday of Thanksgiving right around the corner, I’ve been thinking about the need to feel grateful…not just once a year but all the time.

In fact, the ability to find something about which to feel grateful can pull us out of our depression and anger. Gratitude serves as a grate energy booster, and from a place of thankfulness we are able to manifest change in our lives and conscious create the things we desire. Yes, indeed, gratitude has enormous energy, and, as I was taught, it serves as the most potent and powerful prayer we can offer at any time. Rather than praying for what we want or need, we must offer prayers of gratitude for what we have and what we know we will receive in the future.

So, today, despite my lousy mood, as soon as I finish writing this blog post–which served to remind me of the importance of getting out of this mood and focusing on gratitude, I am going to engage in what Abraham, as channeled by Esther Hicks, calls a “rampage of gratitude.” I’m going to write down everything I can think of in my life for which I feel thankful. In particular, I’m going to do this for those situations and people about which I feel most negative. This surely will change my mood and my energy.

Then I’ll send a prayer to God…a gratitude prayer for all the abundance and prosperity in my life, for all the good things I often fail to see (like today) and for all the wonderful things coming my way.

Despite what we may think at any given moment, there’s always something for which to be thankful. Even when things appear the worst, we can find something…a crust of bread, a box to sleep in, a $100 still in the bank, a friend with whom to talk, a job to go to for even another month, healthy children, a husband who tries to be a good father, the sun rising in the morning, a car that starts and runs, rain when the earth needs it, a flower that blooms in the winter, a turkey to eat on Thanksgiving…There’s always something for which to be thankful if you open your eyes and become conscious of what you have. And when you do this, you’ll feel your energy and you mood shift, and your circumstances will often shift with them.

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