Today marked the last day of Passover. I think of the week of Pesach like a seven day birth period during which I have the chance to be reborn free of at least one the things I feel constrain me.
We are told that the Israelites left Mitzrayyim, the Hebrew word for Egypt, which all commentators agree represents hardship, distress, oppression, or a narrow place or straits. And on Pesach our traditional asks us to each regard ourselves as if we came forth out of Mitzrayyim—out of a narrow place like a birth canal.
We must consider the tight places in our lives, those that make us feel oppressed or constricted. Once we have identified them, we must fight our way through the canal and come out into the bright light at the end into freedom.
During this past week have you considered where you are stuck or in what narrow places you find yourself? Have you come up with an inspired action plan that will help you bring on labor—contractions—to help you move down the birth canal and be born into freedom?
Sometimes this can be painful. It can take great effort. You will arrive dirty and tired, but you will discover a new life waiting for you.
If you have gone through the process yet, hurry…the sun is setting!