What Would You Do Differently If You Could?

My recent trip back to home, as well as to Syracuse University, where I earned my degree in magazine journalism, Westchester County, where I took my first two jobs right after college, and New York City, where I worked prior to leaving New York State for good, left me thinking about the path I have taken to get where I am now.

I believe Buddah said, “No matter where you go, there you are.” Surely, in each of those places, there I was…a bit different than I am today for sure.

I have traveled all the way across the country to where I am now, and there I am…here I am, but is that where I want to be? Is the path I have taken one that I would repeat if I could do it over again? Would I repeat my steps?

Every experience in life gets you to where you are, makes you the person you become. I’d have to say, however, that there are a few experiences and places I’ve been that I’d have avoided if I could have; there are things I’ve done, choices I’ve made, that I regret. I’m not sure I like how they’ve molded me. I’m not sure I like the person I have become because of those experiences and encounters. I’d have to say I’d do some things differently, make a few different choices, if I was allowed a “do over.”

That said, I can’t go back in time. None of us can. We can only move forward. Where ever you are, that’s where you must start–with the you that you are in that moment. From that place and moment in time you must begin “doing it differently.” From the present moving looking towards the future you can create change in your life. You can do this with full knowledge of what you would do differently if you could live your life over again – but knowing that you can’t.

Today, ask yourself the question: What would I do differently if I could? Look at the past. Look at who you have become. Imagine how you would like to be living. Envision who you would like to be. Then begin making choices that help you get there in the future.

Don’t forget to look back at the choices you made, experiences you had, people you encountered, and places you have been that also helped in a positive way to make you who you are today. Be grateful for those…and repeat the types of actions that brought you to those moments in time.

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